
标题: 小型贵宾犬的多灶性顶浆腺囊腺瘤 [打印本页]

作者: 王帆    时间: 2022-6-27 22:08
标题: 小型贵宾犬的多灶性顶浆腺囊腺瘤
Multifocal giant apocrine cystadenomas in a miniature poodle
Apocrine cystadenomas have rarely been reported in dogs. Herein, a dog with multiple, large (1.0–7.0 cm) fluctuant and cystic skin masses on the right pelvic limb and chest is described. Histopathological evaluation revealed cystic cavities lined by single to multiple layers of apocrine epithelium with papillary projections, consistent with apocrine cystadenoma.

Multiple apocrine cystadenomas are benign tumours that have been described in cats and people,yet rarely reported in dogs. In cats and people, these present as periocular masses and are invariably reported as apocrine hidrocystomas.To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there is only one case report of multiple apocrine cystadenomas in a dog.In this case report, we describe multifocal apocrine cystadenomas in an adult miniature poodle with giant cyst formation.

Case Report
A 7-year-old, female spayed miniature poodle was presented with multiple soft, fluid-filled cysts clustered in the skin of the right pelvic limb and thorax. A total of 16 large, occasionally coalescing, pedunculated cysts, measuring 1–7 cm in diameter with a translucent, light blue hue, were observed incompletely encircling the right thigh, extending distally to the stifle and hock along the cranial border (Figure 1a). Another collection of 10 single or coalescing broad-based cysts, ranging from 1 to 9 cm in diameter, were present on the right lateral and ventral chest (Figure 1b). The dog did not appear to be disturbed by the skin lesions. Except from a slightly thin body condition (body condition score: three of nine) the remainder of the physical examination was unremarkable. There were no significant findings from a complete blood count (CBC) and serum biochemical analysis. Fine needle aspiration produced hypocellular, colourless, thin, clear fluid with few foamy macrophages evident on cytological examination.
一例7岁,已绝育雌性小型贵宾犬,因右后肢及胸廓皮肤聚集多个柔软、充满液体的囊肿就诊。共观察到16个大的、偶尔融合的、有蒂的囊肿,直径1-7 cm,呈半透明、淡蓝色,不完全环绕右大腿,沿前缘向远端延伸至后膝关节和飞节(图1a)。另有10个单个或融合的宽基部囊肿,直径1~9 cm,位于右外侧和腹侧胸部,(图1b)。犬似乎未受到皮肤病变的干扰。除略瘦的身体状况(况评分:3/9)外,其余体格检查无明显异常。全血细胞计数(CBC)和血清生化分析无显著结果。细针穿刺产生细胞量少、无色、稀薄、透明液体,细胞学检查可见少量泡沫状巨噬细胞。

Figure 1. Gross lesions of the skin from a miniature poodle with multiple cystic masses. (a) The cysts on the right pelvic limb are pedunculated, resembling a bunch of grapes. Note the light blue to bluish-black colouration. (b) A series of coalescing masses at the ventral chest. Several smaller isolated masses are present, cranial and caudal to the central cysts.
(a) 右后肢的囊肿有蒂,似一束葡萄。注意淡蓝色至蓝黑色。
Surgical excision of the cysts on the right pelvic limb was performed and the excised specimens were fixed in buffered 10% formalin for histological examination, routinely processed and stained with haematoxylin & eosin (Figure 2). Microscopically, there were variably sized, multilobulated, thin-walled cysts expanding the dermis. Cystlumina were empty or occasionally contained pale pink fluid with few foamy macrophages. Cysts were lined by one-to-two layers of well-differentiated cuboidal (exhibiting decapitation secretion) or attenuated epithelial cells. Cysts were separated by fine fibrovascular stroma. Occasionally, small sprouts of epithelium, arranged in multiple layers projected into the lumen (Figure 3). A diagnosis of multifocal apocrine cystadenomas was made based on the clinical presentation and histopathological findings. A histopathological image including the epidermis is presented in Figure S1.
Surgical excision of the remaining masses was performed and the dog was subsequently lost to follow.
Figure 2. Transverse section of a formalin-fixed skin specimen excised from the pelvic limb of a miniature poodle. The cysts are multiloculated and contain watery fluid.
Figure 3. Histological features of a mass from the skin of a miniature poodle. (a) Note the small papillary projections, which distinguish this benign neoplasm from apocrine cysts. Haematoxylin & eosin, x40. (b) Higher magnification of the papillary projections. Fronds are lined by cuboidal to polygonal cells. H&E, x200.
(a) 注意小的乳头状突起,可将这种良性肿瘤与顶浆腺囊肿区分开来。苏木精和伊红,40倍。(b)乳头状突起的高倍放大。方框由立方形至多边形单元格排列。H&E,×200。
Multifocal or multicentric apocrine cystadenomas are a rarely reported, neoplastic condition of animals. Clinical differential diagnoses are limited to apocrine cystomatosis, an uncommon non-neoplastic condition characterized by multiple clusters of cystically dilated sweat glands which lack the micropapilllary projections from the cyst wall seen in this case.Differentiation of apocrine cystadenoma from apocrine cysts requires histological evaluation. Cytological evaluation is nondiscriminatory because typically watery fluid with few cells are aspirated. The gross and histological findings in this case supported a diagnosis of benign cystadenoma, based mainly on the large size of the cysts and the micropapillary sprouts seen histologically. The lack of nuclear pleomorphism and mitotic activity of the cyst epithelium and absence of invasion or metastasis distinguished this benign neoplasm from its malignant counterpart, apocrine cystadenocarcinoma.
Pyrenean mountain dogs, chow chows, Alaskan malamutes, old English sheepdogs (OES) and Persian cats are reported to be predisposed to sweat gland tumours.In dogs, there is a single case report documenting generalized cystomatosis in a 13-year-old, male neutered OES. The masses were found at the dorsal aspect of the body and the face.Although the authors had designated the condition as cystomatosis, we note that the masses did contain features of true neoplasms and resembled human apocrine cystadenomas. Multiple cystadenomas are rarely reported in cats and have been described on the eyelid margins and distal ear canals of Persian and Himalayan breeds, suggesting a hereditary syndrome.
The large size of the cystadenomas in this canine case is unlike most documented reports of hidrocystomas/cystadenomas in cats and people, where cysts are usually ≤1 cm in diameter. Human lesions which are >1–2 cm are rare and are referred to as giant hidrocystoma.The masses described previously in an OES measured between 0.5 and 5 cm, whereas masses ranged from 1 to 7 cm in diameter in the present case. Therefore, cystadenomas in dogs appear to grow larger than in other species. The distribution of the lesions in the current cases varies with that of the OES as there was sparing of the face. Human and feline cysts show a predilection for facial skin; the reason for the different anatomical distribution in dogs is unknown.
该犬病例中的大尺寸囊腺瘤与猫和人中大多数记录的囊肿通常直径≤1 cm的汗腺囊瘤/囊腺瘤报告不同人类病变罕见> 1-2 cm,被称为巨大汗囊瘤。之前在OES中描述的肿块测量值为0.5-5 cm,而在本病例中,肿块直径范围为1-7 cm。因此,犬的囊腺瘤似乎比其他种属生长更大。当前病例中的病变分布与OES不同,因为保留了面部。人和猫囊肿好发于面部皮肤;犬解剖分布不同的原因尚不清楚。

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