
标题: 犬猫的蠕形螨病的诊断和治疗-2020版指南(机理、种类) [打印本页]

作者: 王帆    时间: 2022-6-29 08:39
标题: 犬猫的蠕形螨病的诊断和治疗-2020版指南(机理、种类)
Diagnosis and treatment of demodicosis in dogs and cats
Clinical consensus guidelines of the World Association for Veterinary Dermatology
翻译:蔡欢 校对:王帆

1 Introduction
In previous clinical consensus guidelines, the World Association of Veterinary Dermatology (WAVD) has made an effort to provide up-to-date and relevant information about certain topics available worldwide, written by international panels reflecting expert opinions from several parts of the world and accessible to everybody worldwide. The WAVD invited the authors of this manuscript to contribute to clinical consensus guidelines about demodicosis. Authors initially agreed on responsibilities of each individual for specific sections of the manuscript, then performed a literature search and gathered published evidence for their individual sections. Where published studies were lacking, textbooks, abstracts presented at veterinary meetings and expert opinions were used. After each section was drafted, the complete manuscript was reviewed by each author. Comments on the whole manuscript were discussed and a preliminary draft of the complete manuscript was posted on the WAVD website and presented at the North American Veterinary Dermatology Forum meeting in Maui, HI, USA, 2018 and the European Veterinary Dermatology Congress in Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2018 where feedback was requested. This feedback was discussed and a final version of the manuscript was agreed on by all authors before submission to the journal.

2 Pathogenesis
Demodicosis is a common disease in canine practice caused by a proliferation of Demodex mites. These mites are normal commensal organisms in the hair follicles of many mammals. In the dog they are transmitted during the first days of life from the dam to the puppies. In most species, demodicosis occurs only when animals are immunocompromised due to other diseases or undergoing immunosuppressive therapies. Demodicosis in immunosuppressed individuals has been reported in humans, dogs and cats amongst others. With the exception of Demodex gatoi in the cat, the dog is the only species where young and otherwise healthy animals develop demodicosis. This juvenile demodicosis has been presumed to be due to cell-mediated deficiency.  

2.1 Immunology
Early studies showed a normal humoral response, but decreased lymphocyte blastogenesis in young dogs with naturally occurring demodicosis. Treatment of puppies with anti-lymphocyte serum led to generalized demodicosis in eight puppies whereas their untreated littermates remained healthy. Subsequently, a T-cell exhaustion characterized by low numbers of circulating CD4+ T cells, together with increased serum concentrations of interleukin (IL)-2, IL-5, IL-6 and IL-18, and the immunosuppressive cytokines IL-10 and TGF-beta were reported in a number of studies comparing dogs with generalized demodicosis to healthy controls. By contrast, the proinflammatory cytokine TNF-alpha was reduced in dogs with demodicosis. The CD4:CD8 ratio was lower and the number of CD8-positive cells was reported to be increased in dogs with generalized demodicosis. However, it is unclear, whether those changes are a consequence of the demodicosis or contribute to the pathogenesis. Histologically, demodicosis is characterized by a mural folliculitis with infiltrating CD8+ cytotoxic T cells, which resolves quickly with resolution of the demodicosis. MHC class II receptors are upregulated in the skin of dogs with demodicosis, particularly in keratinocytes.
早期的研究表明,在自然发病的幼犬蠕形螨病中,体液反应正常,但淋巴细胞转化减少。用抗淋巴细胞血清处理八只幼犬会导致八只幼犬全身性蠕形螨病,而未处理的同窝幼犬仍然健康。随后,一些研究报道了T细胞衰竭,其特征是循环中的CD4+ T细胞数量减少,血清白细胞介素(IL)-2IL-5IL-6和IL-18以及免疫抑制细胞因子IL-10TGF的浓度增加,这些研究将全身蠕形螨病犬与健康犬进行了比较相比之下,蠕形螨病犬的促炎细胞因子TNF-α降低。据报道,全身性蠕形螨病患犬的CD4:CD8比值较低,CD8阳性细胞的数量增加。但是,目前尚不清楚这些变化是蠕形螨病的结果还是发病机理。从组织学上讲,蠕形螨病的特征是毛囊伴有CD8+细胞毒性T细胞浸润,该细胞可通过蠕形螨病的消退迅速消失。MHC II类受体在蠕形螨病犬的皮肤中上调,特别是在角质形成细胞中增加。

The presumption that immunosuppression is the cause of the demodicosis is further supported by a severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mouse model. SCID mice, which have no B and T cells, received skin grafts from dogs which were later infected with D. canis collected from a dog with demodicosis. Within one to three months, mites proliferated in the grafted canine skin and not the surrounding murine skin. In another immunedeficient double knock-out mouse model lacking CD28 (a co-stimulatory molecule involved in T-cell activation) and STAT6 (essential for a pathway that plays a role in IL-4 signal transduction and Th2 differentiation), mice developed a severe dermatitis due to a proliferation of Demodex mites. However, in this model, demodicosis was accompanied by a prominent dermal infiltration of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, increased concentrations of IL-12, IFN-gamma and IgG2 indicating a prominent Th1 response, that was markedly reduced once the Demodex mites were treated with amitraz. The alleviation of the Th1 response with miticidal treatment in the double knock-out mouse model does not seem to be in concordance with a defect of cell-mediated immunity as a cause of demodicosis. In another study, canine skin grafts on Rag2 knockout mice were infected with D. Canis mites. Mites proliferated in the grafts, but clinical lesions did not develop. Nine weeks after infection, some grafts were injected with canine peripheral blood mononuclear cells (either nonstimulated or stimulated with phytohaemagglutinin and IL-2). One month later, mite numbers were highest in the grafts injected with stimulated PBMCs (those mice also developed canine serum IgG antibodies), lower in grafts not injected at all with PBMCs and lowest in the grafts injected with nonstimulated PBMCs.
严重的联合免疫缺陷(SCID)小鼠模型进一步支持了免疫抑制是蠕形螨病的原因的推测。没有B细胞和T细胞的SCID小鼠接受了犬的皮肤移植,这些犬皮肤随后感染了从有蠕形螨病的犬身上采集的犬蠕形螨。在1-3个月内,蠕形螨在移植的犬皮肤而非周围的鼠皮肤中增殖。在另一个缺少CD28(参与T细胞活化的共刺激分子)和STAT6(对于在IL-4信号转导和Th2分化中起作用的途径必不可少)的免疫缺陷的双敲除小鼠模型中,小鼠出现了严重的蠕形螨增殖引起的皮肤病。然而,在该模型中,蠕形螨病伴随着CD4 +CD8 + T细胞的显着皮肤浸润,IL-12IFN-γ和IgG2浓度升高,表明Th1显着应答,但一旦用双甲脒治疗了蠕形螨,其显着降低。在双基因敲除小鼠模型中,杀螨治疗对Th1反应的降低似乎与导致蠕形螨病的细胞介导的免疫缺陷不符。在另一项研究中,Rag2基因敲除小鼠的犬皮肤移植物被犬蠕形螨感染。螨虫在移植皮肤中增殖,但未出现临床病变。感染后九周,向部分移植皮肤注射犬外周血单核细胞(包括无刺激或有刺激的植物血凝素和IL-2。一个月后,螨虫数量注射刺激的PBMC的移植物中最高(那些小鼠也出犬血清IgG抗体),在完全未注射PBMC的移植物中较低,而在注射刺激的PBMC的移植物中最低。

The pathogenesis of demodicosis may be more complicated or it may be different in the juvenile dog or in different dog breeds. Possibly, a functional Th2 response is more relevant for mite control than thought previously. One study evaluated only pit bull terrier-type dogs with generalized demodicosis with age- and breed-matched controls, and reported significantly higher serum IgA, IL-2, IL-18 and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 concentrations in affected dogs, also pointing to an at least partially increased immune response in this breed. A further study reported increased Toll-like receptor (TLR)-2 and decreased TLR-4 and TLR-6 in dogs with demodicosis compared to normal controls. The downregulation of TLRs in affected dogs may be induced by the mites as a strategy to decrease the host immune response. Alternatively, it could be a predisposing factor for disease development or an incidental finding not influencing the disease. Further studies are required to define the role of TLRs in the development of canine demodicosis.

Initially, there was debate as to whether the secondary bacterial infection seen with generalized demodicosis was contributing to, or in some way causing, those immunological changes. However, based on the published data this seems less likely and at least the decreased lymphoblastogenesis seems to be a consequence rather than a cause of the disease. Not surprisingly, demodicosis is accompanied by an increase in markers for oxidative stress.

As the overwhelming majority of affected juvenile dogs do not suffer from a recurrence following successful therapy, it seems likely that the presumed immune aberration is a temporary problem.

The first clinical signs of juvenile demodicosis in dogs typically occur in the first 18 months of life. Adult-onset demodicosis also exists and is comparable to the demodicosis seen in other species. In the dog, this was reported to be associated with diseases or drugs leading to a compromised immune system such as leishmaniosis, hyperadrenocorticism, hypothyroidism, neoplasia, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, and glucocorticoid treatment or chemotherapy. Although one report mentioned atopic dermatitis as a frequent concurrent disease, many dogs had received glucocorticoid therapy. In a retrospective study evaluating a large number of dogs with adult-onset demodicosis in two countries and comparing those dogs to a control population, hyperadrenocorticism, hypothyroidism and leishmaniosis, but not neoplasia, predisposed dogs to demodicosis. However, the differentiation of juvenile-and adult-onset demodicosis may be difficult in individual cases. It is more important to identify and correct predisposing factors (such as endoparasitism or underlying diseases) independent of age to achieve the best possible outcome.

In cats, demodicosis has been reported in association with feline immunodeficiency virus, xanthoma and diabetes mellitus. The localized form has been described in lesions of feline squamous cell carcinoma in situ.  

Consensus Statement 1 In young dogs with generalized demodicosis a temporary immune alteration most likely plays an important role in the pathogenesis. In older dogs, the disease may be associated with an immunosuppressive condition or treatment. However, other hitherto unknown factors also may play a role. In cats, demodicosis usually is associated with other diseases, with exception of the contagious Demodex gatoi that also can affect otherwise healthy cats.  

In humans, demodicosis is described as a primary immunosuppressive disorder based on a hereditary T-cell defect or as a consequence of immunosuppression.

2.2 Genetics of juvenile demodicosis
For decades, strong breed predilections were reported for canine juvenile demodicosis. In early reports, those lists were largely anecdotal. One large, well-powered study identified a greater than four-fold increased risk of developing generalized demodicosis for the American Staffordshire terrier, Staffordshire bull terrier, Chinese shar-pei and French bulldog. A further study in the United States identified the English bulldog, pit bull and Sealyham terrier as predisposed breeds for juvenile onset demodicosis.

Those breed predilections and the frequent occurrence of juvenile demodicosis in certain lines, sibling puppies and related dogs make a hereditary basis very likely. In addition, there is anecdotal evidence that preventing affected dogs from breeding decreases the frequency of the disease. However, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, only one study has been published evaluating the genetic basis in more detail. In that study, using microsatellite markers, a significant association was found between generalized demodicosis and the DLA haplotypes FH2002, FH2975 and FH2054 in Argentinian mastiffs and boxer dogs.

Demodicosis in juvenile dogs shows a wide variety of clinical signs, from mild, localized alopecia to severe generalized forms with prominent systemic signs. These variations may be seen within the same litter of puppies. In addition, dogs respond differently to the various therapeutic approaches. Thus, it is likely that several genes are involved in the pathogenesis and, thus, more and larger studies are needed to elucidate the genetic background of the disease. Further support for a multi-gene involvement is the above-mentioned immunodeficient double knock-out mouse strain lacking CD28 and STAT6. By contrast to the double knock-out mice, single knock-out siblings kept in close contact and lacking either CD28 or STAT6 did not show any clinical signs.

Consensus Statement 2 In young dogs, demodicosis has a genetic basis and most likely multiple genes are involved.

3 Demodex species in the dog and cat
Several mite species have been reported in dogs and cats. In the dog, initially three different species were reported.Demodex canis is the most common demodectic mite of dogs. A longer-bodied mite also was reported and named D. injai("inja" being the Zulu name for "dog"). The female adult mites were approximately 50% longer and males 100% longer than adult D. canis mites respectively. A short-bodied mite was named D. cornei by some authors because it was supposedly found more superficially. Genetic comparisons revealed only one or two different species of Demodex in the dog: D. canis and D. injai. In the genetic studies, the short-bodied mite was considered to be a morphological variant of D. canis. In one report it was suggested that D. cornei are dead or near-dead D. canis mites, further supporting that only two species of mites exist. However, a taxonomic analys is found the short-bodied mite to be a distinct canine species.

There are three different species of Demodex mites in the cat: D. cati, D. gatoi and a third unnamed species. The unnamed species had a longer gnathosoma and a shorter opisthosoma than D. cati; the length:width ratio of the opisthosoma was approximately 2:1, whereas in D. cati it was approximately 5:1. By contrast to D. cati, D. gatoi is contagious and usually causes intense pruritus. It was considered a very regional disease, predominantly diagnosed in the Southeastern United States. However, more recently there have been reports of D. gatoi infestations in cats from other areas of the world.

Consensus Statement 3 In dogs, two Demodex species occur, the shorter D. canis and the longer D. injai. In cats, the shorter D. gatoi has a more regional occurrence and different clinical signs than the classical D. cati.

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