
标题: 犬猫的蠕形螨病的诊断和治疗-2020版指南(症状、诊断) [打印本页]

作者: 王帆    时间: 2022-6-29 08:50
标题: 犬猫的蠕形螨病的诊断和治疗-2020版指南(症状、诊断)
本帖最后由 王帆 于 2022-6-29 08:50 编辑

Diagnosis and treatment of demodicosis in dogs and cats
Clinical consensus guidelines of the World Association for Veterinary Dermatology
翻译:蔡欢 校对:王帆

4 Clinical signs in dogs
In the dog, localized and generalized forms of demodicosis were differentiated on the basis that the vast majority of dogs with localized demodicosis went into spontaneous remission without treatment. However, the definition of localized demodicosis is subjective and thus different presentations are judged differently by different breeders and veterinarians. The reported lesion extent consistent with localized disease ranges from four lesions to 50% of the body surface. It is unknown whether the size of a lesion considered localized is influenced by the size of the dog or whether an area with inflammatory lesions such as papules, pustules, exudation, crusting and ulcers is comparable to an area characterized only by alopecia and comedones. This may make the differentiation of localized from generalized disease difficult in some individual cases.

Clinical signs develop after mite proliferation has occurred; they depend on the degree of mite proliferation. Initially, there may be a noninflammatory hypotrichosis/ alopecia and/or an inflammatory dermatitis with mild erythema, comedone formation, scaling and associated hypotrichosis/ alopecia (Figures 1 and 2). The lesions may be focal or multifocal to coalescing involving large areas of the body. Follicular plugging, dilation and hyperpigmentation of hair follicular ostia may be present and when seen are a clinical clue for the disease. Pedal demodicosis commonly causes quite marked hyperpigmentation (of both follicles and surrounding skin) and may present with significant interdigital inflammation, oedema and pain (Figure 3). In more inflammatory presentations, follicular-oriented papules may develop. Pruritus is generally not thought to be characteristic of milder presentations; however, it is more common if the short-bodied morphological variant of D. canis is present and/or if secondary bacterial infection develops. Follicular casts (scale adherent to the hair shafts) may be present.

Figure 1.Comedones in the perivulval area of a dog with demodicosis. [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]  
1.蠕形螨病犬的阴门周周的粉刺。 [图片可在wileyonlinelibrary.com上查看]

Figure 2.Erythematous and scaly pinna of a dog with demodicosis. [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
2蠕形螨病犬的皮肤发红和耳廓皮屑 [图片可在wileyonlinelibrary.com上查看]

Figure 3.Pododemodicosis in a 1-year-old, male neutered pug with generalized demodicosis. [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonline library.com]
3 1岁的雄性已去势患有全身性蠕形螨病的巴哥的足部蠕形螨病 [图片可以在wileyonline library.com上查看]

With more severe or advanced disease (Figures 4 and 5), secondary bacterial infection may lead to follicular pustules, furunculosis with scale, crust, exudation and ulceration with draining tracts. Severe, generalized pustular demodicosis may be painful and associated with hyperpigmentation, lymphadenopathy, lethargy and fever. In those severely affected dogs, septicaemia secondary to bacterial infection is possible and may even have a fatal outcome.

Demodex injai has been reported in several dog breeds but seems over-represented in terrier breeds and their crosses. Whilst it may be associated with erythema, comedone formation, hyperpigmentation and alopecia, similar to D. canis, the most striking and consistent clinical feature is marked greasiness of the dorsal trunk.

Environmental factors such as a high humidity and ambient temperature are anecdotally discussed as leading to more severe clinical signs in the dog, although no scientific studies have been conducted to confirm this statement.

5 Clinical signs in cats
Demodex cati can cause localized or generalized disease and lesions include erythema, hypotrichosis/alopecia, scale and crusting (Figure 6). Pruritus is variable but may be intense in some individuals. Generalized disease commonly is associated with an underlying disease such as feline immunodeficiency virus, xanthoma or diabetes mellitus. In some cats, no other disease may be identified. Demodex mites also have been reported to proliferate within the scaly alopecic lesions of Bowenoid in situ carcinoma (BISC).

Demodex gatoi is a contagious mite that inhabits the stratum corneum (like Sarcoptes) and the most common clinical feature is pruritus ranging from mild to very intense. Skin lesions aside from self-induced alopecia and scale (Figure 7) are secondary hyperpigmentation, superficial erosion and ulceration. The changes predominantly are truncal with the ventral abdomen having been reported as a site of predilection.

Consensus Statement 4 Demodicosis in dogs is characterized by alopecia and comedones, follicular casts, papules and pustules. In more severely affected dogs crusting with secondary bacterial infections and systemic signs may develop. Dogs with demodicosis due to D. canis also can exhibit pruritus, especially when secondary infection is present. Demodex injae occurs more often in terrier breeds and additionally causes excessive greasiness. In cats, D. cati shows similar clinical signs, whereas by contrast infestations with the contagious D. gatoi often lead to truncal pruritus.

Figure 4. Pustular demodicosis on the ventrum of a dog with generalized demodicosis. [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibra ry.com]
4.一只全身性蠕形螨病犬的腹侧脓疱性蠕形螨病。 [图片可以在wileyonlinelibra ry.com上查看]

Figure 5. Severe facial demodicosis in a dog. [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]  
5.一只严重的面部蠕形螨病患犬 [图片可在wileyonlinelibrary.com上查看]

Figure 6. Demodicosis caused by Demodex cati in an 8-year-old female spayed domestic short-haired cat with lymphoma. [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

Figure 7. Alopecia due to Demodex gatoi in a DSH. [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]  
7. 一只DSH中由于戈托伊蠕形螨引起的脱毛。[图片可在wileyonlinelibrary.com上查看]

Figure 8. Debris gathered with a deep skin scraping. [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]  

Figure 9. Demodex canis mites in a skin scraping (×100). [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]  

6 Diagnosis
6.1 Deep skin scrapings
Deep skin scrapings are considered to be the diagnostic tool of choice in most patients with suspected demodicosis. Samples may be collected with curettes, spatulae, sharp or dull scalpel blades. Placing a drop of mineral oil on the sampling instrument or directly on the skin is helpful for better adherence of the sampled debris to the instrument. Multiple scrapings of approximately 1 cm 2 of affected skin should be performed in the direction of the hair growth and importantly the skin should be squeezed constantly or intermittently during scraping to extrude the mites from the depth of the follicles to the surface. Squeezing the skin has been shown to increase the number of mites found. Primary lesions such as follicular papules and pustules should be selected in order to obtain the best yield. If at early onset papules and pustules are not present, erythematous, alopecic areas should be chosen. Ulcerated areas are not suitable as it is less likely to find parasites in such areas. The skin is scraped until capillary bleeding occurs indicating sufficient depth of the scraping. The gathered debris should be of reddish to brownish colour, indicating sufficient material (Figure 8). If necessary in a long- or medium-haired dog, lightly clipping the area to be scraped (in the direction of hair growth) will minimize the loss of the scraped material into the surrounding hair. Debris then is transferred to a slide, mixed with mineral or paraffin oil and examined with a cover slip under the microscope at low magnification (overall ×40 or×100). Recognition of mites is easier with a lowered microscope condenser and decreased light to increase the contrast in the microscope field (Figure 9). Specimens should be evaluated immediately, as anecdotally mite deterioration may occur making accurate identification of numbers and stages more difficult with time.  
皮肤深刮被认为是大多数疑似蠕形螨病患动物的诊断工具。可以用刮匙,刮铲,锋利或钝的手术刀刀片采集样品。将一滴矿物油放在采样器上或直接放在皮肤上,有助于更好地将采样的碎屑粘附到载玻片上。应在顺着毛发生长的方向上多次刮擦大约1 到2 cm 大小的患处皮肤,重要的是刮取过程中应不断或间断的挤压皮肤,以将螨虫从毛囊深处挤出到皮肤表面。已经表明,挤压皮肤会增加螨虫发现的数量。应选择原发性病变,例如毛囊脓疱和脓疱,以获得最佳样本。如果早期不出现丘疹和脓疱,应选择红斑,脱毛区域。溃疡区域不适合,因为在此类区域很少发现寄生虫。刮擦皮肤直至出现毛细血管出血,表明刮擦深度足够。聚集的碎片应为红至棕褐色,表明有足够的物质(图8)。如有必要,在长毛或中毛犬中,轻轻修剪要取样的区域(在毛发生长的方向上)的毛,可以将刮取后的样本因附着到周围毛发上的损失降至最低。然后将样本转移到载玻片上,与矿物油或石蜡油混合,盖上盖玻片并在显微镜下以低倍数(总体×40或×100)检查。降低显微镜的聚光镜和减少光线以增加显微镜视野的对比度,可以更轻松地识别蠕形螨(图9)。应立即评估样本,因为蠕形螨形态可能会发生改变,随着时间增加,准确鉴定数量和阶段会变得困难。

As Demodex mites are part of the normal microfauna, one mite identified on several deep skin scrapings could be a normal but uncommon finding. However, more than one mite is strongly suggestive of clinical demodicosis. If only one mite is found in a dog with compatible clinical signs, further skin scrapings should be performed to confirm the diagnosis. Different life stages (eggs, larvae, nymphs and adults) and their numbers should be recorded and compared from the same sites at each visit to objectively measure the treatment success.

6.2 Trichograms
Trichograms have been reported as an alternative to deep skin scrapings and are particularly useful in areas that are difficult to scrape, such as periocular and interdigital areas. An area of 1 cm2 should be plucked with forceps in the direction of the hair growth and placed in a drop of mineral or paraffin oil on a slide. The use of a coverslip greatly facilitates thorough and rapid inspection of the specimen (Figure 10). To increase the chance of a positive trichogram, a large number of hairs (50–100) should be plucked, if possible. When performed properly, trichograms have a high diagnostic yield. However, negative trichograms should be followed by deep skin scrapings before ruling out demodicosis. Positive trichograms in healthy dogs are rare.

Figure 10. Demodex canismites in a trichogram. [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]  
10.拔毛镜检中的蠕形蠕。 [图片可在wileyonlinelibrary.com上查看]

6.3 Tape strips (“Scotch tapeTM tests”)
6.3胶带(“ 胶带粘贴法”)
Tape strips also have been reported as an excellent diagnostic method for canine demodicosis. While squeezing the skin, the acetate tape is pressed onto the skin with the sticky surface down. Although this technique initially was reported to be more sensitive than deep skin scrapings, follow-up studies have shown contradicting results.

6.4 Skin biopsy (histopathological investigation)
In some rare cases, skin scrapings, trichograms and tape preparations may be negative and skin biopsies for histopathological investigation may be needed to detect the Demodex mites in the hair follicles or in foreign body granulomas observed as a consequence of furunculosis. This may be more likely in certain body locations such as the paws and certain breeds such as the shar-pei.

6.5 Other methods of mite detection
Direct examination of the exudate from pustules or draining tracts may reveal mites in some cases. Specimens can be collected by squeezing the exudate onto a glass slide, and visualized by adding mineral oil and a coverslip. In one study, exudate was collected from dogs showing exudative lesions with the blunt side of a second scalpel blade after gently removing the crusts and squeezing the lesion. In this particular study, the exudate sampling was compared to deep skin scrapings and trichograms and was positive in all dogs sampled. However, this technique is only possible in dogs with more severe forms of demodicosis.

Cytological specimens stained with commercial Romanowsky stains, such as Diff Quik, also may reveal Demodex mites (more easily recognized with the condenser lowered for searching). Although this is not a very sensitive method for the diagnosis, it is not uncommon to find mites on the evaluation of cytological samples of dogs with exudative forms of demodicosis.
用商品罗曼诺夫斯基染色剂(例如Diff Quik)染色的细胞学标本也可能会检出蠕形螨(较低的聚光器下进行搜索更容易识别)。尽管这不是非常敏感的诊断方法,但在评估具有渗出性的蠕形螨病的犬的细胞学样本时发现螨虫并不少见。

Faecal flotation was evaluated for diagnosis of canine and feline demodicosis and was reported to yield less mites than skin scrapings and be frequently false-negative.

Consensus Statement 5
Deep skin scrapings (currently the diagnostic method of choice), trichograms, tape strips and examinations of exudate may be useful in identifyingDemodexmites. More than one mite on any given test is an indication of clinically relevant demodicosis  

6.6 Diagnosing bacterial infections
Frequently, generalized demodicosis is associated with secondary bacterial infections. Particularly in severe cases involving furunculosis, a bacterial septicaemia is possible. When clinical signs of possible bacterial infection such as pustules or draining tracts are present, an impression smear should be obtained, stained and evaluated for an increased number and/or intracellular location of bacterial organisms. Most commonly,Staphylococcus pseudintermediuswill be present, but in some patients, particularly those with furunculosis, Gram-negative rods such asEscherichia coliorPseudomonas aeruginosamay dominate. For these cases, a culture and susceptibility testing is indicated.

6.7 Breeding considerations
Canine generalized demodicosis is a relatively frequent and often very severe parasitic skin disease. As many as 0.58% of the dogs in the USA suffer from the generalized form of the disease. Multiple risk factors are involved in the development of canine demodicosis and one of the most important recognized risk factors is breed predisposition. Juvenile demodicosis is more common in purebred dogs of particular breeds. Selective breeding in order to obtain a certain set of desired characteristics in a particular breed can lead to a reduction of genetic variation within a breed. This may facilitate the clinical expression of recessive genes and in turn can result in a greater susceptibility to certain diseases.

Knowledge about breed predispositions for certain diseases such as demodicosis is useful not only while creating a list of differential diagnoses and when advising clients which breed to purchase, but also when advising breeders. Implementing appropriate prophylactic strategies can markedly reduce the prevalence of generalized juvenile demodicosis in the dog. Excluding bitches from breeding that have given birth to puppies with demodicosis will lead to a prominent decrease of puppies affected with demodicosis. As early as 1981, the American Academy of Veterinary Dermatology adopted a resolution recommending “neutering all dogs who have had generalized demodicosis so that the incidence of the disease is decreased and not perpetuated”. We recommend that affected dogs or their parents should not be used for breeding. One report recommended that the need to use acaricidal therapy was a determining factor for the exclusion of dogs from breeding, given the advent of isoxazolines used for ectoparasite control, this recommendation is difficult to maintain. It is the consensus of the authors to recommend that dogs with generalized demodicosis and their parents not be bred until further studies are evaluated regarding the impact of isoxazolines.

Consensus Statement 6
Dogs with generalized demodicosis and their parents should not be bred.  

作者: 曾医生    时间: 2022-11-24 07:16

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