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Canine noninflammatory alopecia: An approach to its classification and a diagnostic aid


Monika M. Welle






Noninflammatory alopecia is common in dogs and is a frequent cause to consult a veterinarian. It is also a common reason to take biopsies. Noninflammatory alopecia can be attributed to a decreased formation or cytodifferentiation of the hair follicle or the hair shaft in utero, resulting in congenital alopecia. Congenital alopecia often has a hereditary cause, and examples of such disorders are ectodermal dysplasias associated with gene variants of the ectodysplasin A gene. Noninflammatory alopecia may also be caused by impaired postnatal regeneration of hair follicles or shafts. Such disorders may have a clear breed predilection, and alopecia starts early in life. A hereditary background is suspected in those cases but has not been proven. They are referred to as follicular dysplasia although some of these disorders present histologically like a hair cycle disturbance. Late-onset alopecia is usually acquired and may be associated with endocrinopathies. Other possible causes are impaired vascular perfusion or stress. As the hair follicle has limited possible responses to altered regulation, and histopathology may change during the course of a disease, a detailed clinical history, thorough clinical examination including blood work, appropriate biopsy site selection, and detailed histological findings need to be combined to achieve a final diagnosis. This review aims to provide an overview about the known noninflammatory alopecic disorders in dogs. As the pathogenesis of most disorders is unknown, some statements are based on comparative aspects or reflect the authors’ opinion.





acquired alopecia, canine, congenital alopecia, hair cycle arrest, noninflammatory alopecia



Hypotrichosis or alopecia refers to abnormal thinning of hair or complete hair loss in body regions or on the entire body. Alopecia that is not caused by an internal disease with potentially serious consequences to general health is often regarded as a cosmetic problem. However, if the importance of the hair coat for thermal regulation, physical and immunological protection against external insults, dispersion of sebum and pheromones, sensory perception, social interactions, and camouflage are taken into account, alopecia is in any case affecting the physiological and psychological well-being of the affected individual.Dogs with alopecia are more susceptible to sunburn, temperature extremes, comedone formation, as well as bacterial and fungal infections of the skin.



An intact hair coat requires faultless hair follicle (HF) morphogenesis during embryonic life and lifelong recurrent reconstitution of the HF. Both HF morphogenesis and the hair cycle (HC) are tightly regulated and depend on a fully functional stem cell compartment. As outlined in the review on HF structure, morphogenesis, and regeneration in the same issue of this journal, the hair coat, after initial follicular morphogenesis, is preserved by repetitive cycles of periodic stages of HF growth (anagen), regression (catagen), and quiescence (telogen). Hair shedding occurs during the exogen phase and follicles that lack a hair shaft (HS) are in the kenogen stage. The duration of the different HC phases varies between species, breeds, and body locations, and is influenced by age, sex, hormones, and day light. Thus, hair may be shorter or longer on specific body parts, it may have different textures on some body parts, or it may be, depending on the time of the year, thicker or thinner. Most dog breeds have an asynchronous HC with a mixture of anagen (average 40%), telogen (average 17%), and kenogen (average 14%) HFs, but some breeds (eg, poodles) have an anagen-dominated HC with more than 90% of the HFs being in anagen. Due to the breed depend variation in hair fiber thickness and length, HF density, and seasonal changes, the clinical and histological assessment of mild hypotrichosis may be difficult and breed-specific aspects have to be taken into account when the hair coat is evaluated clinically or histologically.



Alopecia is a common cause for consulting a veterinarian, and a systemic work-up is mandatory to identify the correct underlying cause. Alopecia can be primary or secondary, and in primary cases, it is either noninflammatory or inflammatory.Noninflammatory alopecia is attributed to a decreased formation or cytodifferentiation of HFs or the HSs in utero or an impaired postnatal regeneration of HFs. The decreased formation of HFs or HSs during embryonic life results in congenital onset alopecia and is most often hereditary. In contrast, lateonset alopecia is usually acquired. Certain dog breeds are born with an intact hair coat but may develop noninflammatory alopecia early in life. In these cases, a hereditary cause is likely. However, a monogenetic trait has not been identified in any of these disorders. Inflammatory primary alopecia is caused by increased destruction of HFs and/or HSs. The cause can be either infectious or immune-mediated. In most cases, inflammation targets primarily the HF; however, the HF can also be affected by inflammatory cells that target other components of the skin (eg, sebaceous glands). Examples of inflammatory alopecia are folliculitis caused by infectious agents (bacteria, dermatophytes, or demodex mites), perifollicular inflammation caused by leishmania, or immune-mediated follicular or perifollicular inflammation (eg, alopecia areata, idiopathic mural folliculitis, perifolliculitis, and sebaceous adenitis). Alopecia as a secondary lesion develops most often subsequent to dermal inflammation and pruritus due to hypersensitivity reactions or ectoparasites.



This review aims to provide an overview about primary noninflammatory alopecia in dogs.



General Considerations and Definitions


The term “dysplasia” is defined as abnormal or disorganized growth or development of cells, tissues, or organs resulting in alterations in size, shape, or organization of body structures. The term “follicular dysplasia” is used for genetically predisposed HF defects, which may be present at birth or develop at young age. With regard to alopecia, it is important to distinguish between (ectodermal) follicular dysplasia and ectodermal dysplasia. While in follicular dysplasia only HFs are affected, in ectodermal dysplasia 2 or more tissues of ectodermal origin are impaired. In human medical literature, ectodermal follicular dysplasia is referred to as nonsyndromic ectodermal dysplasia, whereas ectodermal dysplasia in general is reported as syndromic.



Follicular dysplasia can manifest at birth as congenital alopecia. Follicular dysplasias that manifest at birth have been reported in cattle and are known in hairless cat breeds. In dogs, to my knowledge, no congenital follicular dysplasia has been reported, and all congenital alopecic disorders reported in the literature are associated with dental abnormalities and thus are categorized as ectodermal dysplasia. Sole follicular dysplasia in dogs is seen with postnatal onset, and clinical signs appear within the first few years of life. Canine follicular dysplasia that develops after birth is associated with abnormal reconstitution of the inferior portion of the HF or the HS and may present histologically as a cycling defect. In the later cases, the histology is often comparable to acquired HC disturbances, and only the knowledge about the breed affected, the age of onset, and the exclusion of endocrinopathies allows for a definite diagnosis. The fact that hormonal imbalances have been identified in HF dysplasias that develop postnatally suggests a genetic predisposition and explains their histological similarity to acquired HC disorders caused by endocrinopathies. Beside hormones, dysregulation of signaling of molecules derived from ectodermal or mesodermal tissue or a defective stem cell compartment may also affect the cycling capacity of the HF. If the dysplasia results in structural defects of the HS, histological evaluation may fail to see these defects and analysis of the HSs by trichograms or electron microscopy may be required. Follicular dysplasia may also be associated with an impaired function of tissue derived from the neuroectoderm such as in color dilution alopecia.



The term “ectodermal dysplasia” in general refers to clinically and genetically heterogeneous inherited conditions in which the development of 2 or more tissues of ectodermal origin is impaired. Thus, affected animals may present with congenital hereditary alopecia/hypotrichosis and defects in other body locations, including brachygnathism, dental, thymic, or genital abnormalities.



Ectodermal dysplasia, which is associated with congenital alopecia, is mostly caused by variants of the ectodysplasin A (EDA) gene. EDA is a member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family and is involved in ectodermal/mesodermal interaction. This interaction is essential for the formation of several structures that arise from the ectoderm, including the skin, sweat glands, nails, and teeth. During HF morphogenesis, EDA signaling is important for early placode formation. Binding of EDA-A1 to its receptor (EDAR) results in the recruitment of the intracellular EDAR-associated death domain (EDARADD) adapter protein and the activation of the NF-κB signaling pathway, while EDA-A2 binds to the EDA2R, also known as X-linked ectodermal dysplasia receptor (XEDAR). EDARADD can contribute to hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (HED) in mice, human beings, and bovine. The clinical phenotype depends on the gene variant. Some variants lead to a complete loss of the protein function and a severe clinical picture, whereas other variants are associated with residual EDA activity and milder phenotypes.

与先天性脱毛相关的外胚层发育不良多由外胚层发育不良蛋白A (EDA)基因变异引起。EDA是肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)家族成员之一,参与外胚层/中胚层的相互作用。这种相互作用对于由外胚层产生的几种结构的形成是必不可少的,包括皮肤、汗腺、指甲和牙齿。在HF的形态发生过程中,EDA信号对早期平台的形成很重要。EDA-A1与其受体(EDAR)结合导致细胞内EDAR相关死亡结构域(EDARADD)接头蛋白的募集和NF-κB信号通路的激活,而EDA-A2与EDA2R结合,也被称为x连锁外胚层发育不良受体(XEDAR)。EDARADD可导致小鼠、人类和牛的少汗性外胚层发育不良(HED)。临床表型取决于基因变异。一些变异导致蛋白质功能完全丧失和严重的临床表现,而其他变异与残留的EDA活性和较轻的表型相关。


Hair Cycle Disturbance/Arrest


As outlined in detail in the review on HF structure, morphogenesis, and regeneration in this journal issue, the maintenance of the HC and thus the reconstitution of the inferior portion of the HF and the HS are highly conserved processes and are tightly regulated. It involves follicular stem cells as well as numerous molecules derived from epithelial, mesenchymal, and neuroectodermal cells as well as the extracellular matrix of the follicular and dermal environment and is influenced by systemic factors such as hormones, age, genetics, and environmental factors, such as the time of the year.



If 1 or several extrinsic or intrinsic factors of this complex regulatory network are deregulated, the delicately balanced crosstalk of the various signals that influence the HC is disturbed and results in deregulation of the HC. It is important, although not known in the dog, to consider that the different primary and secondary HF types may be regulated differently, and thus, a HC disturbance may primarily affect primary or secondary HFs. The distinct regulation of primary and secondary HF morphogenesis and cycling has been shown in mice and Cashmere goat. Depending on the factors that are deregulated and in which stage the different HFs are in at the onset of the deregulation, different HC stages or HF types may be affected. As a consequence, either anagen induction, anagen promotion or cytodifferentiation, catagen induction, catagen promotion, telogen induction or telogen promotion or several of these stages are impaired and the HC disturbance may affect all or only some HF types. As each HC phase has an impact on the consecutive phase, an ongoing HC disturbance will result histologically in a similar clinical phenotype. For example, failure of anagen induction results in a higher number of telogen follicles, which will eventually lose their HSs (kenogen follicles). If lack of anagen induction remains kenogen follicles will become atrophic over time. In a study histologically investigating some of the HC arrest disorders (endocrinopathies, alopecia X, alopecia of unknown origin), we could show that in all of these diseases 3-fold to 4-fold increases of kenogen follicles were seen histologically, whereas the number of anagen follicles was decreased dramatically. The kenogen follicles underwent subsequent atrophy. The abovementioned increased amount of kenogen follicles in alopecia is also observed on the human scalp. It is important to understand that only an increased number of kenogen and atrophic follicles result in the clinical picture of alopecia (Fig. 1a, b). Telogen follicles still have a club hair, and thus, a higher number of telogen follicles do not result in alopecia. Of course during the disease course, it may happen that the number of telogen follicles is transiently increased. It also has to be noted that up to 20% of kenogen HFs may be normal in many dog breeds. They serve as reserve follicles to grow a thicker hair coat, if needed. In contrast, in anagen-dominated dog breeds, and on the human scalp, kenogen HFs are only a small percentage of the HFs present, and in anagen-dominated breeds, some anagen follicles may be present in biopsies from dogs with a HC disorders. Besides the decreased amount of anagen follicles and the increased number of kenogen and atrophic follicles additional histological findings in HC arrest disorders may be (1) increased infundibular keratin and dilation of the infundibula (Fig. 1b), (2) excessive trichilemmal cornification (Fig. 1a), (3) distorted (dysplastic) follicles (see Fig. 7a), (4) transiently increased numbers of telogen follicles (Fig. 1a), (5) transiently increased numbers of catagen follicles, (6) epidermal atrophy (Fig. 1b), (7) epidermal hyperplasia (if secondary infections are present), (8) epidermal hyperkeratosis (Fig. 1a), (9) dermal atrophy, and (10) epidermal hyperpigmentation (Fig. 1b).

如果这个复杂的调控网络中的1个或几个外在的或内在的因素被解除控制,影响HC的各种信号之间微妙的平衡串扰就会被扰乱,导致HC失调。重要的是要考虑不同的原发性和继发性HF类型可能受到不同的调节,因此,HC的干扰可能主要影响原发性或继发性HFs,尽管在犬中尚未了解这一点。在小鼠和绒山羊中,原发性和继发性HF的形态发生和循环具有独特的调节作用。不同的HC阶段或HF类型可能会受到影响,这取决于导致失调的因素以及不同的HF在失调开始时所处的阶段。其结果是生长期诱导、生长期促进或细胞分化、中间期诱导、中间期促进、静止期诱导或静止期促进或其中几个阶段受损,HC的紊乱可能影响全部或仅部分HF类型。由于HC的每个期相都会对相邻期相产生影响,因此持续的HC紊乱会导致组织学上相似的临床表型。例如,生长期诱导失败会导致更多的静止期毛囊,最终会HS消失 (无毛静止期毛囊)。如果缺乏生长期诱导,无毛静止期毛囊将随着时间的推移而萎缩。在一项组织学研究中,我们调查了一些HC停滞性疾病(内分泌疾病,X型脱毛,不明原因的脱毛),我们可以表明,在所有这些疾病的组织学上,无毛静止期毛囊的数量增加了3到4倍,而生长期毛囊的数量显著减少。无毛静止期毛囊随后出现萎缩。在人的头皮上也观察到脱毛中前述的无毛静止期毛囊数量的增加。重要的是要了解只有无毛静止期和萎缩的毛囊数量增加才会导致脱毛的临床表现(图1a, b)。静止期毛囊仍然有棍棒状毛发,因此,较高数量的静止期毛囊不会导致脱毛。当然在病程中,也可能出现静止毛囊数量一过性增加的情况。还必须注意的是,高达20%的无毛静止期HF可能是正常的许多犬品种。如果需要,它们作为储备毛囊来长出更厚的毛发。相比之下,在生长期占优势的犬种中,在人类头皮上,无毛静止期HF只占HF的一小部分,在生长期占优势的犬种中,一些生长期毛囊可能存在于HC失调的犬的活检组织中。除了生长期毛囊数量的减少和无毛静止期和萎缩毛囊数量的增加,HC停滞性疾病的其他组织学发现可能是(1)漏斗部角质增加和漏斗部扩张(图1b),(2)毛膜过度角化(图1a),(3)扭曲(发育不良)毛囊(图7a),(4)静止期毛囊数量短暂增加(图1a),(5)中间期毛囊数量短暂增加,(6)表皮萎缩(图1b),(7)表皮增生(如果有继发性感染),(8)表皮角化过度(图1a),(9)真皮萎缩,(10)表皮色素沉着(图1b)。



Figure 1. Canine skin showing typical features of a hair cycle disturbance. Hematoxylin and eosin. Figure 1a. Numerous telogen hair follicles in which the hair shaft is surrounded by abundant trichilemmal keratin (black arrows) are seen in this image. The hair shafts are also visible in the infundibula, which present with large amounts of infundibular keratin (white arrows surrounded with a black line). As the telogen follicles still harbor a hair shaft, they do not contribute to the degree of alopecia. In this dog, the lack of anagen follicles and the presence of numerous atrophic follicles (black arrows surrounded with a white line) indicate the alopecia seen in this dog. Note, the epidermal hyperkeratosis. Figure 1b. In this biopsy, a follicular compound composed of telogen hair follicles (black arrows) is present but the vast majority of the compounds consist of kenogen follicles, which present in the case with abundant trichilemmal keratin (star). There is also infundibular hyperkeratosis (white arrows surrounded with a black line) and a hyperpigmented, thin epidermis.


图1 b:在该活检中,有一种由静止期毛囊(黑色箭头)组成的毛囊化合物,但绝大多数化合物由无毛静止期毛囊组成,在该病例中,无毛静止期毛囊具有丰富的外毛根毛囊角蛋白(星型)。还有漏斗部角化过度(白色箭头周围有一条黑线)和色素沉着的薄表皮。



The increased percentage of kenogen follicles may be due to different reasons:



1.Signals that induce a new anagen phase at the end of the telogen phase are missing/reduced. The club hair will be shed eventually during exogen, and the empty follicles remain (hairless telogen/kenogen) and become atrophic over time.



2.Exogen has occurred prematurely, and the empty telogen follicle is not yet competent to enter a new anagen phase.



3.Signals which are maintaining the anagen phase (anagen promotion) are missing; the HFs enter catagen prematurely and thus enter the subsequent telogen phase earlier. At the same time, the signals which are necessary for anagen initiation are not more effective. This results in a higher number of telogen follicles, which eventually lose the HS and remain in kenogen until adequate signals initiate a new anagen phase.



The lack of signals to initiate the next HC phase may also be the reason for a transiently increased percentage of catagen or telogen follicles.



The impact of hormones, associated with canine alopecia on the different HC phases, is shown in Figure 2. This figure shows that the same hormone has an effect on various HC phases and underlines why histology may look alike in all HC arrest disorders and the histologic features are dependent on the disease duration and the HC phase at the time of disease onset.




Figure 2. The impact of glucocorticoids, estrogens, thyroid hormones, and stress-related molecules on the hair cycle. The same hormone or molecule may have an effect on various hair cycle phases, which explains that endrocinopathies may histologically look alike and also that other factors such as stress might result in a hair cycle disturbance. Note that thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), triiodothyronine (T3), and thyroxine (T3/4) have an stimulating effect on the hair cycle, whereas estrogens and glucocorticoids have an inhibitory effect.




Alopecia With Congenital Onset


Congenital alopecia refers to the widespread to complete absence of hair at birth. It is seen regularly by breeders and in veterinary clinics but only a limited number of cases have been reported in the literature, and even a smaller number have been worked up genetically. Novel techniques, such as whole genome sequencing, facilitate the discovery of the causative gene variants, and the number of cases with a known underlying gene variant is increasing.



Congenital alopecia is not always inherited, but may also be caused by a metabolic imbalance or an in utero infection. However, noninherited cases, such as maternal dietary iodine deficiency or intrauterine virus infections, have been reported in farm animals only. Congenital alopecias in dogs follow monogenetic inheritance patterns and are inherited through autosomal recessive, autosomal dominant, or X-linked modes. De novo mutations have been seen as well. Depending on the gene affected, HF morphogenesis can be disturbed during induction, organogenesis, or cytodifferentiation.



Accordingly, histology will reveal complete absence of HFs (aplasia caused by impaired HF induction), incomplete HF formation (dysplasia caused by impaired organogenesis), or inner root sheath and/or HS defects (dysplasia caused by impaired cytodifferentiation).If cytodifferentiation of the HS is impaired, HFs may look histologically normal or only the inner root sheath of the inferior portion may present with histological changes such as vacuoles or altered trichohyalin granules. The latter has not been reported in dogs but has in certain cat breeds and cattle. If only HS defects are present, the histological evaluation might fail to make the diagnosis, but trichograms or electron microscopy of HSs may be helpful to identify structural HS defects, which result in hair breakage.



Follicular Aplasia


Aplasia of HFs is seen when early placode formation during organogenesis does not occur. The mechanisms that regulate placode formation are complex and insufficiently understood. They have only been studied in detail in rodents.As outlined above, the EDA/EDAR signaling pathway plays an important role in placode formation.



Canine ectodermal dysplasia resulting in follicular aplasia has been reported as congenital ectodermal defect, congenital ectodermal dysplasia, and X-linked ectodermal dysplasia. Dogs with ectodermal dysplasia may lack, like other species with the same disease, other structures of ectodermal origin such as eccrine sweat glands, sebaceous glands, lacrimal glands, or nasolabial glands (Fig. 3a).



The clinical presentations of canine cases of various breeds have been nicely summarized in reviews and several case reports.The affected animals are completely alopecic or have a reduced number of hairs in various anatomic locations (especially the head, pinnae, neck, back, and tail) (Fig. 3b). Eyelashes and vibrissae may be lacking. The remaining hair has an abnormal texture, and is either coarse or fine, breaks easily, and can be epilated without effort. In some cases, the alopecia and hypotrichosis are most severe in newborn animals, and some fine hairs grow over time.



Several variants in the EDA gene encoding for EDA have been identified causing X-linked HED, the most common form of ectodermal dysplasia in dogs. In a poodle, however, which presented with clinical signs of X-linked HED, no variants in the EDA gene were identified, suggesting that other genes may also cause this disease in dogs.



Aplasia of HFs without dental dysplasia have, to the best of our knowledge, not been reported in the literature in dogs, although they most likely exist. There are reports from swine in which the number of HFs is significantly reduced but the apocrine sweat glands and the teeth are not affected.



Congenital Alopecia Caused by Impaired Hair Follicle Organogenesis


Congenital alopecia/hypotrichosis also occurs when the causative gene variants affect HF organogenesis. In these cases, HF placodes were formed, but the morphogenesis of HFs is altered during the different stages of organogenesis. Histologic lesions in these cases vary depending on the underlying gene variant. In any case, HFs are not fully developed, are too short, and are malformed. The infundibulum and the dermal papilla (DP) may or may not be present. If HSs are produced, they are very thin and break easily. There are several dog breeds where a spontaneous mutation has been propagated on purpose and the phenotype is now recognized as breed standard (eg, Chinese crested dog, Mexican hairless dog, and Peruvian Inca Orchid) (Fig. 3c–f). Hairlessness in these 3 breeds is inherited as a monogenic autosomal semidominant trait. Hairless dogs are always heterozygous. Whereas the Mexican hairless dog is truly hairless, some HFs develop in Chinese crested dogs. There are 3 phenotypes in the Chinese crested dogs: the true hairless, the semicoated, and the powderpuff (haired phenotype). The HF density in the hairless phenotype is much lower than in the 2 haired phenotypes and if HFs are present they are simple. As these dog breeds also have dental abnormalities, the phenotype is considered as ectodermal dysplasia. A frameshift mutation the forkhead box I3 (FOXI3) gene has been identified as the cause of the hairless phenotype in the Chinese crested dog, the Mexican hairless dog, and the Peruvian Inca Orchid dog. The hairless phenotype in these dog breeds can be explained by the biological function of FOXI3. In mice, it has been shown that the expression of Foxi3 is regulated by ectodysplasin in HF placodes and that mutations in Foxi3 result in the downregulation of several stem cell signature genes. It has also been shown that FOXI3 in mice is essential for molar crown patterning, which most likely explains the dental phenotype in these dog breeds.

当致病基因变异影响HF器官形成时,也会发生先天性脱毛/少毛。在这些病例中,HF基板形成,但在器官发生的不同阶段,HF的形态形成发生改变。这些病例的组织学病变因潜在的基因变异。在所有病例中,HF都没有完全发育,太短,并且是畸形的。漏斗部和毛乳头(DP)可能存在也可能不存在。如果有HS,则很细,很容易断。有几个犬品种的自发突变已经被有意地繁殖,并且表型现在被认为是品种标准(例如,中国冠毛犬,墨西哥无毛犬和秘鲁印加兰犬)(图3c-f)。这3个无毛品种是一种单基因常染色体半显性遗传性状。无毛犬总是杂合子。而墨西哥无毛犬是真正的无毛,中国冠毛犬有一些HF。中国冠毛犬有3种表型:真无毛、半毛型和粉扑型(有毛表型)。无毛表型的HF密度远低于2种有毛表型,如果存在HF,则它们是简单HF。由于这些犬种的牙齿也有异常,因此被认为是外胚层发育不良。叉头框I3 (FOXI3)基因移码突变已被确定为导致中国冠毛犬、墨西哥无毛犬和秘鲁印加兰犬无毛表型的原因。FOXI3的生物学功能可以解释这些犬种的无毛表型。在小鼠中,研究表明HF基板中的Foxi3表达受外胚层发育不良蛋白的调节,并且Foxi3突变可导致数个干细胞特征基因的下调。研究还表明,在小鼠中,FOXI3对臼齿冠的形成至关重要,这很可能解释了这些犬种的牙齿表型。


In dogs, no reports are available in the literature that describe failure of HF organogenesis in dogs other than the abovedescribed breeds. However, there are reports of failure of HF organogenesis in other domestic animal species.





Figure 3. Clinical and histological images from dogs with congenital follicular dysplasia. Figure 3a. Skin from a mixed-breed dog with follicular aplasia. Note that glands are also lacking. Hematoxylin and eosin. Figure 3b. Mongrel presenting with inherited noninflammatory alopecia caused by follicular aplasia. The degree of alopecia varies on different body parts. Picture courtesy of Gila Zur. Figure 3c. Chinese crested dog presenting according to the breed standard as a true hairless dog. Most parts of the body are hairless, but hair is present on the distal legs, the top of the head, the pinnae, parts of the neck, and the tail. Picture courtesy of Tosso Leeb. Figure 3d Skin from a true hairless Chinese crested dog. Hair follicles and glands are mostly absent, but 1 dysplastic hair follicle is still present (arrow). Hematoxylin and eosin. Figure 3e. Higher magnification of Figure 3d. The dysplastic follicle is composed of an epithelial part (white arrow) underneath which mesenchymal cells are aggregated (black arrow). Note, the pigment aggregates surrounding the base of the hair follicle. Hematoxylin and eosin. Figure 3f. Skin from a Mexican hairless dog. The infundibula have been formed and are filled with abundant keratin, resulting in the formation of comedones (right side of the image). Epithelial cells underneath the infundibula are rare (white arrow), but if present some mesenchymal cells may be located underneath these epithelial cells (black arrow). Hematoxylin and eosin.


图3a:一只患有毛囊发育不全的杂交犬的皮肤。注意也缺乏腺体。苏木精-伊红染色。图3b:由于毛囊发育不全,出现遗传性非炎性脱毛表现的杂交犬。不同部位的脱毛程度不同。图片由Gila Zur提供。图3c:中国冠毛犬按品种标准为真无毛犬。机体的大部分部位是无毛的,但腿远端、头顶、耳廓、颈部和尾部都有毛发。图由tosoleeb提供。图3d:真正的无毛中国冠毛犬的皮肤。毛囊和腺体大多缺失,但仍有1个发育不良的毛囊(箭头)。苏木精-伊红染色。图3e:放大倍数更高的图3d。发育不良的毛囊由上皮部分(白色箭头)组成,上皮下聚集着间充质细胞(黑色箭头)。注意,色素聚集在毛囊底部周围。苏木精-伊红染色。图3f:一只墨西哥无毛犬的皮肤。漏斗已经形成,并充满了丰富的角蛋白,导致粉刺的形成(图右侧)。漏斗下方的上皮细胞很少(白色箭头),但如果上皮细胞下方有一些间质细胞(黑色箭头)。苏木精-伊红染色。



Dysplasia Associated With Insufficient Hair Shaft Quality Due to Impaired Cytodifferentiation


Despite the fact that coat abnormalities are common in veterinary medicine, only 7 inherited HS defects have been reported so far in domestic animals. Some of these defects result in alopecia present already at birth, whereas others most likely develop during cytodifferentiation of the cycling anagen HF. In dogs, trichorrhexis nodosa, trichoptilosis, medullary trichomalacia, spiculosis, and bald thigh syndrome in sight hounds have been reported. In trichorrhexis nodosa, nodes are formed along the HS and the hair is abnormally fragile following trivial injury. This disorder can be acquired or congenital and has been described in golden retrievers. Congenital trichoptilosis has been reported in related male golden retrievers. Medullary trichomalacia has been reported in German shepherd dogs, but it is unknown if this disorder is acquired or congenital. In medullary trichomalacia, the medulla of the HS is vacuolated resulting in hyperfragility of the HS. Bald thigh syndrome is seen in greyhounds and related sighthound breeds (Fig. 4a). Because of the clear breed predisposition, a genetic component is most likely involved. In the literature, this syndrome has also been reported as pattern baldness and as follicular dysplasia; however, in a recent study, an impaired cytodifferentiation resulting in HS fractures has been identified as an underlying cause. On the molecular level, the phenotype is associated with downregulation of genes and the corresponding proteins in the HS (eg, keratin 1 and desmocollin), which are important for the proper assembly of the HS (Fig. 4b, c). Recently, a canine case with bulbous swellings of the HSs, which resembled lanceolate hair phenotype seen in mice and 2 cats, has been observed. Genetic analysis determined a desmoglein 4 variant similar to mice and cats with the same phenotype( Sarah Kiener and Tosso Leeb, personal communication).

尽管被毛异常在兽医学中很常见,但迄今为止,在家养动物中仅报道了7种遗传性HS缺陷。其中一些缺陷导致的脱毛在出生时就已经存在,而另一些则很可能在HF周期生长期的细胞分化过程中发生。在犬中,已报道了结节性脆毛症、毛裂、毛髓软化症、针状体毛发增多症和视觉型猎犬的腿秃综合征。在结节性脆毛症中,结节沿HS形成,毛发在轻微损伤后异常脆弱。这种疾病可以是获得性的或先天性的,在金毛猎犬中有描述。在相关的雄性金毛寻回犬中有先天性毛裂的报道。德国牧羊犬有过毛髓软化症的报道,但目前尚不清楚这种疾病是后天的还是先天性的。在毛髓软化症中,HS的髓质空泡化,导致HS的高脆性。腿秃综合征见于灵缇犬和相关的视觉型猎犬品种(图4a)。因为明确的品种倾向性,最有可能为遗传相关性。在文献中,这种综合征也被报道为模式脱毛和毛囊发育不良。然而,在最近的一项研究中,导致HS破裂的细胞分化受损被确定为潜在病因。在分子水平上,表型与HS中基因和相应蛋白(如角蛋白1和桥粒胶蛋白)的下调相关,这些蛋白对HS的正确组装很重要(图4b, c)。最近,观察到一例犬的HS毛球肿胀,类似于在小鼠和2只猫中观察到的披针形毛发表型。基因分析确定了一种与具有相同表型的小鼠和猫相似的桥粒芯糖蛋白4变异体。



Figure 4. Greyhound with bald thigh syndrome. Figure 4a. The caudal and medial aspect of the thigh and the proximal leg down to the stifle is alopecic. Picture courtesy of Silvia Rüfenacht. Figure 4b. Hair follicles from a greyhound with bald thigh syndrome. Hair shafts are fractured and trichilemmal keratin is assembled underneath the hair shaft. Figure 4c. Abnormally assembled trichilemmal keratin is seen in the distal lumen of the isthmus. The presented histological findings are rarely seen, and trichograms may be the better way to diagnose bald thigh syndrome. Hematoxylin and eosin.




Inherited Alopecia With Early Postnatal Clinical Manifestation


Hairlessness in the American Terrier (Hairless Rat Terrier)


Hairlessness is the desired phenotype of the American hairless terrier and is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. Puppies are born with a sparse, fuzzy coat over their entire body and then gradually lose their coat from the nose backward until they are entirely bald. This typically occurs by 6 weeks of age. Eyebrows and whiskers are retained. Teeth may be missing but most dogs have normal dentition. The dogs are otherwise healthy. Histological features have not been described. The condition is associated with a deletion in the serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase family member 3 gene (SGK3). SGK3 has been shown to be important in postnatal HF development in mice.



Juvenile Alopecia in the Scottish Deerhound


In contrast to the American hairless terrier, hairlessness in the Scottish deerhounds is undesired. It is caused by a frameshift insertion in the SGK3 gene and is inherited as a recessive trait. Affected puppies are born with sparse hair and lose it within the first 2 months of life. The hair does not regrow. Histology has not been described, and dogs are otherwise healthy.



Noninflammatory Alopecia With a Clear Breed Predisposition, Postnatal Onset, and a Most Likely Hereditary Cause


There are several noninflammatory alopecic conditions with a clear breed predisposition and development of the alopecia during the first years of life, which indicates an impaired postnatal reconstitution of the HF. Due to the clear breed disposition, an underlying hereditary cause is likely, although no causative genes have been identified in the disorders that have been genetically evaluated. Thus, it may be speculated that a polygenic trait and other nongenetic factors, such as diet and an altered hormone metabolism, are involved in the pathogenesis.Histological features in most of those conditions are insufficiently described. If dogs were biopsied, only a small number of affected dogs have been investigated and different pathologists were involved.



Known diseases associated with postnatal follicular dysplasia are described.



Hypotrichosis and Alopecia in the Irish Water Spaniel


Hypotrichosis and alopecia in the Irish water spaniel is characterized by nonpruritic, noninflammatory, regionalized hair loss affecting the ventral and latero-dorsal neck, the flanks, the dorsum, the rump, the caudal part of the thighs, and the distal tail. The coat color changes from reddish brown to grayish brown. Pedigree analysis suggests a dominant mode of inheritance. A similar clinical presentation is also seen in the American water spaniel, although it has not been described in the literature. Hormone testing suggests an abnormality of steroidogenesis, and the hair coat regrew in some dogs after dietary changes. Histologically, the HFs’infundibula are dilated and filled with abundant keratin in the alopecic areas. The proximal HFs are atrophic. Melanin aggregates are present in the HSs, the follicular outer root sheath, and around the base of the follicles. These changes are also seen in the haired areas. As no control dogs were examined in this histologic study, it cannot be determined whether the pigment aggregates are normal for this breed.



Follicular Dysplasia of the Portuguese and Spanish Water Dog


This type of follicular dysplasia has only been described in the Portuguese water dog, but is seen also in the Spanish water dog, which is a related breed. The clinical and histological findings are similar in both breeds and resemble those of Irish and American water spaniels (Fig. 5a–d). The coat color may change from black to reddish brown. Hair loss occurs at a median age of 2 years. Both males and females are affected. Histologically, the HF infundibula are severely dilated and plugged with keratin. HFs may have an irregular outer contour and are either in telogen or in anagen. Anagen follicles may be small. Hairs may be absent from HFs or may appear fragmented and thin. Hair shaft dysplasia starts in the lower part of the inferior portion of the HF (Fig. 5b–d). There may be scattered clumps of melanin within follicular keratin and within follicular epithelium. Vacuolar changes in the inner and outer root sheath and the matrix cells have been reported.




Figure 5. Follicular dysplasia in Spanish and Portuguese water dogs. Figure 5a. A Spanish water dog presents with regionalized hair loss on the dorsum, the rump, and parts of the lateral thorax. Picture courtesy of Marcos Fernández Monzón. Figure 5b. Skin from a Portuguese water dog. Anagen hair follicles are present, but hair shaft and inner root sheath formation is impaired in the suprabulbar region (black arrow). Hematoxylin and eosin. Figure 5c. Skin from a Portuguese water dog. Adjacent to an anagen hair follicle with a normal hair shaft, a dysplastic follicle characterized by the presence of irregularly arranged keratin, which may be derived from a fragmented hair shaft (black arrow), is seen. Hematoxylin and eosin. Figure 5d. Skin from a Portuguese water dog. Vacuolar changes in the inner root sheath and the matrix cells of the bulbar and suprabulbar region of the hair follicle. Hematoxylin and eosin.

图5。西班牙和葡萄牙水犬的毛囊发育不良图5a:西班牙水犬表现为背部、臀部和侧胸部分的区域性脱毛。图片由Marcos提供Fernández Monzón。图5b:葡萄牙水猎犬的皮肤。生长期毛囊存在,但球上区域的毛干和内根鞘形成受损(黑色箭头)。苏木精-伊红染色。图5c:葡萄牙水猎犬的皮肤。与毛干正常的生长期毛囊相邻的是发育不良的毛囊,其特征是存在不规则排列的角蛋白,角蛋白可能来自于碎片状的毛干(黑色箭头)。苏木精-伊红染色。图5d:葡萄牙水猎犬的皮肤。毛囊球部和球上区内根鞘和基质细胞的空泡变化。苏木精-伊红染色。



Follicular Dysplasia of the Curly Coated Retriever


Follicular dysplasia of the curly coated retriever has been described as symmetrical, nonpruritic alopecia and/or frizzy coat changes, usually affecting the caudal thighs, axillae, dorsum, and the neck (Fig. 6a). The age of onset varies from 4 months to 6 years (median 13 months). Alopecia may be waxing and waning. Histology is characterized by a reduced number of anagen follicles and increased numbers of kenogen and atrophic follicles. Infundibula are dilated and filled with abundant keratin. Melanin aggregates are present in the HSs and the outer root sheath; however, this may be normal in brown or black dogs (Fig. 6b, c).

卷毛寻回犬的毛囊发育不良被描述为对称性、非瘙痒性脱毛和/或卷曲的毛发变化,通常累及大腿尾端、腋窝、背部和颈部(图6a)。发病年龄4月龄-6岁,中位年龄13个月。脱毛可能有多有少。组织学特征为生长期毛囊数量减少,无毛静止期毛囊和萎缩毛囊数量增加。漏斗部扩张,充满丰富的角蛋白。黑素聚集物存在于HS和外根鞘中;然而,这在棕色或黑色犬中可能是正常的(图6b, c)。



Figure 6. Follicular dysplasia with postnatal onset. Figure 6a. Follicular dysplasia in a curly coated retriever. The dog presents with noninflammatory alopecia on the neck and the cranial part of the dorsum. Picture courtesy of Katarina Varjonen. Figure 6b. Skin from a curly coated retriever with follicular dysplasia. The number of hair follicles per follicular compound is reduced. The hair shaft is fragmented and presents with variably sized melanin aggregates (black arrow). Hematoxylin and eosin. Figure 6c. Cross-section through 2 infundibula of a skin biopsy from a curly coated retriever with follicular dysplasia. In the left infundibulum, variably sized melanin aggregates are seen in the otherwise normal appearing hair shaft (black arrow). In the right infundibulum, melanin aggregates (black arrow) are seen, but a hair shaft is not present. Hematoxylin and eosin

图6。出生后发病的毛囊发育不良。图6a:卷曲毛猎犬的毛囊发育不良。犬颈部和背部头部出现非炎性脱毛。图片由Katarina Varjonen提供。图6b:毛囊发育不良的卷曲毛猎犬的皮肤。每个复合毛囊的毛囊数量减少。毛干呈碎片状,并有大小不等的黑色素聚集物(黑色箭头)。苏木精-伊红染色。图6c:一只毛囊发育不良的卷曲毛猎犬皮肤活检的2个漏斗部截面。在左侧漏斗部,在其他外观正常的毛干(黑色箭头)中可以看到大小不一的黑色素聚集物。在右侧漏斗部,可以看到黑色素聚集物(黑色箭头),但没有毛干。苏木精-伊红染色。



Alopecia of the Chesapeake Bay Retriever


Alopecia of the Chesapeake Bay retriever is characterized by hair loss affecting the axillae, the latero-ventral thorax, the flanks, the ventrum, the dorsum, the rump, and/or the caudal part of the thighs. Hormonal investigations showed increased adrenal and sex steroid concentration in some cases. Histopathology is characterized by severe infundibular hyperkeratosis, follicular atrophy, and occasional melanin clumping with malformed, often thin HSs.



Alopecia in the Pont Audemer Spaniel


The Pont Audemer spaniel is derived from the Irish water spaniel. Alopecia in the Pont Audemer spaniel is limited to the brown-haired areas of the trunk and ears, and develops within the first 2 years of life. Histological findings include severely dilated HF infundibula with hyperkeratosis. No information is available about the HC stages in affected dogs. However, in 1 study, vacuolar degeneration and apoptosis of keratinocytes of the inner and outer root sheath, suggesting that anagen follicles are present, have been reported. Melanin aggregates in the HSs and outer root sheath have also been reported. However, this may be associated with the coat color of the affected areas.



Recurrent Flank Alopecia


Recurrent flank alopecia is characterized by recurrent episodes of well-demarcated alopecia that affects several canine breeds, but boxers, Rhodesian ridgebacks, Airedale terriers, French bulldogs, English bulldogs, and schnauzers are predisposed. In these dog breeds, recurrent flank alopecia is relatively common. It has been described also as seasonal flank alopecia, seasonal growth hormone deficiency, canine idiopathic cyclic flank alopecia, cyclic follicular dysplasia, and follicular dysplasia.



The existence of a strong breed predilections implies a hereditary component; however, the photoperiod and seasonal climactic variations influence the onset of alopecia and hair regrowth. The response to melatonin in many cases underlines this association. Nevertheless, there is evidence that systemic intrinsic factors play a role in the pathogenesis since lesional skin grafts of dogs with recurrent flank alopecia on the back of athymic mice resulted in hair regrowth faster than in the donor dogs.



Clinically, the lesions are distinctive and are characterized by recurrent episodes of sharply demarcated alopecic areas bilaterally in the flank region. The dorsal midline and the thorax may be involved as well. The alopecic skin is hyperpigmented. Hair may regrow partially or complete before it is lost again. Regrown hair may have an altered texture and can be darker. Histologically, the HF infundibula are severely dilated, elongated, and plugged with orthokeratotic follicular keratin that extends into the openings of all follicles assembled in 1 follicular compound. The lower follicular segments of the compounds are short, atrophic, and may have a distorted shape. The term “Witches foot” or “Warlocks foot” is used to describe the dilated infundibulum overlying this group of toe-like, shortened, and irregular primary and secondary follicles (Fig. 7a).




Figure 7. Follicular dysplasia with postnatal onset. Figure 7a. Skin from a Rhodesian ridgeback with recurrent flank alopecia. The hair follicle infundibula are severely dilated, elongated, and plugged with orthokeratotic follicular keratin that extends into the openings of all follicles assembled in the follicular compound (white arrows surrounded by black line). The lower follicular segments of the compounds are short, atrophic, and may present a distorted shape (black arrows surrounded by white line). Therefore, the term “Witches foot” is used to describe this histological presentation. The epidermis is hyperpigmented. Hematoxylin and eosin. Figure 7b. Atypical recurrent alopecia in a Cesky Fousek. Well-demarcated alopecia is seen on the lateral thorax. In contrast to typical recurrent flank alopecia, the alopecic skin is not hyperpigmented. Picture courtesy of Silvie Neradilová. Figure 7c. Alopecia in the Lagotto Romagolo. The dog presents with bilateral hair loss on the trunk extending to the dorsum. Picture courtesy of Petra Roosje. Figure 7d. Skin from a Lagotto Romagolo with alopecia. The infundibula are severely dilated and filled with abundant keratin resulting in comedone formation (white arrow surrounded by black line). The hair follicles are in kenogen (star) or atrophic (black arrow surrounded with a white line). Hematoxylin and eosin.

图7。出生后发病的毛囊发育不良。图7a:具有复发性体侧脱毛的罗得西亚脊背部的皮肤。毛囊漏斗部严重扩张、拉长,并被角化型毛囊角蛋白堵塞,角蛋白延伸至毛囊复合物(白色箭头被黑线包围)中所有毛囊的开口。该复合毛囊下段短、萎缩,并可能呈现扭曲的形状(黑箭头被白线包围)。因此,术语“女巫脚”被用来描述这种组织学表现。表皮色素沉着。苏木精-伊红染色。图7b:一只捷克犬的非典型复发性体侧脱毛,可见边界清楚的脱毛。与典型的复发性图册脱毛相比,脱毛皮肤没有色素沉着。图片由Silvie提供Neradilová。图7c:拉戈托罗马阁挪露犬的脱毛。该犬表现为躯干向背部延伸的双侧毛发脱落。图片由Petra Roosje提供。图7d。拉戈托罗马阁挪露犬脱毛皮肤。漏斗部严重扩张,充满丰富的角蛋白,导致粉刺形成(白色箭头被黑线包围)。毛囊呈圆形(星形)或萎缩状(黑箭头周围白线)。苏木精-伊红染色。



Atypical Recurrent Flank Alopecia


Atypical recurrent alopecia is seen in several hunting dog breeds such as the German short hair pointer and the Cesky Fousek (Fig. 7b). Recurrent alopecia affecting the face only has been described in the Cane Corso and in several Dogues de Bordeaux. Similar to typical recurrent flank alopecia, the existence of a strong breed predilections implies a hereditary component. Atypical recurrent flank alopecia is more severe than typical recurrent flank alopecia and may become permanent with time. In contrast to the typical recurrent flank alopecia, the skin in the alopecic areas is not hyperpigmented. Histologic findings in cases of atypical recurrent flank alopecia are comparable to those observed in typical recurrent flank alopecia.



Alopecia in the Lagotto Romagolo


Alopecia in the Lagotto Romagolo is characterized by bilateral hair loss on the trunk and usually starts in autumn/winter (Fig. 7c). This disease has been seen for a few years and started in the Swedish Lagotto population. It has been reported also as follicular dysplasia.



Seasonal cycling is observed in about half of the affected dogs. Alopecia onset or worsening of the condition is associated with the estrus, but hormonal profiles are normal. Histology is characterized by severely dilated infundibula filled with abundant keratin and often fragmented HSs. Follicles are in telogen, kenogen, or atrophic (Fig. 7d).



Pomeranians With Alopecia X


Alopecia X has been described in the past as adult-onset growth hormone deficiency (hyposomatotropism), growth hormoneresponsive alopecia, castration-responsive alopecia, biopsyresponsive alopecia, and congenital adrenal hyperplasia-like syndrome. By breeders, it is known as “black skin disease” or “coat funk.” It has been reported in several dog breeds that have a plush or wooly coat with a dense undercoat. Reported breeds are Pomeranians, Keeshonds, Schipperke dogs, chow chows, Samoyeds, Siberian Huskies, and Alaskan malamutes. In addition, alopecia X has been reported in toy and miniature poodles, although these breeds have a completely different coat type. The strong breed predisposition, pedigree analysis of affected dogs, and the onset of the disease at a relatively young age suggest a hereditary influence in the disease pathogenesis. As the vast majority of studies on alopecia X have been done with Pomeranians, it is the author’s opinion that the term alopecia X should be reserved for the specific hair loss disorder in Pomeranians or at a maximum for dogs belonging to the European Spitz breed according to the Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI https://www.fci.be/en/nomenclature/5-Spitz-and-primitive-types.html#s4). These include the German spitz in all size varieties (keeshound, giant spitz, medium-sized spitz, miniature spitz, and Pomeranian) and the Italian spitz, which is also known as the Italian volpino. For these dogs, it is known that they are closely related, which makes it more likely that the hereditary cause for the alopecia might be shared across these breeds. All other breeds reported to have alopecia X are genetically further apart, and thus, different genes may cause the alopecia. Therefore, this author would propose to call their alopecic disorder alopecia X-like.

在过去,X脱毛被描述为成年发病的生长激素缺乏症(生长激素缺乏症)、生长激素反应性脱毛、去势反应性脱毛、活检反应性脱毛和先天性肾上腺增生样综合征。被繁育者称为“黑皮病”或“被毛放克症”。据报道,在几个品种的犬有一个毛绒或羊毛大衣与密集的底毛。报道的品种有博美犬、荷兰毛狮犬、比利时犬、松狮犬、萨摩耶犬、西伯利亚哈士奇和阿拉斯加雪橇犬。此外,在玩具和迷你贵宾犬中也有X脱毛的报道,但这些品种有着完全不同的被毛类型。强大的品种倾向性,系谱分析的患病犬,疾病发病在相对年轻的年龄提示在疾病发病的遗传影响。由于绝大多数关于X型脱毛的研究都是在博美犬中进行的,因此作者认为X型脱毛这个术语应该保留在博美犬中特定的脱毛疾病,或者根据国际犬种联盟,最多用于属于欧洲丝毛犬品种的犬.其中包括各种尺寸的德国丝毛犬(荷兰毛狮犬, 大型丝毛犬、 中型丝毛犬、 迷你丝毛犬和博美犬)和意大利丝毛犬,也被称为意大利斡派瑙犬。对于这些犬来说,已知它们是近亲,这使得脱毛的遗传原因更有可能在这些品种之间共享。据报道,所有其他有X型脱毛的品种在基因上相距更远,因此,不同的基因可能导致脱毛。因此,笔者建议将其脱毛疾病称为“x样脱毛”。


Alopecia X affects young adult Pomeranians and may present in dogs younger than 1 year of age. However, some dogs do not develop alopecia until they are 4 to 5 years. Alopecia is seen more often, but not exclusively, in male dogs. Hair loss is noninflammatory, progressive, and bilateral symmetrical and spares the head, tail, and distal extremities (Fig. 8a). The skin is often hyperpigmented. 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP) is increased in dogs with alopecia X and was thought to be the result of an abnormal activity of the 21-hydroxylase enzyme. Simultaneously, baseline cortisol concentrations correlated with progesterone concentrations in Pomeranians. Treatment results for Pomeranians with alopecia X suggest that alterations in the steroid hormone metabolism are causative for the HC arrest. This is also supported by a study that performed whole transcriptome profiling of skin biopsies from Pomeranians with alopecia X, which provided evidence of abnormal cutaneous steroidogenesis characterized by the dysregulation of genes encoding enzymes in the steroid hormone metabolism. However, relevant gene variants were not identified in affected dogs with either whole genome sequencing or selected sequencing of genes involved in steroid hormone metabolism or HF development (21-hydrolase gene, cathepsin L2 gene, patched homolog 2 gene). In a recent study, it was suggested that an increased number of mitochondrial gene mutations are associated with the HC arrest in Pomeranian dogs.



Histologically, alopecia X is characterized by a reduced number of anagen follicles and, compared with other HC disorders, a relatively high number of telogen follicles, as well as kenogen and atrophic follicles (Fig. 8b). These histologic findings resemble the findings in dogs with hyperestrogenism (Fig. 8d).




Figure 8. Figure 8a. Alopecia X in a Pomeranian. The dog presents with bilateral symmetrical alopecia that spares the head, the distal extremities, and the tail. Picture courtesy of Petra Roosje. Figure 8b. Typical findings in alopecia X are a severely reduced number of anagen follicles, a relatively high number of telogen follicles (black arrow), and numerous kenogen follicles (star). Trichilemmal keratin in the telogen and kenogen follicles is abundant resulting in flame follicles. Infundibula are dilated and filled with large amounts of keratin (white arrow surrounded with a black line). Hematoxylin and eosin. Figure 8c. Hyperestrogenism in a male dog with a Sertoli cell tumor. The perineal-genital region, the caudal abdomen, and the medial thighs are alopecic. Note the linear preputial erythema typical for hyperestrogenism. Picture courtesy of Monika Linek. Figure 8d. Skin from a mixed-breed dog with hyperestrogenism. Like in alopecia X, hair follicles are in telogen, kenogen, or atrophic. Trichilemmal keratin around the hair shafts of the telogen follicles and in the kenogen follicles is abundant. Infundibula are dilated, and anagen follicles are missing. Hematoxylin and eosin.

图8。图8a:博美犬的X脱毛。该犬表现为双侧对称性脱毛,不包括头部、远端四肢和尾部。图片由Petra Roosje提供。图8b:X型脱毛的典型表现是生长期毛囊数量严重减少,静止期毛囊数量相对较多(黑色箭头),无毛静止期毛囊数量较多(星号)。在休止毛囊和无毛静止期毛囊中有丰富的毛膜角蛋白,从而形成火焰毛囊。漏斗扩张并充满大量角蛋白(白色箭头被黑线包围)。苏木精-伊红染色。图8c:一只患支持细胞瘤的雄性犬的高雌激素症会阴-生殖器区域、尾腹和大腿内侧脱毛。注意典型的高雌激素症的线状包皮红斑。图片来自Monika Linek。图8d:患有高雌激素症的杂交犬的皮肤。与X型脱毛一样,毛囊处于静止期、无毛静止期或萎缩。在静止期毛囊的毛干周围和无毛静止期毛囊中有丰富的毛膜角蛋白。漏斗扩张,生长期毛囊缺失。苏木精-伊红染色。



Alopecia X-Like Disorders in Breeds Not Related to the European Spitz Breeds (Schipperke Dogs, Siberian Huskies, Alaskan Malamutes, Samoyeds, Chow Chows, Miniature, and Toy Poodles)


As outlined in the paragraph about alopecia X, the author prefers to use the term alopecia X-like disorder for the alopecic conditions of unknown cause in the other double-coated breeds and the miniature poodle. However, the clinical presentation and the histological findings reported for Schipperke dogs are similar to those reported for Pomeranians with alopecia X.The histological findings in the other dog breeds affected with an HC disorder of unknown cause have, to the best of the author’s knowledge, not been described in detail and thus cannot be compared with alopecia X.



Color Dilution Alopecia


Color dilution alopecia can occur in all breeds with dilute coat colors, including mongrels, but is seen more commonly in blue Doberman pinschers, silver Labradors, Weimaraners, Yorkshire terriers, and Irish setters. The disease is also known as blue Doberman syndrome, fawn Irish setter syndrome, and blue dog disease. In dogs, coat color dilution, leading to the specific pigmentation phenotypes, blue, gray, fawn, or red, is caused by a defective transfer of melanosomes to the matrix cells in the HF bulb. Up to now, 3 variants in the melanophilin gene (MLPH) have been identified as causes of the dilute phenotype in dogs. The defect in melanosome transfer results in large aggregates of melanosomes, which appear histologically as large pigment clumps in the HS, the follicular lumen, and the outer root sheath. Despite the fact that MLPH gene variants cause coat color dilution in many dog breeds, not all dogs with a dilute coat color develop color dilution alopecia. Thus, yet unidentified factors appear to be required for the development of alopecia. These are most likely hereditary factors associated with 1 or several stages of HS pigmentation, including melanosome formation, melanin production, and transfer of melanosomes to the matrical cells of the hair bulb.



Clinically, the alopecia primarily affects the trunk, and histologically, large melanin aggregates are present within the HS and the outer root sheath (Fig. 9a, b). It has been suggested that the large melanosome aggregates damage the HS cuticle and fracture of the HS. As large melanosome aggregates are also present in normally haired dogs with a dilute hair coat (eg, Weimaraners or Doberman pinschers without alopecia), it is difficult to make a definite diagnosis based on histology alone and clinical information is needed. A ruptured HS cuticle, fractured HSs, and abundant free pigment may be histological keys to decide whether it is color dilution alopecia or not. If the HS cuticle in most HSs is intact, it is likely that the color dilution is not the cause for the alopecia.

临床上,脱毛主要影响躯干,组织学上,大的黑素聚集体存在于HS和外根鞘内(图9a, b)。有研究提示,大的黑素小体聚集体破坏HS角质层和HS破裂。由于大的黑素小体聚集物也存在于毛发稀释的正常毛发犬(如没有脱毛的魏玛犬或杜宾犬)中,因此仅根据组织学很难做出明确诊断,需要临床信息。HS角质层破裂、HS断裂、游离色素丰富可能是判断是否是稀释性脱毛的组织学关键。如果大部分HS的角质层是完整的,那么色素稀释很可能不是导致脱毛的原因。



Figure 9. Figure 9a. Silver Labrador with color dilution alopecia. The alopecia affects the trunk and the abdomen. Picture courtesy of Silvia Rüfenacht. Figure 9b. Skin from a dog with color dilution alopecia. The melanin aggregates in the epidermis indicate that this skin biopsy is from a color dilute dog. Abundant free pigment aggregates are present in the infundibula. Hair shafts are not seen. Large, irregularly sized melanin aggregates are present in the outer root sheath and the bulb. Hematoxylin and eosin. Figure 9c. Skin from an alopecic area from a dog with black hair follicular dysplasia. The histological features resemble those of a dog with color dilution alopecia. However, note that no melanin aggregates are present in the epidermis. Hematoxylin and eosin. Figure 9d. Black hair follicular dysplasia in a Jack Russell terrier. The white-haired areas are still haired, whereas the formerly black-haired areas are alopecic. Picture courtesy of Monika Linek.

图9。图9a:银色拉布拉多犬患色素稀释性脱毛。躯干和腹部脱毛。图片由Silvia提供Rüfenacht。图9b:色素稀释性脱毛犬的皮肤。表皮中的黑色素聚集表明这张皮肤活检来自一只浅色犬。漏斗中存在丰富的游离色素聚集体。毛干看不到。大的、大小不规则的黑色素聚集物存在于外根鞘和毛球中。苏木精-伊红染色。图9c:来自一只具有黑色毛囊发育不良的犬的脱毛区域的皮肤。组织学特征与色素稀释性脱毛犬相似。然而,请注意表皮中没有黑色素聚集物。苏木精-伊红染色。图9d:杰克罗素㹴的黑色毛囊发育不良。白毛区域仍然有毛发,而以前的黑发区域已经脱毛。图片来自Monika Linek。



Black Hair Follicular Dysplasia


Black hair follicular dysplasia is seen in bi- or tricolored dogs and has been reported in bearded collies, Jack Russell terriers, large Münsterländer dogs, salukis, and a New Zealand huntaway dog. Black hair follicular dysplasia is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait and is most likely related to color dilution alopecia. Within the first year of life, the black hair coat gets dull and brittle and the hairs break easily, finally resulting in complete alopecia of the black-haired areas of the head, pinnae, neck, and back (Fig. 9d). Like in color dilution alopecia, large melanin aggregates are present within the HS,the follicular lumen, and the outer root sheath; thus, abnormal processing and transport of melanin may play a role in the pathogenesis. Follicles are distorted and contain fragmented HSs (Fig. 9c). Scanning electron microscopy has shown that the HS cuticle is absent over large areas of the hair fiber. The white-haired areas are histologically normal.



Follicular Dysplasia in Weimaraners


Follicular dysplasia in Weimaraners, also a color dilute dog breed, affects young adults and presents with progressive alopecia of the trunk associated with recurrent folliculitis/furunculosis. The head and limbs are not affected. The HS abnormalities, the histopathological lesions, and scanning electron microscopy findings are similar, but less pronounced, to findings in color dilution alopecia. However, this form of alopecia occurs rarely in Weimaraners, and only few cases have been reported.



Alopecia in the Frisian Waterdog (Wetterhoun)


Alopecia in the Frisian waterdog has not yet been reported in the literature, but has been investigated within the frame of a doctoral thesis from the Vetsuisse Faculty of Bern. Clinically, dogs present with nonpruritic, noninflammatory bilateral truncal hair loss affecting only the pigmented coat, similar to the Pont Audemer spaniel. Less curly, thinner, and dull HSs are present in border areas. Histologic findings in alopecic skin consist of dilated keratin-filled infundibula, an increased number of kenogen HFs, a decreased number of anagen HFs, and decreased diameters of HFs and HSs. Small numbers of apoptotic keratinocytes were infrequently seen in the isthmus region. Small pigment aggregates in the HSs and the infundibular lumen were also present. Trichography indicates less curly hair and more HSs without medulla in border areas (Anja Ebner and Petra Roosje, personal communication).



Alopecia in Labrador Retrievers


An alopecic condition with early onset is seen in Labrador retrievers in the United States (Candace Souza, personal communication). The dogs have no underlying endocrinopathy and no coat color dilution. This condition has not been described in the literature, and histological findings are unknown.



Alopecia Associated With Miniaturization of the Hair Follicles (Canine Pattern Alopecia)


Canine pattern alopecia (pattern baldness) affects predisposed breeds with short smooth hair coats, such as dachshunds, Boston terriers, and Chihuahuas. Breed predilections suggest a genetic basis. Canine pattern alopecia develops within the 1 year of life, and the dogs develop a bilaterally symmetric thin coat on the pinnae; the skin caudal to the pinnae; the caudal thighs; the perineal skin; or the ventral neck, chest, and abdomen (Fig. 10a). HF miniaturization is a proposed key feature of the syndrome, but histology and trichograms, analyzing the HSs quality, have not been performed in most cases (Fig. 10b). Thus, it cannot be excluded that some cases are rather associated with follicular dysplasia resulting in structurally impaired HSs, and the term pattern alopecia has been applied wrongly. This has been shown recently for sighthounds.



Follicular miniaturization is also seen in human female and male pattern hair loss. In humans, it has been proposed that follicular miniaturization is caused by a shortened anagen phase. As initiation of the next anagen phase is not more effective, the telogen phase is prolonged. The telogen follicles eventually lose their HS, which leads to an increase in kenogen follicles, which over time may get more and more atrophic, possibly ending in follicular deletion.




Figure 10. Figure 10a. Canine pattern alopecia (pattern baldness) in a dachshund. There is a bilateral symmetric thin hair coat on the pinnae. Picture courtesy of Monika Linek. Figure 10b. The hair follicles are miniaturized and mostly in telogen. The infundibula are filled with thin hair shafts. Hematoxylin and eosin. Figure 10c. Ischemic dermatopathy in a collie. The multifocal alopecia is seen in the periocular area, on the cheek extending from the lips, and caudal to the nasal planum. Erythema and small crusts are seen on the lip and the cheek. Picture courtesy of Monika Linek. Figure 10d. Skin from a dog with ischemic dermatopathy. Hair follicles are severely atrophic and only short epithelial strands are left. The connective tissue surrounding the hair follicle is prominent and homogenized. The dermal collagen is pale. Inflammatory cells are distributed in a random (“confetti-like”) pattern throughout the dermis. The epidermis is slightly hyperplastic and multifocal; there is pigmentary incontinence. Hematoxylin and eosin.

图10。图10a:腊肠犬模式脱毛(模式脱毛)。耳廓上有双侧对称的细小被毛。图片来自Monika Linek。图10b:毛囊缩小,大部分处于静止期。漏斗部充满了细细的毛干。苏木精-伊红染色。图10c:柯利牧羊犬缺血性皮肤病多灶性脱毛见于眼周区域,从嘴唇延伸至面颊部,尾部至鼻平面。红斑和小结痂见于唇和面颊。图片来自Monika Linek。图10d:缺血性皮肤病犬的皮肤。毛囊严重萎缩,仅留下短的上皮链。毛囊周围结缔组织突出且均质化。真皮胶原蛋白呈苍白色。炎症细胞以随机的(“纸屑样”)模式分布于整个真皮。表皮轻度增生,呈多灶性;有色素性失禁。苏木精-伊红染色。


Follicular Lipidosis in Rottweiler Dogs


Follicular lipidosis is rare and has been only reported in 4 Rottweiler dogs. The affected dogs presented with partial alopecia on the mahogany or tan points of the face and feet within the first year of age. In neighboring areas, hairs turned mouse gray. In biopsies of affected skin, ballooning of the matrical cells due to lipid deposition was seen. Mainly hair bulbs of primary anagen HFs were affected. Rare vacuoles were also seen in HSs. Some HSs presented with an irregular contour and changes in the cuticle.



Pituitary Dwarfism in German Shepherd Dogs, Saarloos and Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs, and Tibetian Terriers


Pituitary dwarfism in German Shepherd dogs, Saarloos and Czechoslovakian wolfdogs, and Tibetian terriers is an autosomal recessively inherited disease, which is associated with mutations in the LIM homeobox3 gene in all 4 dog breeds. This gene variant leads to a defect in the organogenesis of the adenohypophysis, resulting in a combined deficiency of growth hormone, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), and prolactin, whereas the production of adrenocorticotropic hormone is normal. Besides growth retardation, affected dogs lack primary hairs and have prominent secondary hairs resulting in a puppy coat. Over time, bilateral symmetrical alopecia progresses and the skin becomes hyperpigmented.



Acquired Alopecia Associated With an Impaired Hair Cycle


Hair Cycle Disorders of Endocrine Origin


Endocrinopathies (eg, hyperadrenocorticism, hyperestrogenism, and hypothyroidism) are due to imbalances in hormones and manifest as nonpruritic, bilateral symmetric alopecia or hypotrichosis resulting from a deregulation of the HC. The remaining hair coat is dull and dry, can be easily epilated, and fails to regrow after clipping. Whereas the cause for the endocrinopathy is known, in most cases the specific action of the deregulated hormones on the canine HF has not yet been studied. A recent review summarized the effect of various hormones on the HF. As outlined above (Fig. 2), different hormones have a similar impact on the different HC phases. Thus, although the different endocrinopathies may have the tendency to present with specific histological features at some stage of the disease, histologic findings are similar and a definite diagnosis has to be based on the appropriate combination of clinical history, clinical features, clinical pathology testing, specific endocrine testing, and sometimes imaging.



In general, it can be said that, in addition to the lack/reduction in anagen HFs, typical histological features of associated with different endocrinopathies are:



• Alopecia X and hyperestrogenism—mainly telogen and kenogen follicles (Fig.8b, d).



• Hyperadrenocorticism—abundant kenogen follicles and severe follicular atrophy as well as dermal atrophy and a thin epidermis. Comedone formation is typical (Fig. 11a).



• Hypothyroidism—anagen or telogen, normal sized primary follicles, and kenogen or atrophic secondary follicles. In addition, epidermal hyperplasia may develop if concurrent infections are present. Dermal mucinosis may be seen, but is rare (Fig. 11b).



However, as stated above, these “typical” features may change during the disease course. For example, a dog with hyperestrogenism may present with severe follicular atrophy.




Figure 11. Hair cycle disorders of endocrine origin Figure 11a. Skin from a dog with hyperadrenocorticism. Hair follicles are severely atrophic (black arrow surrounded by a white line), in kenogen (star), and rarely in telogen (black arrow). Comedone formation (white arrow surrounded by a black line) is typical, and anagen follicles are missing. Hematoxylin and eosin. Figure 11b. Skin from a dog with hypothyroidism. The primary hair follicles are of normal size and in anagen (asterisk), whereas the secondary hair follicles are in kenogen or atrophic (black arrow surrounded with white line). Infundibula are dilated and filled with a large amount of keratin. Hematoxylin and eosin. Figure 11c. Alopecia associated with hyperadrenocorticism in a poodle. The alopecia affects the neck and the entire trunk, but spares the head and extremities. Picture courtesy of Iwan Burgener. Figure 11d. Alopecia associated with hypothyroidism in a dog. Alopecia involves the legs proximal to the hocks, the rump, the dorsum, the ventrum, and parts of the head. Picture courtesy of Luc Beco.

图11。内分泌疾病导致的毛发周期障碍;图11a:肾上腺皮质亢进的犬的皮肤。毛囊严重萎缩(被白线包围的黑色箭头),出现无毛静止期(星形),罕见静止期(黑色箭头)。典型的粉刺形成(被黑线包围的白色箭头),生长期毛囊缺失。苏木精-伊红。图11 b。患有甲状腺功能减退症的犬的皮肤。初级毛囊大小正常,处于生长期(星号),而次级毛囊处于无毛静止期或萎缩期(被白线包围的黑箭头)。漏斗部扩张,充满大量角蛋白。苏木精-伊红。图11 c。一只贵宾犬的肾上腺皮质机能亢进相关的脱毛。颈部和整个躯干脱毛,但不影响头部和四肢。图片由Iwan Burgener提供。图11 d。与甲状腺功能减退症相关的犬脱毛。脱毛涉及到腿跗关节近端、臀部、背、腹和头部部分。图片由Luc Beco提供。



Hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is a commonly seen endocrinopathy in mainly older dogs of medium to large breeds. Clinical signs are associated with the deficiency of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4).In dogs, like in human beings, the HF is considered to be an important target for thyroid hormones. Deficiency of thyroid hormones is most often caused by idiopathic thyroid atrophy or lymphocytic thyroiditis. Clinical lesions of hypothyroidism start with a dull, dry, easily epilated hair coat that fails to regrow after clipping. Subsequently, alopecia develops in areas of hair coat friction, including the tail, elbows, hips, around the neck, and on the dorsal surface of the nose. Symmetric truncal alopecia is not as common as once thought (Fig. 11d).



Thyroid hormones affect the HF in various ways. From other species, the following data are available in the literature:



•Thyroid hormones promote the anagen HC phase:


°Thyroid hormones (T3, T4) downregulate apoptosis of human matrix keratinocytes, and T4 upregulates their proliferation.


°T4 prolongs the duration of anagen of human HFs in vitro.


°In mice and rats, topically applied T3 enhances both skin and hair growth.


°In female human scalp HF organ culture, TSH failed to have a significant effect on human HS elongation, anagen duration, or matrical cell proliferation. Thus, it was concluded that despite the presence of functional TSH receptors in human scalp HFs, the elevated levels of TSH seen in hypothyroid patients may result from thyroid hormone effects.



Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing’s disease/syndrome). Hyperadrenocorticism is a common cause of alopecia in dogs and the result of a prolonged exposure to inappropriately high plasma concentrations of (free) cortisol. Naturally occurring disease is usually caused by bilateral adrenal cortical hyperplasia secondary to a functional pituitary neoplasm, and less often by a functional adrenal cortical neoplasm. Iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism is also common in dogs and is due to administration of exogenous glucocorticoids or treatment with trilostane. Rarely, accidental topical contact with glucocorticoids used on the skin of human beings may cause lesions, particularly in small dogs. The alopecia in hyperadrenocorticism spares the head and extremities and is accompanied by comedone formation and thin skin resulting in the risk of increased bruising, poor wound healing, and increased susceptibility to infections (Fig. 11c). Calcification of the dermis (calcinosis cutis) on the dorsal head, neck, and back, and sometimes also in inguinal and abdominal areas and extremities, can occur in dogs. It is seen most often with iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism.



Glucocorticoids affect the HF in various ways. From other species, the following data are available in the literature:



• Impaired anagen induction |

Steroids result in the reduction in DP cells in mice. The DP plays a crucial role in the activation of follicular stem cells and when the number of DP cells is too low the HF fails to enter anagen.




• Shortened anagen and premature catagen induction

In mice, glucocorticoids reduce the mitotic activity of hair matrix cells and stimulate their differentiation. This finding could be in line with a shortened anagen cycle phase resulting in premature catagen induction.




Dexamethasone treatment reduces the number of human DP cells in vitro and downregulates the expression of the KI-67 protein, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF).It is known that the DP is essential for the growth and the differentiation of follicular keratinocytes.



Elevated levels of plasma glucocorticoids in chronic stress also inhibit the proliferation of DP cells and suppress the expression of VEGF.



Dexamethasone increases the expression of dickkopf-1 (DKK1), a known catagen inducer, in DP cells and a neutralizing DKK1 antibody attenuates the Dexamethasone-induced inhibition of HS elongation and delays Dexamethasone-induced catagen in mice.

地塞米松增加了DP细胞中dickkopf-1 (DKK1)的表达,DKK1是一种已知的中间期诱导因子,且中和性DKK1抗体减弱了地塞米松诱导的小鼠HS延长抑制,并延缓了地塞米松诱导中间期。


Dexamethasone induces the activity of the androgen receptor in human and murine DP cells, which might result in a shortened anagen phase.



Hyperestrogenism. Hyperestrogenism can develop in male and female dogs. In females, higher estrogen levels originate from ovarian cysts, and rarely ovarian neoplasm. In males, elevated serum estrogen concentrations are mostly derived from functional sertoli cell tumors or less commonly testicular interstitial cell tumors. Estrogen administration for the treatment of estrogen-responsive urinary incontinence, vaginitis, or prostate hypertrophy and hyperplasia has also caused hyperestrogenism in dogs.Rarely, accidental topical or oral contact with estrogens used on the skin of human beings may cause lesions due to skin contact or licking, particularly in small dogs. The bilateral symmetrical alopecia often begins in the perineal–genital region before it progresses to the abdomen, caudal and medial thighs, chest, flanks, and neck (Fig. 8c). Hyperpigmentation may be seen. In addition to endocrine alopecia, female dogs have enlarged vulvas and abnormalities of the estrus cycle. Male dogs can develop gynecomastia, a pendulous prepuce, a linear preputial erythema (Fig. 8c), or an enlarged prostate because of squamous metaplasia of prostatic ducts.



Estrogens affect the HF in various ways. From other species, the following data are available in the literature 



• Impaired anagen onset:


In mice, it has been shown that estrogen induces apoptosis of precortex cells and causes premature catagen induction by the upregulation of transforming growth factor β2 (TGF-β2). Immediately after the HF enters premature catagen, the expression of bone morphogenic protein 4 (BMP4) is increased. It is speculated that the upregulation of BMP4 prevents the transition of HFs from telogen to anagen, thus resulting in an increased number of telogen follicles.

在小鼠实验中,研究表明雌激素诱导皮层前细胞凋亡,以及通过上调转化生长因子β2 (TGF-β2)诱导过早进入中间期。HF过早进入中间期后,骨形态发生蛋白4 (BMP4)表达升高。推测BMP4的上调阻止了HF从静止期向生长期的转变,从而导致静止期毛囊数量的增加。


• Premature catagen induction


Estrogens alter gene expression of several HC-relevant genes and signaling pathway members, such as the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway and the TGF/BMP family, and are thus involved in the initiation and promotion of catagen by the induction of apoptosis.



In isolated human HFs, it has been shown that estrogen inhibited matrix keratinocyte proliferation and enhanced their entry into apoptosis.



Miscellaneous Noninflammatory Acquired Alopecic Disorders


Post-Clipping Alopecia


Post-clipping alopecia is characterized by a lack of hair regrowth after clipping. The underlying cause is unclear, but it seems to occur more often in dogs with a long telogen HC phase (eg, Siberian huskies and other breeds with a thick undercoat). Thus, it may well be that many cases of post-clipping alopecia are due to the fact that hair regrowth after clipping takes longer because the dogs have been clipped in an early telogen stage and hair will regrow only when the long telogen phase in these dogs is finished and the HFs reach the next late anagen stage. In addition, vascular perfusion changes in response to cutaneous temperature changes after clipping and underlying preclinical endocrinopathies have been discussed as possible causes.



Alopecia Associated With Excessive Hair Loss—Telogen Effluvium


Telogen effluvium is rare in dogs and is the result of excessive premature shedding of the HSs (exogen). Thereafter, synchronized initiation of new anagen occurs. Thus, the major histological finding is that all HFs are in telogen or more often already in anagen. Dogs are nevertheless bald since the HSs have not yet reached the skin surface. The underlying cause for the synchronization of the HC in dogs is not known. In humans, various causes of telogen effluvium have been identified, such as stress, illness, medications with all-trans retinoic acid and salicylic acid, excessive ultraviolet light, nutritional deficiencies, lymphocytotoxic (autoimmune) activity, and long-term use of estrogen-containing contraceptives. It is likely that similar causes induce excessive shedding in animals.



Anagen Effluvium/Defluxion


Anagen effluvium is due to interruption of the mitotic activity of the rapidly proliferating anagen hair bulb matrix cells. It is most often related to chemotherapy and is best documented in humans. It is rarely seen in dogs and mostly affects breeds with an anagen-dominated HC, but other breeds may be affected as well. In dogs, chemotherapy-associated anagen effluvium has been most commonly associated with doxorubicin and 5-fluorouracil therapy. However, other chemotherapeutic agents result in alopecia as well. The abrupt cessation of mitotic activity of the matrix cells leads to a narrowing of the proximal portion of the HF and the production of fragile HSs. When these fragile HSs reach the skin surface, they break and anagen effluvium occurs. In 1 study, the onset of alopecia after the beginning of the drug administration ranged from 7 to 120 days, and the time to resolution ranged from 42 to 150 days. Diagnosis is based on clinical history, physical examination, and microscopic examination of pulled hairs (trichograms). In the early course of the disease, the pulled hairs have irregularly narrowed or pointed ends. In the late course, only telogen hairs, which are not mitotically active, can be pulled since all anagen hairs have been lost.



Alopecia Associated With Ischemic Dermatopathy


Ischemic dermatopathy is caused by impaired vascular perfusion and is associated with an underlying vasculopathy or vasculitis. In a recent study, miniature poodles, Chihuahuas, Maltese, Yorkshire terriers, and Jack Russell terriers were significantly over-represented, and about 50% of the cases were associated with a vaccine. Clinically, focal or multifocal alopecia is the most common lesion. Lesions are found mostly on the pinnae, vaccination sites, periocular regions or in the face, and on the tail (Fig. 10c). Besides alopecia crusts, scale, erythema, erosions or ulcers, and hyperpigmentation are seen commonly. Pruritus may be present. Systemic signs have been seen in about a third of the dogs. Histologically, primary and secondary HFs are severely atrophic and may be absent. HFs are described as “fading” follicles. They are devoid of HSs, and only a thin, short epithelial strand remains in the HF. Prominence and homogenization of the connective tissue surrounding the HF is a frequent finding (Fig. 10d). Vascular lesions are seen in the capillaries and small arterioles and are characterized by loss of vascular distinction or endothelial cells. Inflammation of the vessel walls is seen rarely in dogs. The dermal collagen is pale and is described to have a smudged appearance. Lymphocytes and plasma cells are distributed randomly (“confetti-like”) throughout the dermis and eventually the panniculus. Dermal edema and/or mucin deposition is seen frequently. Vacuolation of epidermal basal keratinocytes and rare apoptotic cells, described as cell poor interface dermatitis, may be seen. The detailed pathogenic mechanisms of how ischemia affects the HFs are unknown. In 1 study, it has been shown that under hypoxic culture conditions the capacity of follicular stem cells to form clonal colonies is impaired.

缺血性皮肤病由血管灌注受损引起,并与潜在的血管病变或血管炎相关。在最近的一项研究中,小型贵宾犬、吉娃娃犬、马尔济斯犬、约克夏犬和杰克罗素梗犬发病率明显偏高,约50%的病例与疫苗有关。临床上,局灶性或多灶性脱毛是最常见的病变。病变主要见于耳廓、疫苗接种部位、眼周区域或面部和尾部(图10c)。除脱毛外,结痂、皮屑、发红、糜烂或溃疡和色素沉着也很常见。可能存在瘙痒。大约三分之一的犬出现了全身症状。组织学上,初级和次级HF均严重萎缩,可能缺失。HF被描述为“褪色”的毛囊。它们缺乏HS, HF中只剩下一条细而短的上皮带。常见HF周围结缔组织突出且均质化(图10d)。血管病变见于毛细血管和小动脉,以血管分化或内皮细胞丧失为特征。血管壁的炎症在犬中很少见。真皮胶原蛋白呈苍白状,有污迹(smudged)外观。淋巴细胞和浆细胞在真皮层和脂膜中随机分布(“彩纸样”“confetti-like”)。常可见皮肤水肿和/或黏蛋白沉积。可见表皮基底角质形成细胞空泡化和罕见细胞凋亡,称为少细胞性界面性皮炎。缺血如何影响HF的详细致病机制尚不清楚。1项研究表明,在低氧培养条件下,毛囊干细胞形成克隆集落的能力受损。


Traction Alopecia


Traction alopecia is the results of chronic partial ischemia that is not associated with an underlying vascular pathology. It occurs when rubber bands are applied tightly to retain the hair and is the result of a repetitive or continuous impaired blood supply to HFs and adjacent skin. The impaired blood supply is due to shearing and compression of the smaller diameter blood vessels due to prolonged forces of traction. It most often presents as focal alopecia on the top of the head or on the ears in longhaired dogs. Once developed, the alopecia is long term and generally permanent. Histologically, depending on alopecia duration, HFs are either in kenogen or are atrophic, and may be partially or completely lost and replaced by dermal fibrosis. Adnexal glands are also usually atrophic and may be absent.



“Postinflammatory Alopecia” and Hair Cycle Arrest of Unknown Cause


In addition to the disorders described, noninflammatory alopecia, associated histologically with an impaired HC, may be seen in cases for which the causes and/or the diagnoses remains unclear. As outlined in the review on HF structure, morphogenesis, and regeneration in the same issue of this journal, the HC is a tightly regulated and highly conserved process that involves numerous signals derived from epithelial, neuroendocrine, and mesenchymal cells. These signals converge on HF stem cells, transient amplifying cells, and also during cytodifferentiation. Many of these signals have not yet been identified in rodents or dogs. Nevertheless, these finely balanced activators and inhibitors have an impact on the normal function or dysfunction of the HC. A detailed review on the impact of inflammation on the HC and epidermal regeneration is provided in a recent review.



Examples of possible mechanisms resulting in an impaired HC are as follows:


• In mice, sonic stress results in the recruitment of substance P and nerve growth factor, which results in perifollicular inflammation, HF keratinocyte apoptosis, premature HF regression (catagen induction), and inhibition of HF keratinocyte proliferation.

• In systemic stress conditions, plasma glucocorticoids are elevated through activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis. The effects of steroids have been discussed earlier.

• Chronic restraint stress increases the number of substance P immunoreactive nerve fibers and activates mast cells.

• Chronic restraint stress inhibits hair growth by prolonging the telogen stage and delaying the subsequent anagen and catagen stage.

• Stress is associated with premature catagen development in mice.

• In humans, examination stress results in shift the immune response to a TH1 response and transiently hampers hair growth. However, the changes stay within a physiological range.

• Mast cell degranulation triggers catagen induction.

• Skin-resident macrophages undergo apoptosis prior to SC activation at anagen onset. This process is linked to distinct gene expression, including Wnt transcription. Experimental induction of macrophage apoptosis during early telogen results in stem cell activation in vivo. A macrophage-specific pharmacological inhibition of wingless / integrated (WNT) production delays HF growth.

• A subset of dermal macrophages secretes oncostatin M, maintains HF stem cell growth, and inhibits hair growth.

• Data from mice suggest that interleukin (IL)-6 family members inhibit hair growth in a dose-dependent manner. As increased levels of IL-6 are present in dermal inflammation, IL-6 may play a partial role hair growth inhibition seen in inflammatory disease.












These data at least suggest that also in dogs, stress or inflammatory mediators released by mast cells, or other cells of the innate immune system, may result in HC arrest disorders.





Noninflammatory alopecia in dogs may be present at birth, develop early at life with a presumed hereditary cause, or is clearly acquired. The underlying gene variants or the detailed underlying pathogenesis is unknown for most cases. Since the HF has only limited possibilities to respond to an impaired regulation and since histopathology may change during the course of a disease, histologic findings can be similar in different diseases. Thus, histology may suggest an underlying cause, but is not reliable. A detailed clinical history, a thorough clinical examination including blood work, the appropriate selection of the biopsy site, and the detailed histological findings need to be combined to achieve a final diagnosis.






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