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犬双侧脓性肉芽肿性外耳炎伴推测的软骨破坏:一例严重耳廓软骨炎 ...










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发表于 2024-5-6 22:56:07 来自手机 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Bilateral pyogranulomatous otitis externa with putative cartilage destruction in a dog: A severe case of auricular chondritis?



作者:Michela De Lucia | Carolina Mendes | Giovanna Bertolini






Auricular chondritis of unknown cause was suspected in a 10-year-old male Bolognese dog with a five-month history of painful bilateral nodular and ulcerative pyogranulomatous dermatitis of the pinnae with putative auricular cartilage destruction. Pain and lesions resolved with immunosuppressive doses of prednisolone, yet the condition resulted in deformity of both pinnae and external canals.





auricular chondritis, dog







The term ‘auricular chondritis’ refers to an immunemediated inflammatory process of the auricular cartilage described in humans and other animal species, including cats and, more rarely, dogs. According to the limited literature available, the disease manifests in dogs as a painful nodular swelling of one or both pinnae and is characterised histologically by necrosis of the auricular cartilage surrounded by lymphoplasmacytic and pyogranulomatous inflammation. Cartilage destruction causing ear deformity is a well-known complication of auricular chondritis in humans, yet it has never been described in dogs. This report describes a case of bilateral pyogranulomatous otitis externa (OE) with putative cartilage destruction in a dog, suspected to be a severe advanced form of auricular chondritis.





A 10-year-old neutered male Bolognese dog was referred to the Dermatology Service for chronic, painful/nonpruritic bilateral otitis. Five months earlier, the dog had experienced sudden pain in the ear and neck regions without any visible lesions, followed a few days later by fever, poor appetite, and bilateral swelling and ulceration of the pinnae. Chronic OE was diagnosed, and several systemic and topical treatments were administered without any improvement. Treatments included amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, oclacitinib, anti-inflammatory doses of prednisolone and multiple ear medications. A more detailed medical history could not be reconstructed.



At the time of presentation, severe pain prevented any examination of the ears in the awake patient. The rest of the dermatological and general physical examination was unremarkable. Complete blood count and serum biochemical analysis revealed thrombocytosis (603×103 platelets/μL) and an increased alkaline phosphatase level (487IU/L), possibly related to the previous glucocorticoid treatments. General anaesthesia was performed to allow a thorough examination of both ears. Lesions consisted of diffuse, severe, erythematous and multinodular swelling associated with multifocal ulcers on the concave aspect of the pinnae extending to the entrance of the ear canals. Severe stenosis of both external ear canals prevented otoscopic examination (Figure 1). Cytological examination of ear canal exudate revealed red blood cells, neutrophils, and occasional Malassezia yeasts and bacterial cocci. Based on the history and the unique appearance of the lesions, auricular chondritis was suspected and computed tomography (CT) and pinnal biopsies were performed under general anaesthesia.



The CT images showed diffuse soft tissue thickening in the cartilaginous portion of the auricular pinna with nodular aspects and areas of increased tissue density. Both external auditory canals appeared stenotic and contained some fluid. Middle retropharyngeal and superficial cervical lymph nodes were moderately enlarged bilaterally. The middle and inner ear structures were interpreted to be normal bilaterally, as were all other structures of the splancno- and neurocranium (Figure 2).



Three 8-mm punch biopsies were taken from the concave surface of the scapha, two from the right and one from the left ear. Considerable softness of the tissue was noted during the biopsy punch insertion, suggesting that the cartilage tissue was abnormal or absent. On the left pinna, where lesions appeared to be more severe, an additional biopsy was performed using the double-trephine punch biopsy technique to assure that the cartilage was sampled.Once the 8-mm punch sample was removed, a 4-mm punch was used within the centre of the 8-mm defect to obtain the deeper tissue. Histopathological findings consisted of nodular-to-diffuse, superficial-to-deep, pyogranulomatous dermatitis with multifocal dermal necrosis and extensive epidermic ulceration (Figure 3a,b). Despite multiple cuts, cartilage was not identified in any of the biopsy samples and appeared to be replaced by fibrosis and multinucleated myocytes (Figure 3c). Special stains including periodic acid Schiff, Brown–Brenn and Fite–Faraco, and immunohistochemical investigation to detect Leishmania amastigotes were all negative.



A sterile pyogranulomatous process was hypothesised, and oral ciclosporin (Cyclavance; Virbac) at a dose of 5mg/kg per os (p.o.) twice daily, was started. Meloxicam (Metacam; Boehringer Ingelheim) also was prescribed for the first fivedays of treatment at a dose of 0.1mg/kg p.o. once daily for pain management. Topical treatments were not feasible because manipulation of the ears was too painful. Four weeks later, only slight improvement was observed, so ciclosporin was withdrawn and prednisolone (Prednicortone; Dechra) was started at a dose of 2mg/kg p.o. once daily. Three weeks later, a dramatic reduction in lesions and pain was observed, and prednisolone was tapered by 25% to minimise adverse effects. Pain and pinnal swelling and ulcers completely resolved within twomonths after starting the prednisolone therapy. At that point, the pinnae appeared shrunken and floppy, and otoscopic examination was still not possible as the opening of both ear canals was reduced to a pinpoint. Moreover, it was not possible to palpate any cartilaginous tissue of the pinna or the ear canal (Figure 4). During the subsequent fivemonths, prednisolone was slowly tapered until it was discontinued. No relapses had been observed threemonths after prednisolone withdrawal.

假设为无菌性化脓性肉芽肿过程,并口服环孢素的剂量为5mg/kg/os (p.o),每日2次。治疗的前5天也使用了美洛昔康,每日1次,每次0.1mg/kg的剂量用于疼痛管理。外部治疗不可操作,因为耳部操作太痛。4周后,仅观察到轻微改善,因此停用环孢素,并开始使用泼尼松龙的起始剂量为每日1次,每次2mg/kg。3周后,观察到病变和疼痛显著减轻,将泼尼松龙减量25%以尽量减少不良反应。疼痛、耳廓肿胀和溃疡在开始泼尼松龙治疗后2个月内完全缓解。这时,耳廓皱缩松软,耳镜检查仍然不可操作,因为双耳道的开口缩小到一个针尖。此外,无法触诊耳廓或耳道的任何软骨组织(图4)。在随后的5个月期间,泼尼松龙逐渐减量,直至停用。停用泼尼松龙3个月后未见复发。




To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of bilateral auricular cartilage destruction and external ear deformity associated with a severe pyogranulomatous otitis in a dog. An advanced and severe case of auricular chondritis was suspected. Unfortunately, despite multiple and deep biopsies of the pinnae, chondritis could not be demonstrated, as a result of the lack of cartilaginous tissue in the samples.



In humans, auricular chondritis is part of an immunemediated disorder termed relapsing polychondritis. This disease is characterised by inflammation, resulting in the destruction of multiple cartilaginous tissues and proteoglycan-rich organs. It often affects the ear and nose, and less frequently the eyes, larynx, vestibular and cardiovascular system. A similar condition with possible involvement of joints, eyes and heart was described in cats. In dogs, auricular chondritis remains a poorly defined condition. Our case did not show evident involvement of organs other than the ears, and the follow-up was too short (threemonths) to evaluate the possible relapsing nature of the disease.



When compared with the only published case of canine auricular chondritis, this case shows not only several similarities but also some differences.Similarities include the age of the affected dog (middle-to-old-aged dog) and the rapid onset of erythema and nodular swelling of the concave aspect of the pinnae, preceded by intense pain. Differences include the fact that clinical signs were bilateral and much more severe in our case, and had persisted for longer (five months) than in the previously published case. In particular, the pinnae of the present case had lost their normal morphology and showed a nodular or ‘cauliflower’ appearance similar to the one described in people with auricular chondritis.



Images from CT scan in the present case also showed more obvious and extensive lesions, involving both the auricular and the annular cartilages, than the previously reported case, in which only a focal thickening of the pinna was observed. Clinical differential diagnoses for the nodular dermatitis of the pinnae in the present case included sterile pyogranulomatous dermatitis and panniculitis, idiopathic granulomatous sebaceous adenitis and sterile granulomatous dermatitis and lymphadenitis. However, these were considered to be unlikely owing to the lack of involvement of other areas of the body, and because they do not affect cartilage. Chronic proliferative otitis, end-stage OE and neoplasia also were considered improbable based on the sudden onset of clinical signs.



Confirmation of auricular chondritis requires the demonstration of auricular cartilage necrosis or degeneration surrounded by an inflammatory infiltrate. In the present case, a definitive diagnosis could not be established as a consequence of the lack of cartilage tissue in the histopathological sections. However, the pyogranulomatous inflammation and multifocal fibrosis were similar to those reported in canine, feline and human auricular chondritis. A surgical biopsy sample may have been more likely to identify chondritis. Finally, the resolution of pain and lesions with an immunosuppressive dose of prednisolone is in agreement with the previously reported case of canine auricular chondritis, yet the pinnal deformity and ear canal stenosis were unexpected sequelae. Deformity of the ear and closure of the external auditory meatus have been described in severe cases of human auricular chondritis. Different hypotheses can be formulated to explain the lack of response to ciclosporin, including the possibility that a longer treatment period might be required to see a more significant response.



In conclusion, this case supports previous observations that steroid-responsive painful nodular swelling of the pinna should raise suspicion for an inflammatory disease involving the auricular cartilage and shows for the first time the possible serious and irreversible consequences of such involvement. Further studies on a larger number of dogs with similar auricular abnormalities are needed.








FIGURE 1 Putative severe auricular chondritis in a dog. (a) Severe, diffuse multinodular swelling with ulcers of the pinna, extending into the ear canal and sparing the noncartilaginous margins. (b) The anatomical landmarks (tragus, antitragus and antihelix) of the pinna are no longer recognisable and the ear canal entrance is severely stenotic. The entrance of the ear canal is marked by the cotton swab.




FIGURE 2 Computed tomography (CT) images of the skull and the ears of the case Bolognese dog. (a) Transverse view from CT scan of the skull: pre-contrast with bone algorithm, showing lack of air in both ear canal and normal middle and inner ear structures. (b) Transverse view from CT scan of the skull (same slice as presented in a): postcontrast series with soft tissue algorithm. Note the thickening of both pinnae and the soft tissue of the external auricular canal containing a small amount of fluid. (c) Close view from the previous series, showing the irregular profile of the left pinna with areas of increased tissue density. The ROI 1 (region of interest) indicates a measure of the mean attenuation value of the tissue of 139 HU (Hounsfield Unit), which is higher than that of the rest of the pinna (ROI 2, mean value 41.46 HU). This feature is consistent with soft tissue inflammation. (d) Volume rendered CT views showing the irregular, nodular appearance of the auricular pinnae. Orange arrows indicate the cartilages of the pinnae and the auricular canal.

图2病例博洛尼亚犬的颅骨和耳部的计算机断层扫描(CT)图像(a)颅骨CT扫描横切面:骨密度对比,显示双耳道空气缺乏,中耳和内耳结构正常。(b)颅骨CT扫描横切面(同a层):软组织算法增强序列。请注意耳廓和外耳道软组织的增厚,其中含有少量液体。(c)上一个系列的放大图像,显示左侧耳廓的不规则轮廓,有组织密度增加的区域。ROI 1(感兴趣区域)表示组织的平均衰减值为139 HU(亨斯菲尔德单位),高于其余耳廓的平均值(ROI 2,平均值为41.46 HU)。这一特征与软组织炎症相符。(d)显示耳廓软骨不规则结节状外观的容积渲染CT视图。橙色箭头表示耳廓软骨和耳道。



FIGURE 3 Histopathological findings of punch biopsies from the ear pinnae of a Bolognese dog with putative severe auricular chondritis. (a) Multinodular-to-diffuse pyogranulomatous infiltrate of the superficial and deep dermis. (b) Pyogranulomas (black arrow) and necrotic foci (black asterisks). (c) Double-trephine punch biopsy sample. The specimen includes the subcutis of the convex surface of the pinna (white star), the area where the cartilage should be (white arrow) and the skin of the convex surface of the pinna (black star).




FIGURE 4 Resolution of pain and lesions after therapy with prednisolone. (a) The dog's head appears perfectly round owing to the drastic reduction in size of the pinnae. (b) After the resolution of lesions, the anatomical landmarks of the pinna and the entrance of the ear canal were no longer recognisable.



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