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中耳息肉:62例猫经耳道外侧通路牵引撕脱的结果(2004-2014) ...










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Middle ear polyps: results of traction avulsion after a lateral approach to the ear canal in 62 cats (2004–2014)



作者:Sara DS Janssens, Annika N Haagsman1 and Gert Ter Haar




Objectives The objective of this study was to report the surgical outcome and complication rate of deep traction avulsion (TA) of feline aural inflammatory polyps after a lateral approach (LA) to the ear canal. Methods This was a retrospective analysis of data retrieved from an electronic database of 62 cats treated with TA after an LA (TALA) for removal of ear canal polyps. Long-term outcome was assessed via a telephone questionnaire survey with the owners.

Results Domestic shorthair cats (48%) and Maine Coons (37%) were over-represented. The most common presenting clinical signs were otorrhoea, ear scratching and head shaking. Video-otoscopic examination confirmed a polypous mass in the ear canal in all patients. All 62 cats underwent TALA with a mean surgical time of 33 mins for experienced surgeons (n = 4) and 48 mins (n = 12) for less experienced surgeons. The recurrence rate of polyp regrowth for experienced surgeons was 14.3% vs 35% for the less experienced surgeons. Postoperative complications included Horner’s syndrome (11.5%) and facial nerve paralysis (3%). Otitis interna was not observed.

Conclusions and relevance A lateral approach to the ear canal in combination with deep TA of an aural inflammatory polyp is an effective first-line technique that results in a low recurrence and complication rate.


目的 报道猫耳炎性息肉经耳道外侧通路深部牵引撕脱(TA)的手术效果及并发症发生率。

方法 回顾性分析电子数据库中62只猫耳道息肉切除术后经TA治疗的资料。通过电话问卷向宠主调查评估长期结果。

结果 家养短毛猫(48%)和缅因猫(37%)的比例过高。最常见临床表现为耳道分泌物、抓耳和甩头。视频耳镜检查证实所有患猫耳道均有息肉样肿物。所有62只猫都接受了TALA手术,经验丰富的外科医生平均手术时间为33分钟(n = 4),经验较少的外科医生平均手术时间为48分钟(n = 12)。经验丰富的医生的息肉再生复发率为14.3%,而经验不足的医生的复发率为35%。术后并发症包括霍纳综合征(11.5%)和面神经麻痹(3%)。未观察到内耳炎。

结论与相关性 耳道外侧通路联合深部耳道炎性息肉TA是一种有效的一线技术,其复发率和并发症发生率低。





Middle ear polyps in cats are relatively common benign masses that arise from the mucosal lining of the middle ear, Eustachian tube or the nasopharynx. Whereas many cats will not demonstrate any specific clinical signs associated with middle ear polyps, extension of the polyps beyond the boundaries of the middle ear leads to signs of otitis externa, otitis interna or nasopharyngitis. Diagnosis of polyps is relatively straightforward when polyps have protruded into the ear canal or into the nasopharynx where they can easily be demonstrated using otoscopy and nasopharyngoscopy. Advanced imaging in the form of CT or MRI is advised for cats that have disease confined to the middle ear cavity, and have concomitant nasal disease or otitis interna.



The treatment of middle ear polyps that have protruded beyond the middle ear cavity is surgical in all cases. Described techniques for polyp removal from the ear canal include traction avulsion (TA), ventral bulla osteotomy, lateral ear resection and total ear canal ablation with lateral bulla osteotomy, although the latter two techniques are not commonly advised. TA is the least invasive technique, yet has the highest documented recurrence rate (up to 50%). Recently, however, better results have been reported using a per-endoscopic transtympanic traction technique, which resulted in polyp recurrence in only 13.5% of the 37 cats treated. Complications are minimal with these techniques. A ventral bulla osteotomy (VBO) is the most invasive technique with the highest associated complication risks but with the lowest recurrence rates (0–8%). In one relatively large study with 19 cats treated with VBO, reported postoperative complications included Horner’s syndrome (n = 11), otitis interna (n = 2) and facial nerve paralysis (n = 5), and the recurrence rate was 3–5%. Venker-van Haagen introduced TA after a lateral approach (LA) to the ear canal (TALA) as a simple, quick and effective method bypassing complications seen with VBO and generally leading to a low recurrence rate. Whereas this technique has been used for decades, postoperative complications, long-term outcome and recurrence rates using this technique have so far not been reported in the veterinary literature. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to report epidemiological data, clinical signs, postoperative complications and long-term surgical outcomes of TALA for removal of middle ear polyps.

所有突出中耳腔的中耳息肉病例的治疗都进行了外科手术。所描述的耳道息肉切除技术包括牵引撕脱术(TA)、腹侧鼓泡截骨术、耳道外侧切除术和全耳道消融加外侧鼓泡截骨术,但后两种技术通常不被推荐。TA是侵袭性最小的技术,但所记录的复发率最高(高达50%)。然而,最近有报道称,使用内窥镜下经鼓膜牵引技术取得了较好的效果,在37只接受治疗的猫中,只有13.5%的猫出现了息肉复发。这些技术的并发症最小。腹侧鼓泡截骨术(VBO)是最具侵袭性的技术,并发症风险最高,但复发率最低(0-8%)。在一项相对大型研究中,19只猫进行VBO治疗,报道的术后并发症包括霍纳综合征(n = 11)、内耳炎(n = 2)和面神经麻痹(n = 5),复发率为3-5%。Venker-van Haagen介绍的在耳道外侧通路(LA)后进行TA作为一种简单、快速、有效的方法,可以避免VBO的并发症,通常复发率较低。尽管这项技术已经使用了几十年,但使用这项技术的术后并发症、长期预后和复发率迄今尚未在兽医文献中报道。因此,本研究旨在报道TALA去除中耳息肉的流行病学资料、临床症状、术后并发症及长期手术效果。


Materials and methods


Animals and data collection


Data from all cats treated surgically by a lateral approach at our department between December 2004 and June 2014 were collected retrospectively from an electronic database. Information collected included age, breed, sex, clinical signs, findings during initial physical examination, otoscopic findings, diagnostic imaging results, surgeons performing the procedure, results of histopathology and follow-up examinations. Patients were excluded from this study if digital files were incomplete or patients were lost to follow-up.





Preoperative protocol for all cats consisted of a thorough otoscopic examination to determine the presence of a visible polyp on the affected site.



After aseptic preparation of the surgical site, an incision was made in the skin in a dorsoventral direction over the palpable vertical ear canal, starting just cranio-ventral to the tragus over approximately 2.5 cm. The subcutaneous tissues were dissected with small scissors to free the cartilage of the vertical ear canal to the level of the junction between the auricular and annular cartilages, reflecting the parotid gland. A vertical stab incision was made ventrally to dorsally in the auricular cartilage just above this junction with a Bard Parker scalpel handle with a no. 11 blade over 7–10 mm. Stay sutures were placed on both sides of the incision in the ear canal cartilage with fine monofilament suture material to increase visualisation and avoid damaging the cartilage. Small closed curved haemostatic forceps were then introduced into the ear canal, meticulously following the direction of the horizontal ear canal until the polyp was encountered. The forceps were then opened and advanced deeper over the polyp until it could be grasped as close as possible to the osseous meatus (Figure 1). When a firm grip had been achieved, the forceps were gently rotated to make sure no other tissue than the polyp itself had been grasped and traction was applied until the polyp avulsed from its origin (Figure 2). With complete removal of a classical middle ear inflammatory polyp, a small stalk at the base of the polyp could usually be identified. The middle ear cavity was flushed with warm saline and with a small curette the osseous meatus and most lateral aspect of the tympanic cavity was ‘palpated’ to check for additional inflammatory tissue, which was removed with this curette when encountered. The stay sutures were removed and the cartilage of the ear canal was closed with 4-0 monofilament suture material in an interrupted pattern; three or four sutures were usually sufficient. The subcutis was closed in a continuous pattern with 4-0 absorbable monofilament material and the skin was closed in a subdermal suture pattern using the same material.



Postoperative management consisted of amoxicillinclavulanic acid (Synulox; Pfizer Animal Health) or enrofloxacin (Baytril; Bayer Animal Health) for 7 days for cats without clinical signs of otitis interna and for 14–21 days for those presenting with signs of otitis interna, and meloxicam (Metacam cat; Boehringer Ingelheim) for 5 days. No corticosteroids were administrated.





Each owner was contacted by telephone at least 6 months after intervention (follow-up 6 months to 10 years) and asked the following questions: (1) recovery time after surgery (estimated number of weeks for clinical signs to disappear completely: 1–2, 2–3, 3–4, 5–10, >10 weeks); (2) presence of postsurgical residual signs (head tilt, ataxia, anorexia, otorrhoea, ear scratching, head shaking, facial nerve paralysis and Horner’s syndrome); (3) clinical signs fitting with recurrence of polyp growth after initial full recovery; (4) overall owner satisfaction as evaluated on a 1–4 analogue scale (1 = displeased, 4 = very satisfied). Medical terminology was explained during the conversation with the owner.

在术后至少6个月(随访6个月至10年)电话联系每位宠主,询问以下问题:(1)术后恢复时间(临床症状完全消失的估计周数:1-2、2-3、3-4、5-10、>10周);(2)是否术后还有症状(头倾斜、共济失调、厌食、耳分泌物、抓耳、甩头、面神经麻痹、霍纳综合征);(3)初步完全恢复后符合息肉复发的临床症状;(4)宠主整体满意度进行1-4分模拟评分(1 =不满意,4 =非常满意)。在与宠主的谈话中解释了医学术语。


Statistical analysis


Collected data were statistically analysed using SPSS software (V.20.0; IBM). A Kaplan–Meier was performed to evaluate the disease free interval. Cox regression analysis was preformed to evaluate significant differences (P<0.05) between variables.





Epidemiological data


Ninety-two cats met the inclusion criteria, but only 62 owners were willing to participate in this retrospective study. Domestic shorthair cats and Maine Coons were over-represented in our population, 48% (30/62) and 37% (23/62), respectively. Other breeds that were presented more than once included the Norwegian Forest Cat (2/62; 3%) and the Oriental Shorthair (2/62; 3%). The mean age of affected cats was 3.9 years (range 0.5–14 years) with a median of 2 years. There were 27 (44%) female cats, 81% of which were neutered, and 35 (56%) male cats of which 80% were neutered.



Clinical signs and imaging results


Presenting clinical signs related to the presence of an ear polyp are listed in Table 1. The most common clinical signs were otorrhoea, ear scratching and head shaking. Signs such as ataxia, anorexia, Horner’s syndrome and deafness were rarely seen. Diagnostic imaging in the form of a CT scan was performed in 16/62 cats included in this study. Eight cats underwent CT as part of the initial workup prior to surgery and 10 when presented with signs of recurrence (including two that had CT previously, at initial work-up). Only the first CT scan (16 cats) results were reviewed for this study. A soft tissue opacity within the tympanic bulla was seen in all cases, with additional osseous changes/thickening of the bulla wall in 9/16. Extension of soft tissue opacity from the middle ear through the external bony meatus into the ear canal was seen in 12/16 cases. In one cat the soft tissue opacity extended to the level of the external bony meatus and in three cats this specific information could not be retrieved. In six cats, in addition to the middle ear and ear canal abnormalities reported above, a protrusion of polypous tissue towards the nasopharynx was diagnosed, based on the presence of a soft tissue opacity at the level of the Eustachian tube opening in the nasopharynx (9.7%).





No complications were encountered during surgery in all cases. Postoperative complications included Horner’s syndrome in seven cases and facial nerve paralysis in two. Vestibular signs were not observed. All patients were discharged from the hospital.



Forty-seven (75.8%) cat owners indicated that their cats had completely recovered following surgery and were not exhibiting any residual signs. Clinical signs had disappeared within 1–3 weeks in 91% of these animals, with a mean of 2.6 weeks. In six of the 47 (12.7%) cats that made an initial full recovery after the surgery, clinical signs compatible with possible recurrence of polyp growth developed 12, 21, 23, 34, 41 and 101 months postoperatively, respectively. For these late recurrences the median disease-free interval was 27.5 months. All cats were re-examined at our institution and a new polyp in the external ear canal was confirmed in four cats and otitis media in two of these cats using CT and/or video-otoscopy.



Owners of 15 cats (24.2%) reported that their cats had not fully recovered. In these cats clinical signs such as otorrhoea, head shaking and ear scratching persisted postoperatively beyond 4 weeks. Recurrence of (or residual) polyp growth was confirmed at re-examination in our clinic using CT scan and/or video-otoscopy in 8/15 (53%) cases. Of the other seven cats with persisting clinical signs after surgery two owners declined further work-up and five cats were lost to follow-up.



Auxiliary surgery in the cats with confirmed regrowth of polyps consisted of polyp removal via TA under video-otoscopic guidance (3/12), VBO (7/12) or a second lateral approach as described above (2/12).



An experienced ear, nose and throat surgeon had performed the polyp removal in 40 cats included in this study. In the remainder of the cases (n = 22), the procedure had been carried out by a less experienced surgeon (resident). Mean surgical time was 33 mins for experienced surgeon and 48 mins for the less experienced surgeon.

一名经验丰富的耳鼻喉外科医生对研究中的40只猫进行了息肉切除。其余病例(n = 22)由经验不足的外科医生(住院医师)进行手术。经验丰富的外科医生平均手术时间为33分钟,经验不足的外科医生平均手术时间为48分钟。


There were no significant differences in recurrence rates between the experienced surgeon, (average recurrence rate was 14.3% vs 35% for the less experienced surgeon). The cats with confirmed recurrences (n = 13) included seven domestic shorthairs, five Maine Coons and one Birman. Recurrence was seen in six females (6/27; 22%) vs seven male cats (7/35; 20%). There were no significant differences in recurrence rates between males and females, and neutered and intact cats.

经验丰富的外科医生之间的复发率没有显著差异(平均复发率为14.3%,而经验较少的外科医生为35%)。确认复发的猫(n = 13)包括7只家养短毛猫,5只缅因猫和1只伯曼猫。6例母猫复发(6/27;22%) vs 7只公猫(7/35;20%)。公猫和母猫、绝育患猫和未绝育患猫的复发率没有显著差异。


A Kaplan–Meier analysis was performed to evaluate the time between surgery and recurrence of polyp growth (disease-free interval) (Figure 3). For this purpose, a time frame between surgery (t = 0) and the time of recurrence of polyp growth, or the time at which the case was censored was used. Cases were censored when recurrence of polyp growth did not occur (48 cats). At 1 year 97% and at 2 years 88% of the cats had survived without recurrence of a polyp. Histopathological examination was performed in 39 cases (including 10 of the 12 recurrences) and confirmed the presence of an inflammatory polyp in all.

我们采用Kaplan-Meier分析来评估手术与息肉复发之间的时间间隔(无病间隔)(图3)。为此,我们使用手术之间的时间间隔(t = 0)与息肉复发的时间间隔,或病例审查的时间间隔。当息肉没有复发时,病例被审查(48只猫)。1年后97%的猫存活,2年后88%的猫没有息肉复发。经组织病理检查39例(12例复发中10例),均证实炎性息肉。




The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy, long-term outcome of and complications associated with TALA of aural inflammatory polyps in cats.



The current study demonstrates that TALA of an aural polyp is a time-efficient surgical technique, associated with an uneventful postoperative recovery, minor postoperative complications and a low recurrence rate of 14% for experienced surgeons. Although the surgery is relatively easy to perform, a learning curve is associated with the technique as both surgical time and recurrence rates depend on the experience of the surgeon.



No apparent breed or sex predilection has been reported for aural polyps, but it has been noted by many authors that polyp formation is more commonly seen in specific cat breeds like the Norwegian Forest, Sphynx, Maine Coon, Persian, Ragdoll and Abyssinian. Similar to what has been reported before, domestic shorthair cats were over-represented in our study. In contrast to previous publications, however, the Maine Coon was also over-represented (37%). Although this confirms previous anecdotal evidence, further research is needed to see if this reflects a bias in our study population or truly reflects a breed predisposition.



The mean age at presentation, male–female distribution and the most common clinical findings (ie, otorrhoea, head shaking and ear scratching) were similar to those that have been previously reported. Clinical signs associated with otitis interna (ie, vestibular ataxia, anorexia and deafness) were less commonly seen in our study compared with previous reports. Only 16 cats presented with ataxia in our study, which resolved in all cats after surgical removal of the polyp and consecutive antibiotic treatment. Prognosis of animals presenting with vestibular signs did not appear to be worse than that of those presenting without. Recurrence rates were similar for both groups.



Advanced diagnostic imaging was not performed in most animals included in this study and diagnosis was confirmed by (video-)otoscopy in all cases with subsequent histopathological evaluation in 60% of these. In most of the cases where recurrence was suspected, advanced diagnostic imaging was performed. Even though polyps can be visualised on radiographs in many cases, for proper (surgical) treatment planning, CT of the entire skull is advised. CT also offers a higher true-positive diagnostic rate for the detection of otitis media, otitis interna and provides information on concomitant changes in the nasal cavity, nasopharynx and frontal sinuses. Findings on diagnostic imaging in our population were similar to changes associated with ear canal and middle ear polyps reported before. Eight patients received a CT before the initial surgery and involvement of the middle ear was demonstrated in all. Only three of these eight cats developed a recurrence of the polyp, despite obvious changes in the middle ear. Whereas definite conclusions cannot be drawn based on our data, it does suggest that despite middle ear involvement on CT imaging TALA is usually curative. Further studies specifically designed to evaluate the use of CT as a predictor of outcome after TALA are required in a larger population. Diagnostic imaging such as CT, based on our results, is advised for cats that require more elaborate surgical procedures such as ventral bulla osteotomy or present with recurrence after polyp removal.



In this study histopathological confirmation of the diagnosis was, unfortunately, only performed in 63% of the cases. Although this would have ideally been performed in all cases, especially in the older animals, the absence of recurrence of signs after removal of the mass in the ear canal indicates the presumptive diagnosis was correct. However, this clearly presents a limitation inherent to the retrospective study design. As a general rule, histopathology should be performed for accurate diagnosis in all cases. Histopathology was performed in 83% of the animals that presented with recurrence, which confirmed the diagnosis of inflammatory polyp in all.



TA and VBO have been the most commonly used techniques for treatment of aural inflammatory polyps. VBO is associated with a low recurrence rate (0–8%) but is more invasive and is associated with a higher incidence of iatrogenic complications (Horner’s syndrome, facial nerve paralysis, otitis interna). In this study TALA was used as a first-choice treatment for all cases with ear canal polyps visible upon otoscopy, regardless of imaging results, indicating middle ear involvement or clinical signs indicative of otitis interna. This technique resulted in a much lower recurrence rate of 14.3% compared with other described TA techniques (around 50% recurrence) and a similar recurrence rate as perendoscopic transtympanic TA (PTT). Whereas recurrence rates are higher than reported for VBO, TALA is easy to perform, efficient and not associated with major complications (ie, bleeding, facial nerve paralysis). Another major advantage of this lateral approach is the short anaesthetic and surgical time compared with previously described surgical techniques. The average surgical time amounted to only 33 mins for experienced ear, nose and throat surgeons, and 48 mins for less experienced surgeons. The study on PTT reported a minimal surgery duration of 45 mins and a maximum of 2.5 h. Although the latter is a minimally invasive technique associated with minor complications, the present study proved to have similar results in outcome and complication rates with a significantly shorter surgical time and without the need for endoscopic equipment.

TA和VBO是治疗耳部炎性息肉最常用的方法。VBO复发率低(0-8%),但侵袭性更强,医源性并发症(霍纳氏综合征、面神经麻痹、内耳炎)的发生率更高。本研究中所有耳镜下可见耳道息肉的病例,无论影像学结果如何,都将TALA作为首选的治疗方法,以提示中耳患病或有临床症状提示内耳炎。该技术的复发率为14.3%,与其他描述的TA技术(约50%的复发率)相比,复发率与经耳道鼓膜TA (PTT)相似。虽然复发率高于VBO,但TALA易于实施、有效且不伴有主要并发症(如出血、面神经麻痹)。这种外侧通路的另一个主要优点是与之前描述的手术技术相比,麻醉时间短,手术时间短。经验丰富的耳鼻喉外科医生平均手术时间为33分钟,经验不足的医生平均手术时间为48分钟。关于PTT的研究报告了最小的手术时间为45分钟,最长2.5小时。虽然后者是一种并发症较少的微创技术,但本研究证明,在手术时间显著缩短且不需要内镜设备的情况下,在结果和并发症发生率方面有类似的结果。


TALA is associated with minor complications of transient nature. Peri- and postoperative bleeding, and vestibular signs upon recovery were not noted in any of the cats. Horner’s syndrome was seen in seven cats (11.5%). Two cats developed postoperative facial nerve paralysis, one of which had resolved at the time of follow-up. The other cat was lost to follow-up. An inexperienced resident performed the surgeries in the latter two cats and facial nerve damage could have resulted from inadvertent ventral dissection beyond the level of the transition between vertical and horizontal ear canal. Owing to the retrospective nature of this study, it is possible that some minor complications (ie, Horner’s syndrome) were under-reported. Major complications including otitis interna and/or facial nerve paralysis most likely would have been reported. The number of complications appears comparable with previous reports on TA techniques, including the PTT study where three cats (8%) developed Horner’s syndrome, but is much higher after VBO. Horner’s syndrome is observed in 25–80% of the cases, and vestibular signs after VBO range from 4–42%. Facial nerve paralysis was seen in 16% of 18 procedures, but when accompanied by total ear canal ablation the incidence can increase up to 31%. In contrast to vestibular symptoms and/or facial nerve paralysis, Horner’s syndrome is considered only a mild complication. The condition does not affect quality of life and often resolves in 2–4 weeks.



Recurrence of polyp growth was seen in 13 cats of the 62 included in this study. The choice between a lateral approach and a VBO for revisional surgery was made based on the size of the polyp and the owners preferences. Very small polyps that barely extend beyond the external bony meatus are difficult to grasp using the lateral approach. For polyps properly protruding beyond the external bony meatus, a lateral approach can be repeated. For very small polyps, a VBO is advised, especially when dealing with possibly multiple small polyps confined to the middle ear cavity.





Inflammatory polyps in the ear canal and middle ear are frequently encountered in cats. Whereas diagnosis heavily relies on visualisation of a polypous growth in the ear canal during otoscopy, advanced imaging such as CT can be a useful aid. First-line treatment for removal of polyps can consist of a lateral approach to the ear canal in combination with TA of the polyp. This study demonstrates this is an effective, fast and inexpensive technique that results in a low recurrence and complication rate. The technique can be performed by first-line practitioners but is associated with a higher recurrence rate if not performed by a surgeon familiar with the technique.




Figure 1 The forceps is gently rotated while grasping the aural polyp to make sure no other tissue has been grasped.




Figure 2 Traction is applied until the polyp avulses




Figure 3 Kaplan–Meier curve of disease-free interval in months



Table 1 Preoperative clinical signs in 62 cats with a middle ear polyp

表1 62只中耳息肉猫的术前临床症状




















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