
标题: 包括一例已证实复发的犬皮肤内翻性乳头状瘤病例分析 [打印本页]

作者: 王帆    时间: 2022-5-16 22:45
标题: 包括一例已证实复发的犬皮肤内翻性乳头状瘤病例分析
A case series of canine cutaneous inverted papilloma with one case showing evidence of recurrence
作者:Teresa M.S.A. Boehm 等人
Background-This article describes a case of multiple, recurrent, cutaneous inverted papillomas (CIPs) in a German shepherd dog, combined with a retrospective follow-up assessment of eight cases.
Methods-A 3-year-old, black, female German shepherd dog presented with four rapidly growing, alopecic, domed, hyperpigmented, shiny nodules, compatible with CIP. The dog was managed for pruritus, associated with atopic dermatitis, with long-term prednisolone therapy and this therapy was continued after the surgical excision. Twelve months after the initial presentation the dog was represented for two new CIP lesions, coinciding with an increased dosage of prednisolone during an allergic flare-up period.
Results-Histopathological evaluation was conducted on both the original and subsequent lesions from the case with recurrence. Eight cases of CIP, based on histopathological findings, were identified retrospectively from the authorsdiagnostic pathology service over the previous two years. All nine cases had lesions that exhibited varying degrees of inverted epithelial hyperplasia, multiple, endophytic, papillary epidermal projections, a cup-shaped base with central hyperkeratosis and active viral pathological findings (koilocytes). The submitting veterinarians were contacted and follow-up regarding recurrence and concurrent medications was obtained.
Conclusions and clinical importance-CIP is uncommonly reported, typically as a single lesion with no previous reports of recurrence, although one group of dogs with severe combined immunodeficiency developed invasive malignancies. In seven of eight retrospective cases no recurrence of CIP was recorded. The authors speculate that the recurrence in the German shepherd dog may have been associated with chronic (although lowdose) glucocorticoid administration.
Canine papilloma virus (CPV) is an aetiological agent for a variety of skin lesions in dogs. Clinical presentations include pigmented viral plaques, oral papillomatosis (COPV), exophytic cutaneous papillomas, cutaneous inverted (endophytic) papillomas (CIPs), digital papillomatosis and genital papillomas.The common exophytic variants develop in young dogs on the face, ears and extremities; they typically resolve spontaneously over weeks to months.
The CIP variant has been reported most commonly on the ventrum, digits and pawpads,and also on the ventral neck and concave pinna, or disseminated multifocally.The typical appearance is solitary grey to fleshcoloured, elevated, alopecic, dome-shaped masses of 12 cm in diameter containing a wide central pore. One boxer dog with distinctive histological features of CIP had multiple, black 2 mm papules. In a colony of laboratory beagle dogs with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), CIP lesions (mostly interdigitally and footpad located) were reported along with some exophytic papilloma lesions.
To the best of the authorsknowledge, there are 12 cases of CIPs reported in published studies and in all cases recurrence has not been reported.
Case history
A female, intact, 2-year-old black German shepherd dog initially presented with four nonpruritic, indolent, smoothwalled, hyperpigmented, exophytic masses with a central, rough, indented crater, on the ventral abdomen. They ranged from 3 mm to 1 cm (Figure 1) and developed over a 12 day period. The dog had signs of atopic dermatitis (AD) from <12 months of age and an 18 month course of constant prednisolone administration at a dose of 0.19 mg/kg per os on alternating days, which the owner had elected to administer after informed veterinary advice. Historically, a 50% dose reduction led to marked pruritus within a week and disseminated pustules and erythema. Oclacitinib, antihistamines, essential fatty acids and shampoos had been administered for short periods many months previously and not helped the pruritus. The four lesions were excised and submitted for histological examination.
At the initial presentation, cytological evaluation of a nodule and surrounding skin revealed non-nucleated, pigmented keratinocytes. A complete blood count and biochemical profile were within normal ranges except for a slight monocytosis. Three days later the nodules were excised under general anaesthesia; no subsequent analgesia or antibiotic therapy was required. At suture removal the incisions had healed well. All four nodules were histologically confirmed as CIP, completely excised, with marked epithelial hyperplasia, multiple, endophytic, hyperpigmented, papillary epidermal projections extending into the dermis, forming a cup-shaped deep margin, with marked hyperkeratosis in the centre of the nodule (Figure 2 a, b). The stratum granulosum contained prominent koilocytes, cells with clear cytoplasm and with numerous giant keratohyalin granules (Figure 2c). Multiple basal layer mitoses were observed with a subepidermal fibroblastic stroma.
One month later, the dog was enrolled in a clinical prospective atopy study, where the protocol required methylprednisolone (dosage 0.15 mg/kg twice weekly) and palmitoylethanolamide, 10 mg/kg p.o. every day (Redonyl 150 mg Ultra, Dechra GmbH; Aulendorf, Germany). As a result of a lack of clinical response, after a three week period the owner returned to prednisolone as sole therapy.
Nine months after the initial excision the owner increased the dosage of oral glucocorticoids to 0.2 mg/kg prednisolone twice daily, as a consequence of multiple severe allergic flares. Within three months, two new nodules developed on the ventral abdomen, within centimetres of one of the previous nodules. These were excised and submitted for histological examination. The new nodules were elevated, shiny, hyperpigmented with a central crateriform indentation and ranged from 2 to 5 mm. One of the lesions was repeatedly self-traumatised (bitten down to the level of the skin) over a six week period yet regrew. The nodules were surgically excised and histologically confirmed as CIP.
Immunohistochemical staining was performed with a commercial anti-bovine papilloma virus E2 antibody [5H4] (ab1072, Abcam; Cambridge, UK) and the keratinocyte nuclei stained positively for the E2 papillomavirus groupspecific antigen (see Figure 2d).
Further follow-up over two years reported no recurrence.
Retrospective case analysis
The authors reviewed the frequency of presentation for CIP using data from the authorsSpecialty Practice for Veterinary Pathology. During the whole of 2016 and 2017, 47,377 submissions of canine skin biopsies were examined; of these, there were 569 exophytic viral papillomas, eight of which were CIP. Primary veterinarians were contacted for follow-up; for seven of eight dogs there was no recurrence reported following surgical excision and the remaining eighth case was lost to follow-up (Table 1).
In previous case reports common clinical features of CIPs have included occurrence at an age under three years, predisposed areas including inguinal and ventral abdomen, typical size <2 cm in diameter, firm consistency and raised dome-shape with a central indentation.Seven of nine of our cases were under three years of age. Nine cases had lesions located in typical areas reported previously. The case with recurrence had lesions most closely resembling Campbells type,located on the ventral abdomen. The exact clinical appearance of the lesions in the eight retrospective cases was not available.
在之前病例报道中,CIPs常见的临床特点包括年龄小于三岁,易感部位包括腹股沟和腹部腹侧,典型大小直径小于2cm,统一为坚实的、拱形凸起伴随中央凹陷。9例中的7例在3岁以下。9例病变位于在之前报道的典型区域。复发病例的病变最接近Campbells 型,位置在腹部腹侧。在8例回顾性病例中,无法得到病变的确切临床表现。
Given that CIPs have been reported only infrequently, eight cases being identified over a two year period was an unexpectedly high number, when compared with 569 exophytic papillomas (1.4%).
Our cases were selected based on compatible histopathological findings and eight of nine showed cytopathic viral changes. Histopathologically, CIPs appear as a partially endophytic lesion with a cup-shaped margin, with papillary epidermal projections extending centripetally into the centre of the nodule. The projections contain the cytopathic products of the papilloma virus infection, such as clumped, giant keratohyalin granules, prominent koilocytes and rare eosinophilic cytoplasmic or basophilic intranuclear inclusions.
本文病例选择基于组织病理学发现,9例中的8例显示细胞病毒变化。组织病理学,CIPs表现为部分内生病变,边缘成杯状,乳头状表皮延伸至结节中心。 这些凸出物包含乳头状病毒感染的细胞病变产物,例如成群的,大的透明角质颗粒,突出的挖空细胞和少量嗜酸性细胞质或嗜碱性细胞核包含物。
When rapid cell proliferation is induced by papillomavirus, a marked epithelial hyperplasia is typically visible clinically as a papule, plaque or nodule.3 Whether the epidermal hyperplasia produces an exophytic or endophytic folding of the epidermis is not apparently related to the virus because CIPs have been associated with multiple papillomavirus subtypes.3 Molecular analyses of four cases of CIP identified four different papilloma virus subtypes including canine papilloma virus 2 (CPV2) and two previously unknown papilloma viruses.4 In our case series we did not type the papilloma virus.
Stress and immunosuppression may increase virus expression. In dogs various treatments for exophytic papillomas have been reported, although the interpretation of therapeutic success is complicated by the fact that exophytic papillomas typically resolve spontaneously. Topical therapy with imiquimod, autologous vaccines, surgical excision, cryotherapy or laser therapy have all been recommended; interferon-alpha was reported to be helpful in canine cutaneous and oral papillomas. Azithromycin was reportedly effective in the treatment of exophytic papillomas in one case series. Cimetidine is an effective treatment for papillomavirus warts in human medicine and has been used anecdotally in dogs. The only reported specific treatment for CIP has been surgical excision.
Because viral infections can be a consequence of immunosuppression in dogs, it is possible that in the case with recurrence the CIPs developed both initially and a year later as a result of ongoing prednisolone therapy. Most CIP lesions reported to date have been in dogs that were not considered to be immunocompromised.Three reports of CIP natural progression have been associated with a degree of immunosuppression, including the SCID beagle dogs which progressed to invasive squamous cell carcinoma,one bitch where the lesions developed postneutering and spontaneously resolved, and a boxer dog with multiple papules with iatrogenic Cushings disease in which all lesions resolved spontaneously upon withdrawal of prednisolone.Previous reports and textbooks commonly refer to 2 mg/kg once daily prednisolone as the immunosuppressive dose for dogs and <1 mg/kg as anti-inflammatory.However, the anti-inflammatory to immunosuppressive dosage of glucocorticoids in dogs may be individual and published studies indicating clear cut-off values are lacking.
由于病毒感染可能是犬免疫抑制的结果,复发的CIPs病例中,最初出现和一年后复发,可能是持续使用泼尼松龙治疗导致的。至今在犬上报道的大多数CIP病变,不认为是免疫缺陷病导致。三个自发性CIP的报道,与一定程度的免疫抑制相关,包括发展为侵袭性鳞状细胞癌的SCID比格,一只母犬的病变在绝育后自行消退,一只拳师犬患有医源性库兴伴有多发性丘疹,在停止泼尼松龙后,所有病变自行消退。以往的报道和教科书中一般将2mg/kg 每日一次泼尼松龙作为犬的免疫抑制剂量,小于1mg/kg 作为“抗炎”剂量。然而,糖皮质激素在犬的抗炎至免疫抑制剂量可能有个体差异,已发表的研究表明缺乏明确的界限值。
With respect to the case with recurrence; this was temporally associated with an atopy flare and associated increased dosage of prednisolone to 0.2 mg/kg prednisolone once or twice daily. The authors speculate that a plausible local immunomodulatory effect could have led to the development of the CIPs. In humans, proinflammatory cytokines are reported to upregulate glucocorticoid receptor gene expression, which leads to focal accumulation and increased glucocorticoid action in inflamed tissue. Such focal attenuation of a dosage otherwise regarded as nonimmunosuppressivein this dog, due to the inflammation associated with the AD flare, could have made the virus replication possible and triggered the formation of the CIP. Papilloma viruses are ubiquitous on canine skin,allowing opportunistic infection.
Figure 1. Canine cutaneous inverted papilloma; clinical findings at first presentation.
The ventral abdomen shows two crateriform nodules and two hyperpigmented papules.
1. 犬皮肤内翻性乳头状瘤,首诊时临床检查。腹部腹侧出现2个漏斗状结节和2个色素沉着丘疹。
Figure 2. Canine cutaneous inverted papilloma in haired skin; histopathological and immunohistochemical findings
(a) Papillomatous lesion with inverted endophytic growth. The multiple papillary epidermal projections open superficially into a central keratin core and extend downward to form the cup-shaped architecture. Haematoxylin & eosin, x40.
a)内翻性生长的乳头状瘤病变。多个乳头状表皮突起的表面向中央角蛋白核心开放,向下延伸形成杯状结构。 HE染色, 40
(b) Close up of the epithelial papillary projections with keratinocyte hyperplasia and dysplasia; H&E, x200.
b)表皮乳头状突起伴随角质形成细胞增生和发育异常H&E, 200
(c) Multiple keratinocytes in the stratum granulosum have basophilic cytoplasm that is compatible with viral cytopathic effect (black arrows); as well as an eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion body (white arrow head) and two apoptotic/necrotic cells (see black arrow heads). Other cells have clear cytoplasm and numerous enlarged keratohyalin granules (koilocytes), H&E, x400.
c)多个角质形成细胞在颗粒层有嗜碱性细胞质,与病毒细胞病变相一致(黑色箭);嗜酸性细胞核包涵体(白箭头)和两个凋亡/坏死细胞(见黑色箭头)。其他细胞有透明的细胞质和大量增大的透明角质颗粒(挖空细胞)H&E, 400.
(d) Immunohistochemical staining for papillomavirus (with a commercial anti-bovine papilloma virus E2 antibody (ab1072, Abcam; Cambridge, UK)) reveals positively staining nuclei in the stratum granulosum and upper stratum spinosum (see black arrow heads).
d)乳头状瘤病毒免疫组化染色(使用商品化抗牛乳头状瘤病毒E2抗体(ab1072, Abcam; Cambridge, UK))显示在颗粒层和棘层的阳性细胞核染色(见黑色箭头)。

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