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ChroniC otitis in Cats Clinical management of primary, predisposing and perpetuating factors

作者:Bailey Brame and Christine Cain

翻译:郑江涛 校对:王帆

Primary factors causing otitis
Otodectes cynotis
Otodectes cynotis is the most common primary cause of feline otitis externa and is implicated in 53–69% of clinical cases. Conventional wisdom holds that Otodectes mites are most common in young cats, though older cats may be more likely to have asymptomatic infestations. The reported prevalence of Otodectes mite infestation is highly variable in the published literature, ranging from 0.9% to 37%. This may be due to differences in populations evaluated (stray vs client-owned), diagnostic techniques and geographic region.

Patients with Otodectes mite infestation are usually affected bilaterally. They often present with otic pruritus and abundant dark brown ceruminous debris reminiscent of coffee grounds. One study found that 23% of cats with Otodectes mites were also affected in areas other than the ear canals, and feline chin acne has been associated with Otodectes mite infestation. Secondary bacterial or Malassezia infection may occur.

Otodectes mites can be identified on otoscopy in 67–93% of cases, but the abundant dark cerumen present in most patients with otoacariasis may reduce the sensitivity of otoscopy. If mites are not seen on otoscopy, an ear mite preparation should be performed (see box below). In one study, collecting cerumen with a curette was more rewarding than with a cotton-tipped applicator, with 93% and 51% diagnostic sensitivity, respectively.

There are many products that are effective for the treatment of Otodectes mite infestation in cats. Historically, otic preparations have been used, but these products require repeated aural treatment, which may reduce compliance. Milbemycin oxime (0.1%, MilbeMite; Elanco) remains a clinically useful otic treatment because it is labeled for kittens as young as 4 weeks of age.

Newer systemic products are dosed less frequently and are usually administered as a topical transdermal preparation, which may improve client compliance. Additionally, they will also treat mites that migrate outside of the ear canals (most frequently along the head and neck region) more effectively than otic preparations. A systematic review in 2016 of treatment efficacy for Otodectes mite infestation identified only two treatments with fair evidence supporting their efficacy: spot-on 10% imidacloprid with 1% moxidectin (Advantage Multi; Bayer) and selamectin (Revolution; Zoetis). More recently, researchers have investigated isoxazolines in cats with O cynotis. Afoxolaner (no product available labeled for use in cats), selamectin plus sarolaner (Revolution Plus; Zoetis), fluralaner (Bravecto; Merck) and fluralaner plus moxidectin (Bravecto Plus; Merck) resolved O cynotis infestations in cats after a single application.

Otodectes cynotis is the most common primary cause of feline otitis externa.

Technique for ear mite evaluation
1 Collect a sample of cerumen using a curette (preferred) or cotton-tipped applicator.
2 Apply the cerumen in a layer on the surface of a glass slide.
3 Add 1–2 drops of mineral oil, then apply a cover slip.
4 Use a microscope to scan the entire slide for mites:
– use the x 10 objective;
– lower the condenser;
– close the iris diaphragm.
< Do not forget also to evaluate for ear mites directly using an otoscope!

Demodex species
Demodex cati has been identified on ear mite preparations in cats and can be associated with ceruminous otitis externa, with or without pruritus. Infested cats may not show any signs of dermatological disease outside of the ear canal. Cats with generalized demodicosis owing to D cati should be evaluated for any disease that may cause immunosuppression. The prevalence of D cati infestation is ⩽1%. Demodex gatoi has been documented in an ear of a cat with otitis externa but is not commonly associated with otic disease. Isoxazolines are highly effective at treating demodicosis in the dog, and both fluralaner and sarolaner (in combination with selamectin) have been reported to be effective for treatment of feline demodicosis.

Primary fungal disease
The most common fungal disease in cats is dermatophytosis, involving Microsporum canis in particular. Dermatophytosis causes lesions of alopecia, erythema and scale, and should be considered as a differential in any cat presenting with pruritus or these non-specific skin lesions. One of the common sites for dermatophytic lesions is the ear, including the canal, pinna and surrounding skin, but it is uncommon to see dermatophytosis restricted to the ear canal. Identification of cats with dermatophytosis is important due to the risks of zoonosis and contagious spread in multi-cat environments. For comprehensive guidelines regarding the diagnosis and treatment of dermatophytosis, readers are referred to the 2017 clinical consensus document from the World Association for Veterinary Dermatology.

Other fungal diseases
Less commonly, other fungal organisms may cause otomycosis. In a retrospective case series, Goodale et al described nine cats diagnosed with otitis externa with Aspergillus species isolated on culture; Aspergillus fumigatus was the most commonly isolated species. A single case of acute unilateral otitis externa caused by Sporothrix schenckii has been described in a 10-month-old cat in Brazil, which resolved after treatment with itraconazole. Chronic bilateral otitis interna caused by Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii was identified at necropsy in a 7-year-old cat with a 9-day history of vestibular ataxia and head tilt. A prospective case series of 35 cats with cryptococcosis identified one cat for which the site of infection was the ears.

Allergic skin disease
Among cats diagnosed with allergies at a veterinary teaching hospital, 17% had bacterial otitis externa, and 6% had Malassezia otitis externa. Otitis externa is most common in cats with feline atopic skin syndrome (formerly ‘non-flea non-food hypersensitivity dermatitis’) relative to cats with food allergy or flea allergy dermatitis, though it can occur with any type of allergic skin disease. Among cats with feline atopic syndrome, 16–20% had concurrent otitis externa.

Allergic skin disease should be considered in cats where infection recurs after cytologic cure and where other causes have been excluded. Cats with otitis externa owing to allergies are likely to experience pruritus in other body regions, rather than having only otic disease. Control of otitis externa in a patient with allergic skin disease requires the underlying allergy to be addressed.

When evaluating for food allergy in patients with otitis externa, it is important to resolve both infection and inflammation before assessing for response to diet change (and considering dietary rechallenge). This is because secondary infection is not expected to resolve without directed therapy. Additionally, owners may not appreciate worsening inflammation in the absence of infection, so it is recommended that patients be re-evaluated (physical examination and otoscopy) during the dietary rechallenge period.
To control otitis in a patient with allergic skin disease, it is important to control the underlying

Disorders of cornification
Idiopathic ceruminous otitis
Idiopathic ceruminous otitis is an over -production or accumulation of ceruminous debris that may predispose to secondary infections. It is poorly characterized in the literature, and there is disagreement among dermatologists as to whether it is an independent clinical entity. Idiopathic excessive cerumen production was described in nine cats with lifelong histories of increased cerumen bilaterally without clinical signs of otitis.

Idiopathic facial dermatitis of Persian and Himalayan cats
Bond et al described a disorder affecting 13 Persian cats that developed black debris in the hair on their faces, which progressed to erythema and pruritus. Seven (54%) of the affected cats also had otitis externa, characterized by erythema and black waxy debris. The disease was progressive, and no cat responded completely to therapy with glucocorticoids and antimicrobials. In later case reports, affected cats showed a good response to oral ciclosporin, topical tacrolimus, and combination therapy with oral ciclosporin, dexamethasone and aggressive topical therapy. Though pathophysiology is not well characterized for this disease, the response to immunomodulatory therapy suggests that there may be an immune-mediated component (see ‘Immunemediated diseases’ section below).

Spontaneous primary hypothyroidism is rare in adult cats, with only three cases reported in the literature. In two of these cases, the cats were diagnosed with concurrent chronic otitis externa. Cats with spontaneous hypo thyroidism tend to present with lethargy, weight gain, hypotrichosis, scale and an unkempt haircoat.

Congenital hypothyroidism may occur in kittens, and secondary hypothyroidism may occur as a result of trauma or from treatment of hyperthyroidism. Otitis externa has not been reported in association with congenital or secondary hypothyroidism in cats.

Sebaceous gland disease
Overall, sebaceous gland disorders are rare in the cat. A case series involving 10 kittens with sebaceous gland dysplasia described crusting within the ear canals and on the pinnal margins, with one kitten developing severe otitis externa secondarily to the condition.

Immune-mediated diseases
Proliferative and necrotizing otitis externa
Proliferative and necrotizing otitis externa (PNOE) is a rare disease that affects the concave pinna and ear canal, causing proliferative plaques that develop thick, adherent, tan to dark brown layers of keratinaceous exudate (Figure 3a). Erosions or ulcers develop over time due to the friable proliferative tissue, which can cause pain and pruritus. Depending on severity, the ear canal may be occluded, predisposing cats to secondary infection.

Figure 3 Proliferative and necrotizing otitis externa in a 1-year-old castrated male Siamese cat; (a) at initial presentation and (b) after 1 month of therapy with oral ciclosporin, topical tacrolimus 0.1% ointment, and systemic and topical antimicrobials to treat secondary infection

In one cat, the ear canal was severely affected while the pinna was spared. In a kitten with otitis externa, lesions histologically consistent with PNOE developed on the face, though the canals did not have proliferative or necrotic tissue.

Though initially described in kittens under a year old, PNOE has been documented in young adult cats. This disease may spontaneously resolve in kittens or may persist into adulthood. Biopsy is required for definitive diagnosis.

The most common therapies reported in the literature are topical tacrolimus and topical and systemic glucocorticoids. One of the authors (CC) has successfully treated a few severely affected young adult cats with systemic ciclosporin (Figure 3b). The clinician should evaluate for secondary infection and address it if present.

Pemphigus foliaceus
Pemphigus foliaceus (PF) is the most common autoimmune skin disease of cats. Though 80–92% of cats with PF have pinnal lesions, the ear canal is less frequently affected. Otitis externa has been reported in 7–30% of cats with PF. Most cats with PF have lesions affecting multiple sites. The primary lesion of PF is a subcorneal pustule, but these are prone to rupture, so crusts, erosions, alopecia and erythema are more often seen clinically. Otitis externa secondary to PF typically resolves with infection control and treatment of the underlying disease.

PF is most commonly treated with corticosteroids, and monotherapy is effective at inducing remission in 62–70% of affected cats. If corticosteroid monotherapy is insufficient or steroid side effects occur, an alternative or secondary immunomodulatory medication may be used. The immunomodulatory agents with the strongest evidence in feline PF are ciclosporin and chlorambucil. Relapse is common in cats with PF, occurring in 27-95% of cases, particularly when medications are tapered or discontinued.


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