
标题: 一例腊肠犬慢性单侧外耳炎和中耳炎伴咽鼓管扩张和腭部... [打印本页]

作者: 王帆    时间: 2022-6-11 22:14
标题: 一例腊肠犬慢性单侧外耳炎和中耳炎伴咽鼓管扩张和腭部...
Patulous Eustachian tube and palatine defect in a Dachshund with chronic unilateral otitis externa and otitis media

作者:Sandra N. Koch , Sheila M. F. Torres and Betty Kramek
Background – Patulous Eustachian tube (pET) is a rare dysfunction of the Eustachian tube described in humans. It is characterized by failure of the ET to close, resulting in unrestricted passage of air, sound and material between the nasopharynx and the middle ear.
Objective – To report a case of pET associated with otitis in a dog.
Animal – A 6-year old-female spayed Dachshund dog.
Methods and materials – Otoscopic  examination, cytological evaluation, culture and susceptibility, computerized tomography (CT), video otoscopic flushing and surgery.
Results – Left ear otoscopic examination revealed erythema, purulent frothy discharge, ceruminous gland hyperplasia, stenosis and a partial tear of the tympanum. Cytological evaluation from the left external canal showed neutrophils, macrophages, rods and cocci. Aerobic culture showed predominantly multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The CT findings of the left ear included chronic changes in the external canal, marked lysis of the tympanic bulla and marked dilation of the ET. During video-otoscope flushing, saline drained through the mouth. Bilateral incomplete hypoplasia of the soft palate was noted. Total ear canal ablation and bulla osteotomy with ET dissection were curative. Histopathological findings were compatible with chronic otitis externa (OE) and media.
Conclusion and clinical importance – To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first case of pET described in animals. The ET dysfunction and palatine defect were likely the cause of the otitis in this dog. Clinicians should investigate pET in animals with signs of OE characterized by frothy liquid and food fragments in the ear canal in addition to sneezing after drinking water.
目的-报告一个伴有中耳炎的pET 患犬病例。
The Eustachian tube (ET) is a complex, small, fibrocartilaginous epithelial-lined tube and an important part of the system of contiguous organs including the nose, soft palate, nasopharynx and tympanic cavity. Normally the ET is a closed structure that opens under the control of paratubal muscles during actions such as chewing or swallowing. Its main functions include equalization of air pressure between the middle ear and nasopharynx, protection of the middle ear from nasopharyngeal pathogen-laden secretions and loud sounds, ventilation and drainage of the middle ear.
Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) is a condition in humans where the ET fails to perform at least one of its functions and it does not open or close properly.There are three subtypes of ETD reported in humans: dilatory ET (insufficient or no dilation) which might be the result of dynamic dysfunction or anatomical or functional obstruction; patulous ET (pET) (failure of closure) where the air, sound and material pass unrestricted between the nasopharynx and the middle ear; and baro-challenge-indued ETD, which is associated with changes in altitude/barometric pressure. These dysfunctions are associated with congenital and acquired factors, having multiple reported causes from ET muscle defects to craniofacial abnormalities such as palatine abnormalities. ETDs in humans have been reported to cause pathological changes in the middle ear such as chronic otitis media (OM).
咽鼓管功能障碍(ETD)是一种人类疾病,其表现为咽鼓管至少有一项功能不能正常发挥,不能正常打开或关闭。在人类中有三种ETD亚型:迟缓ET(不充分或无扩张),可能是其动机能障碍或解剖学或功能障碍导致的;扩张性ET (pET)(闭合失败)空气、声音和其他物质在鼻咽和中耳之间无限制地传递;压力改变诱导性ETD,它与海拔/气压的变化有关。这些功能障碍与先天及后天因素有关,有很多的原因造成,从ET肌肉缺陷到颅面异常,如腭异常。据报道,人类的ETD会引起中耳的病理变化如慢性中耳炎(OM)。
This report describes a dog with chronic unilateral otitis externa (OE) and OM likely caused by pET and a palatine defect suspected to be congenital in origin. Although there have been a few reports in dogs describing OM presumed to be associated with ET abnormalities, to the best of the authors’ knowledge this is the first report of confirmed ETD in a dog.
Case report
A 6-year-old female spayed Dachshund dog was presented for evaluation of chronic left OE first noted at six months of age. The dog showed sneezing after drinking, presence of liquid and food in the left ear after drinking and eating, foamy otic material and episodes of head shaking. Over the years, different organisms were isoated from the left ear including Malassezia pachydermatis, Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, Streptococcus bovis and Escherichia coli. Multiple topical and systemic antimicrobials and glucocorticoids were attempted without success.
At presentation, otoscopic examination of the left ear revealed mild purulent frothy discharge, moderate ceruminous gland hyperplasia, mild to moderate stenosis and partial tear of the tympanic membrane. Samples for cytological evaluation showed many degenerated neutrophils and macrophages, many rods and few cocci bacteria. Aerobic culture yielded numerous multidrug-resistant (MDR) Pseudomonas aeruginosa and scattered E. coli. The right ear was normal and the dog was otherwise healthy. Computed tomography (CT) was performed with the dog in prone position. Pre- and post-contrast axial images (using intravenous iodine medium) were obtained at 0.5 mm slice thickness and 0.3 mm slice interval, and subsequently reconstructed into 2 mm slice thickness by 2 mm slice interval. Left ear CT findings included severe hyperplasia and stenosis of the external canal, marked lysis of the tympanic bulla and marked ET dilation (Figure 1). The CT findings of the right ear and ET were unremarkable. Saline was noted draining through the mouth during video otoscopic flushing. During intubation, bilateral incomplete hypoplasia of the soft palate and a readily visible left ET orifice (4 mm diameter) in the nasopharynx were noted (Figure 2). Due to the chronic OE unresponsive to therapy, severe middle ear disease and abnormal patent ET, total ear canal ablation and bulla osteotomy (TECABO) with partial ET dissection were performed. The ET opening was catheterized via the oral cavity with a 3.5 French catheter (16 inch feeding tube and urethral catheter, Kendall, Covidien Health Care; Indianapolis, IN, USA). Sterile saline was flushed through the catheter and out of the left ear (Figures 3 and 4). An incision was made at the ET orifice and a small portion of the tube lumen was dissected and removed. Tissue aerobic culture from the left ear demonstrated moderate MDR P. aeruginosa. After surgery, the dog received marbofloxacin (Zeniquin, Zoetis Inc.; Kalama-zoo, MI, USA) at 5 mg/kg orally once daily for two weeks. Histopathological findings showed chronic, mild to moderate hyperplastic OE and moderate to marked OM without evidence of foreign body or neoplasia. The dog recovered well without any post-surgical complications and was asymptomatic during the following five years.
报告中,左耳耳镜检查发现轻度化脓性泡沫状分泌物,中度耵聍腺增生,轻度至中度狭窄,鼓膜部分撕裂。细胞学评估显示有许多退行性中性粒细胞和巨噬细胞,许多杆菌和少数球菌。需氧培养产生大量多重耐药(MDR)铜绿假单胞菌和分散的大肠杆菌。右耳正常,其他方面都很健康。犬采用俯卧位,进行CT检查。在0.5 mm层厚0.3 mm层厚时分别获得造影前和造影后的轴向影像(使用静脉碘介质),并以2 mm层厚重建为2 mm影像。左耳CT表现为严重的外耳道严重增生和狭窄,鼓泡明显溶解,ET明显扩张(图1)。右耳CT检查和ET未见明显异常。在视频耳镜冲洗耳道时,发现盐水从口腔流出。插管时,注意到双侧软腭发育不全,以及鼻咽部容易看到的左侧ET口(直径4mm)(图2)。由于慢性的外耳炎对治疗无反应和严重的中耳疾病及异常开放的ET,行全耳道消融术及鼓泡截骨术(TECABO)及部分ET剥离术。采用3.5号法式导管,经过口腔打开咽鼓管。无菌盐水经导管冲洗从左耳流出(图3和图4),在ET口切开,切开一小部分管腔并取出。从中耳取出的组织需氧培养显示有中度MDR铜绿假单胞菌。手术后,犬接受马波沙星,每日一次,5mg/kg,连续两周。组织病理学表现为慢性、轻度至中度增生性OE,中度至重度OM,无异物或肿瘤病变。该犬恢复得很好,没有任何术后并发症,在接下来的五年里也没有任何症状。
Figure1. Computed  tomography  (axial plane)  of  the skull of a Dachshund dog showing marked dilation of the left Eustachian tube (arrow).
Figure2. Bilateral incomplete hypoplasia of the soft palate (blue arrow points to one of the affected sides) and visible left Eustachian tube orifice (green arrow)  in  a Dachshund with patulous Eustachian tube dysfunction.
Figure3. Catheterization  of  the  left  Eustachian  tube  via  oral  cavity  with a 3.5 French rubber catheter in a Dachshund with patulous Eustachian tube dysfunction.
Figure4.  Sterile  saline  flushed  through  the  catheter and seen out the left ear in a Dachshund with patulous Eustachian tube dysfunction.
4. 一只患扩张性咽鼓管功能障碍的腊肠犬,无菌盐水通过导管冲洗,并从左耳流出。
Similar to the condition in humans, the pET in our case allowed the passage of liquid and solid material from the nasopharynx to the external ear canal. By contrast to humans, where more than half of the cases are bilateral, 2 only the left ear was affected in this dog. However, we cannot predict that a single case represents the majority of dogs with this condition. Patulous ET is slightly more prevalent in women (54%) than men. The dog in this report was female; however, the significance of these findings is unknown. The disease in humans can develop from seven to 85 years of age and clinical signs are often present for many years before diagnosis. In a similar way, the dog’s clinical signs were first noted at six months of age but the pET was diagnosed almost six years later.
The most common symptoms reported in humans with ETD are related to pressure disequilibrium including noise autophony, aural fullness sensation, pulsatile tinnitus, crackling or rumbling sounds, habitual sniffing, discomfort and pain. These signs cannot be easily assessed in dogs; however, the intermittent head shaking noted could indicate a response to some of these signs or sensations. Similar to this canine case, OM is also reported in humans with ETD, with 25 to 30% of humans diagnosed with pET also showing middle ear disease.
据报道,人类ETD患者最常见的症状与压力失衡有关,包括噪音自声过强、听觉充盈感、脉动性耳鸣、噼啪声或隆隆声、习惯性吸气、不适和疼痛。这些症状很难在犬上检测到;然而,不断甩头可能是对这些症状或感觉的反应。与此犬类病例相似,据报道,患有ETD的人中也有OM,, 25%-30%被诊断为pET的人也有中耳疾病。
The pathomechanism of pET in humans is multifactorial, complex and poorly understood, and in most cases an underlying cause is not identified. Many congenital or acquired risk factors have been reported in humans with pET including environmental allergy, laryngopharyngeal or gastroesophageal reflux, trigeminal nerve injury, stress, anxiety, weight loss, radiation therapy, pregnancy, hormone replacement therapy, adenotonsillectomy, autoimmune conditions, neuromuscular disease and palate abnormalities. Despite the unilateral occurrence of ETD, the authors speculate that a congenital bilateral incomplete hypoplasia of the soft palate predisposed this dog to develop pET. The tensor and levator palatine muscles are very important in the ET opening and closing mechanisms. Therefore, an abnormal palate can result in defective function of these muscles. Moreover, there is a high incidence of middle ear effusions in children with congenital cleft palates, which is thought to be caused by ETD as a result of the abnormal palate.
The palatine defect in this dog allowed easy access to the ET orifice, which is known to hide behind the soft palate, allowing food and liquid to come out of the ear through the pET, resulting in the development of otitis. Very little information regarding middle ear disease associated with palate abnormalities has been published in animals. A retrospective study reported six dogs with hypoplasia of the soft palate and abnormal radio-graphic changes in the tympanic bullae. A study in Cavalier King Charles spaniels showed a significant association between bilateral OM with effusion and increased soft palate thickness and decreased nasopharyngeal dimension. In addition, unilateral and bilateral OM has been reported in five cats with soft palate defects.
The diagnosis of pET in humans usually is based on symptoms and evidence on otoscopy or tympanometry. Other diagnostic procedures include pure tone audiometry, nasopharyngoscopy, CT and magnetic resonance imaging. A single diagnostic method has not been shown to provide a complete ET assessment. Tympanometry is not easily performed in dogs and it was not attempted because the dog presented with a ruptured tympanum. In this dog, CT with contrast was sufficient to identify the pET, as demonstrated previously in mesaticephalic canine cadavers.
Numerous treatments for pET have been reported in humans with insufficient evidence to recommend any particular intervention. They include myringotomy, mucous thickening agents, topical irritants to induce mucosal oedema or thickening, topical estrogen drops, peritubal injections of various materials including paraffin, gel foam and glycerin, electrocauterization, ligation of the pharyngeal orifice, ablation of the ET orifice or lumen and removal of the tubal cartilage. Due to limited knowledge of the best treatment for pET and the chronic and severe involvement of the middle ear and ET, TECABO and ET partial ablation were elected in this case and shown to be successful.
Dogs with early onset of ear disease characterized by the presence of liquid or solids in the external ear canal should have palate abnormalities and ETD investigated. A CT scan with contrast should be considered for diagnosis in those cases. Future studies are needed to better understand ETD in dogs and to identify ideal treatment modalities for this condition.

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