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发表于 2022-6-29 08:35:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Diagnosis and treatment of demodicosis in dogs and cats
Clinical consensus guidelines of the World Association for Veterinary Dermatology
翻译:蔡欢 校对:王帆
Background –Demodicosis is a common disease in small animal veterinary practice worldwide with a variety of diagnostic and therapeutic options.
Objectives –To provide consensus recommendations on the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of demodicosis in dogs and cats.  
Methods and materials –The authors served as a Guideline Panel (GP) and reviewed the literature available before December 2018. The GP prepared a detailed literature review and made recommendations on selected topics. A draft of the document was presented at the North American Veterinary Dermatology Forum in Maui, HI, USA (May 2018) and at the European Veterinary Dermatology Congress in Dubrovnik, Croatia (September 2018) and was made available via the World Wide Web to the member organizations of the World Association for Veterinary Dermatology for a period of three months. Comments were solicited and responses were incorporated into the final document.
Conclusions –In young dogs with generalized demodicosis, genetic and immunological factors seem to play a role in the pathogenesis and affected dogs should not be bred. In old dogs and cats, underlying immunosuppressive conditions contributing to demodicosis should be explored. Deep skin scrapings are the diagnostic gold standard for demodicosis, but trichograms and tape squeeze preparations may also be useful under certain circumstances. Amitraz, macrocyclic lactones and more recently isoxazolines have all demonstrated good efficacy in the treatment of canine demodicosis. Therapeutic selection should be guided by local drug legislation, drug availability and. Evidence for successful treatment of feline demodicosis is strongest for lime sulfur dips and amitraz baths.

Summary of statements
Consensus Statement 1 In young dogs with generalized demodicosis a temporary immune alteration most likely plays an important role in the pathogenesis. In older dogs, the disease may be associated with an immunosuppressive condition or treatment. However, other hitherto unknown factors also may play a role. In cats, demodicosis is usually associated with other diseases, with the exception of the contagious Demodex gatoi that can also affect otherwise healthy cats.

Consensus Statement 2 In young dogs, demodicosis has a genetic basis and most likely multiple genes are involved

Consensus Statement 3 In dogs, two Demodex species occur, the shorter D. canis and the longer D. injai. In cats, the shorter D. gatoi has a more regional occurrence and different clinical signs than the classical D. cati.
共识声明3在犬中两种蠕形螨,蠕形螨较短,隐在蠕形螨较长。 在猫中,与传统的猫蠕形螨相比,较短的戈托伊蠕形螨更有区域性且临床症状不同

Consensus Statement 4 Demodicosis in dogs is characterized by alopecia and comedones, follicular casts, papules and pustules. In more severely affected dogs crusting with secondary bacterial infections and systemic signs may develop. Dogs with demodicosis due to D. canis also can exhibit pruritus, especially when secondary infection is present.Demodex injai occurs more often in terrier breeds and additionally causes excessive greasiness. In cats, D. cati shows similar clinical signs, whereas by contrast infestations with the contagious D. gatoi often lead to truncal pruritus.

Consensus Statement 5 Deep skin scrapings (currently the diagnostic method of choice), trichograms, tape strips and examinations of exudate may be useful in identifying Demodex mites. More than one mite on any given test is an indication of clinically relevant demodicosis.

Consensus Statement 6 Dogs with generalized demodicosis and their parents should not be bred.

Consensus Statement 7 Treatment for generalized demodicosis should be monitored clinically and microscopically every month until the second negative skin scraping. Miticidal therapy should be continued four weeks beyond the second set of negative monthly scrapings to decrease the risk of a disease recurrence.

Consensus Statement 8 In dogs with demodicosis, systemic antibiotics will typically not be needed and topical antibacterial therapy combined with good miticidal agents will be sufficient unless severe bacterial infection is present.

Consensus Statement 9 Weekly amitraz rinses at 0.025–0.05% are effective for canine demodicosis; long-haired animals should be clipped.

Consensus Statement 10 Oral ivermectin at 0.3–0.6 mg/kg daily, moxidectin at 0.3–0.5 mg/kg daily, milbemycin oxime at 1.0–2.0 mg/kg daily and doramectin injected subcutaneously every week at 0.6 mg/kg are effective therapies for canine demodicosis, but an initial gradual dose increase is recommended for systemic moxidectin and ivermectin to identify dogs sensitive to toxicosis induced by those macrocyclic lactones. Topical moxidectin/imidacloprid should be considered for mild-moderate cases of canine demodicosis.
共识声明10口服伊维菌素每日0.3–0.6 mg / kg,莫昔克丁每日0.3–0.5 mg / kg,米尔贝肟每日1.0–2.0 mg / kg和多拉菌素每周皮下注射0.6 mg / kg是犬蠕形螨病的有效疗法,但是对于全身性使用莫昔克丁和伊维菌素,建议初始剂量逐步增加,以确定患犬是否对大环内酯类敏感中毒。轻度-中度犬蠕形螨病应考虑外用莫昔克丁/吡虫啉。

Consensus Statement 11 A number of studies have evaluated the efficacy of isoxazolines for canine demodicosis in pet dogs. The published data are very encouraging and make this drug class an excellent treatment option for dogs with demodicosis.

Consensus Statement 12 Demodicosis in cats may be treated with weekly lime sulfur dips at a concentration of 2% or amitraz baths at a concentration of 0.0125%. An easier alternative may be weekly administration of a spot-on containing moxidectin/imidacloprid.


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