
标题: 猫慢性耳炎:原发、易感和持久因素的临床管理(1) [打印本页]

作者: 王帆    时间: 2022-3-26 22:09
标题: 猫慢性耳炎:原发、易感和持久因素的临床管理(1)
本帖最后由 王帆 于 2022-3-26 22:09 编辑

ChroniC otitis in Cats Clinical management of primary, predisposing and perpetuating factors

作者:Bailey Brame and Christine Cain

翻译:郑江涛 校对:王帆

Practical relevance: Chronic otitis can be one of the most frustrating diseases to manage for a small animal practitioner. While it occurs less commonly in the cat than the dog, it is no less challenging. The purpose of this review is to discuss the common and uncommon causes of chronic otitis in the cat within the clinical framework used for diagnosis and treatment. The focus is on diseases that affect the ear canal, rather than those restricted to the pinnae.

Clinical challenges: Otitis is multifactorial, which complicates management. A common clinical mistake is to focus solely on treating the infection present. Only by addressing all factors will a clinician successfully control chronic otitis. For the purposes of this review, the authors have adopted the established model of separating primary, predisposing and perpetuating causes of otitis. Primary factors are those that directly cause otitis (inflammation); predisposing factors are those that put the patient at risk for development of otitis; and perpetuating factors are those that result in ongoing clinical signs of otitis or that prevent clinical resolution.

Audience: This review is aimed at veterinarians who treat cats and particularly those with an interest in feline dermatology and otology.

Equipment: While many practitioners rely on a hand-held otoscope, a video-otoscope can be very helpful for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic otitis.

Evidence base: This review presents up-to-date information regarding the diagnosis and treatment of chronic otitis in cats, with emphasis on the most recent peer-reviewed literature.

Keywords: Chronic otitis; otitis externa; otitis media; Otodectes cynotis; inflammatory aural polyp

The normal feline ear
Anatomic features and physical examination
With the exception of the Scottish Fold, domestic cats have upright pinnae, allowing for air circulation. This makes them less vulnerable to environmental factors that predispose to otitis, such as humidity and the effects of bathing or swimming. Despite the conformational difference in the Scottish Fold, an increase in otitis has not been reported in this breed.

It is normal for the feline ear to have a moderate amount of dark brown ceruminous debris present in the canal. In the absence of other clinical signs, this is not suggestive of otitis externa. Cerumen may also be clear, white or yellow.

Unlike the dog, the bulla in the cat is divided into medial and lateral compartments by a thin, bony septum with a small opening between (Figure 1). Under otoscopic guidance, it is feasible to access the lateral compartment; however, a bulla osteotomy is typically required to access the medial compartment. This affects treatment options for feline middle ear disease.

Figure 1 CT of a 6-year-old castrated male domestic shorthair cat with unilateral otitis media and otitis externa. Note the bony septum (arrow) that divides the medial (M) and lateral (L) compartments of the tympanic bulla. On the left side, there is fluid filling the bulla, and the bulla and septum are sclerotic secondary to chronic otitis media

Normal cytologic findings and flora
Feline ear cytology can be challenging to interpret because cats’ cerumen can absorb stain, resulting in a stain artifact resembling bacterial cocci (Figure 2). Evaluating for pairs of cocci may help avoid misinterpretation.

Figure 2: Cytology from a normal feline ear with mild staining artifact

Ginel et al evaluated cytologic samples from the external ear canal of healthy cats and cats with otitis externa to develop reference intervals for otic cytology. Cats were considered normal if they had two or fewer Malassezia organisms and four or fewer bacterial organisms per high-power field (HPF). The presence of cocci on cytology in healthy cats varies greatly by report, ranging from 2% to 71%, with a median density of 0.3 cocci per HPF in one study. The most commonly cultured bacteria from feral cats’ ears in Grenada, West Indies were coagulase-negative Staphylococcus species, which made up 67% of isolates.

On ear cytology, cats cerumen can absorb stain, resulting in a stain artifact resembling bacterial cocci. Evaluating for pairs of cocci may help avoid misinterpretation.

Malassezia species, most commonly Malassezia pachydermatis, can be found on aural cytology and culture in normal cats. The prevalence of Malassezia species on otic cytology reported in the literature ranges from 23% to 83%. In normal cats, the median density of Malassezia species on cytology ranges from 0.2 to 0.5 organisms per HPF. Among Belgian stray cats, 94% of those with Malassezia species on cytology had three or fewer organisms per HPF.

Rod-shaped bacteria are rarely seen in healthy cats, so their presence suggests otic pathology. In one study, Bacillus species and Pantoea species accounted for 17% and 4% of bacterial isolates from the ears of feral cats, respectively.

Keratinocytes and nucleated keratinocytes are a normal finding in feline otic cytology and were not increased in a group of cats with otitis externa. Low numbers of melanin clumps and saprophytes can also be seen in normal cats. However, inflammatory cells are not a normal finding in the feline ear, and their presence suggests disease.

Rod-shaped bacteria and inflammatory cells are not normal findings in the feline ear, and so their presence suggests disease.

Clinical presentation of, and diagnostic approach for, feline otitis
Owners often report head shaking, scratching or pawing at the ears, pain, excessive ceruminous debris and/or a foul odor. Less commonly, decreased appetite or lethargy are reported.

On physical examination, a cat with otitis externa may have excoriations, erythema, crusting and edema of the pinna or ear canal. The quantity and character of discharge is variable. The cat may exhibit pain on manipulation of the ear or opening the mouth, and a scratch response can be seen during evaluation of the ear. Aural hematoma is sometimes seen in cats secondary to otic pruritus.

On otoscopic examination, erythema and edema of the canal are typically present. The tympanic membrane can be thickened or opaque. If otitis media is present, fluid may be visible through the tympanum, or the tympanic membrane may bulge outward (see ‘Otitis media’ section later). Purulent debris can impede evaluation of the tympanum or horizontal canal.

Distribution (unilateral or bilateral) of otitis, lesion character and the presence of concurrent neurologic signs or systemic illness can aid in differentiating between causes (see Table 1). The overall diagnostic approach to otitis is summarized in the box on page 436.

Prevalence of feline otitis
The reported prevalence of otitis externa, media or interna varies greatly in the literature. Among cats presenting to general practice in a UK study, 2.8% were evaluated for otitis. Ten percent of cats presenting to a dermatology service of a US veterinary teaching hospital were diagnosed with diseases of the ear canal. Among a population of Italian stray cats, 55% had otitis externa based on cytologic criteria.

Whether otitis is unilateral or bilaterial, the lesion character and the presence of concurrent neurologic signs or systemic illness can aid in differentiating between causes.
Multifactorial approach When evaluating a patient presenting for otitis, it is important to consider all factors that may be contributing to the patients ear disease. Here the authors use the traditional model describing primary factors, which directly cause otitis (inflammation), predisposing factors, which put the cat at risk for developing otitis, and perpetuating factors, which result in ongoing clinical signs of otitis or prevent clinical resolution .


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