
标题: 长期bid奥拉替尼控制CAD的疗效和安全性回顾性研究-53例 [打印本页]

作者: 王帆    时间: 2022-2-12 20:46
标题: 长期bid奥拉替尼控制CAD的疗效和安全性回顾性研究-53例
本帖最后由 王帆 于 2022-2-12 20:46 编辑

Prolonged twice-daily administration of oclacitinib for the control of canine atopic dermatitis: a retrospective study of 53 client-owned atopic dogs

作者:Daria DentiMarco CaldinLaura VenturaMichela de Lucia

翻译:郑江涛 校对:王帆

Background Oclacitinib administered at the licensed dose twice daily for two weeks and then once daily as required is recommended for the treatment of atopic dogs. In some cases, the once-daily regimen is insufficient to control the clinical signs.
Objectives To provide preliminary safety and efficacy data on the prolonged twice-daily administration of oclacitinib in atopic dogs.
Animals Fifty-three client-owned atopic dogs
Methods and materials – The medical records of dogs with atopic dermatitis treated with oclacitinib twice daily for more than two weeks were reviewed retrospectively. Animal details, treatment dose and duration, concurrent diseases, adjunctive medications and possible adverse events were recorded. Treatment efficacy was assessed retrospectively and, when available, the selected blood parameters before and during the treatment were compared. Statistical analyses of the collected data were performed.
Results – The median treatment duration was 113 days. Excellent-to-good efficacy was observed in 38 dogs(72%), including 24 of 33 dogs that failed to respond to the once-daily regimen. Eight dogs showed a poor response despite the addition of systemic glucocorticoids. Pyoderma, gastrointestinal signs and otitis externa were the most frequent adverse events recorded whilst on treatment. Blood tests performed in 35 dogs showed slightly decreased leucocyte, neutrophil, eosinophil and monocyte counts that remained within the reference ranges in most cases. Three dogs developed hypercholesterolemia.
Conclusions and clinical relevance – Prolonged twice-daily administration of oclacitinib generally was welltolerated and was effective in most of the treated dogs. Regular clinical evaluation and blood tests are advisable for this treatment regimen.
动物- 53只家养特应性皮炎的患犬

Oclacitinib is a small-molecule drug that modulates inflammatory and pruritogenic cytokines through the inhibition of the Janus kinase/ signal transducer and activator of transcription (JAK/STAT) signalling pathway.It is approved for the treatment of pruritus associated with allergic dermatitis and the clinical management of atopic dermatitis (AD) in dogs.Administration of the drug at a dose of 0.4–0.6 mg/kg twice daily for the first two weeks and then once daily for maintenance is recommended.The effectiveness and safety of this dosing regimen has been demonstrated.Adverse effects are uncommon and consist mainly of gastrointestinal signs and skin infections.At the labelled dose, minimal changes in haematological and serum chemical parameters have been described, including a minimal decrease in white blood cell count, and increases in serum cholesterol and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity levels.An increase in pruritus and clinical lesions has been described in some atopic dogs when tapering oclacitinib therapy from twice to once daily, which requires adjunctive treatments.Based on the authorsexperience, those cases also might benefit from prolonged twice daily dosing of oclacitinib. Unfortunately, in a premarketing study, this latter regimen showed an insufficient margin of safety and is not currently recommended. However, adverse effects were not observed when oclacitinib was administered twice daily at the registered dose for an extended period, ranging from one to 12 months, to treat a small number of cases of immunemediated diseases.Thus, the objective of this retrospective study was to describe the efficacy, adverse events and variations in selected laboratory parameters in a series of client-owned atopic dogs treated with oclacitinib twice daily for more than two weeks.
奥拉替尼是一种小分子药物,通过抑制Janus激酶/信号转导子和转录激活子(JAK/STAT)信号通路调节炎症和和致痒细胞因子。已批准用于治疗与过敏性皮炎相关的瘙痒症和犬特应性皮炎(AD)的临床治疗管理。建议给药剂量为,前两周0.40.6 mg/kg,每日两次,随后每日一次维持给药。该给药方案的有效性和安全性已得到证实。不良反应不常见,主要包括胃肠道症状和皮肤感染。在标签剂量下,血液学和血清化学参数的最小变化已被描述,包括白细胞数极轻微下降,以及血清胆固醇和碱性磷酸酶(ALP)活性水平的增加。当奥拉替尼治疗从每日两次逐渐减少到每日一次时,一些特应性皮炎患犬瘙痒和临床病变增加,这需要辅助治疗。根据作者的经验,这些病例也可能对每日两次的奥拉替尼剂量有效。不幸的是,在一项上市前研究中,后一种方案的安全性不足,目前不推荐使用。然而,当奥拉替尼以注册剂量长期每日两次给药时,未观察到不良反应。从1个月到12个月不等,用于治疗少数免疫介导的疾病。因此,本回顾性研究的目的是描述一系列使用奥拉替尼每日两次治疗超过两周的家养特应性皮炎患犬的疗效、不良反应和所选实验室参数的变化。

Methods and materials
Case selection
This was a nonexperimental retrospective study in which data were retrieved from the medical records of the included dogs. Therefore, institutional animal care and use committee approval were not required. Informed consent was obtained from the animal owners before using the data for the study. No personally identifiable data were used.Cases were retrieved through a comprehensive digital search of the Dermatology Service electronic database of a single referral centre using the search terms dog,atopic dermatitisand oclacitinib treatment. Dogs with a diagnosis of nonseasonal atopic dermatitis (cAD) and treated with oclacitinib (Apoquel, Zoetis Italia; Rome,Italy) at a dose of 0.40.6 mg/kg twice daily for more than two weeks were selected for the study. As this study is based on the retrospective analysis of medical records,dogs included in this study could have been treated with many different drugs in addition to oclacitinib.The diagnosis of cAD was based on published guidelines.16 Dogs with food allergy were excluded on the basis of a response to dietary elimination and challenge.Furthermore, all dogs received monthly flea prevention.Cases were seen by a board-certified dermatologist (MDL) and a European College of Veterinary Dermatology resident (DD) between April 2014 and September 2020.
这是一项非实验性的回顾性研究,数据是从纳入的犬的医疗记录中检索出来的。因此,不需要动物保护机构和委员会的批准。在将数据用于研究之前,获得了动物主人的同意。没有使用个人身份数据。通过使用搜索词“犬”、“特应性皮炎”和“奥拉替尼治疗”对单个转诊中心的皮肤科服务电子数据库进行综合数字搜索来检索病例。诊断为非季节性特应性皮炎(CAD)并接受奥拉替尼治疗的犬,剂量为0.40.6 mg/kg,每日两次,持续两周以上。由于本研究是基于病历的回顾性分析,除了奥拉替尼之外,本研究中的犬还可以使用许多不同的药物进行治疗。CAD的诊断基于已发表的指南。根据对食物排除和激发试验,排除了16只食物过敏的犬,此外,所有的犬都接受了每月一次的跳蚤预防。在20144月至20209月期间,一名委员会认证的皮肤科医生(MDL)和一名欧洲兽医学院皮肤科住院医师(DD)对病例进行了检查。

Clinical data collection
The medical records were reviewed retrospectively to obtain pertinent data, including animal details, administered dose and duration of the twice-daily administration,and adjunctive medications. As a consequence of interand intra-patient variability in the use of antiseptic and emollient shampoos or solutions, and ear cleansers,these treatments were not reported in this study. The presence and follow-up of skin and ear infections, concurrent skin diseases diagnosed at the beginning of the treatment, as well as concomitant pre-existing conditions,were recorded.

Any abnormal clinical sign that developed during the treatment was considered as a possible adverse event.

The overall response to treatment was assessed retrospectively and subjectively based on the information available in the records at the end of the recorded treatment period. Briefly, responses were deemed excellentin the absence of pruritus and skin lesions, goodin the presence of localised pruritus and skin lesions and poorwhen no improvement or recurrence of skin infections were reported.

Whenever available, selected blood parameters, including red blood cell,leucocyte, neutrophil, lymphocyte,eosinophil and monocyte counts, as well as serum cholesterol and ALP activity levels before and during the treatment were recorded and compared. For each parameter, when more than one measurement was performed,the last one was considered for statistical evaluation.

Statistical methods
Data are summarised using percentages, means and standard deviations. Differences in quantitative variables regarding the response to treatment were assessed using an ANOVA or KruskalWallis tests,according to the results of a ShapiroWilk test of normality. Variations of the selected blood parameters were assessed using a Students t-test or Wilcoxon tests for paired data, according to the results of ShapiroWilk test of normality. Logistic regression was used to study the effect of the treatment dose and length on the occurrence of adverse effects. The correlations between the treatment dose and length with the variation in the selected blood parameters were assessed using Pearson correlation coefficients. Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05. Data were analysed using the statistical software R.
使用百分比、平均值和标准差对数据进行总结。使用ANOVAKruskal-Wallis检验评估关于治疗反应的定量变量的差异。根据夏皮罗-威尔克正态性检验的结果。使用Student s t-检验或Wilcoxon评估所选血液参数的变化根据Shapiro-Wilk正态性检验的结果,对配对数据进行检验。采用Logistic回归分析研究治疗剂量和治疗时间对不良反应发生的影响。使用Pearson相关系数评估治疗剂量和长度与所选血液参数变化之间的关系。统计学显著性设定为P<0.05。使用统计软件R对数据进行分析。

Study population and treatments
Fifty-three dogs met the inclusion criteria. West Highland white terriers (n = 9) and Labrador retrievers (n = 9) were over-represented. The median age was 69 months (range 10159 months) and the median weight was 13.5 kg (range 3.749 kg). In 33 of the 53 cases, the once-daily regimen failed to control the disease, as reported in the medical records.

The median dose of oclacitinib was 0.5 mg/kg twice daily (mean 0.49±0.06 mg/kg) and the median treatment duration was 113 days (range 211277 days).
奥拉替尼的中位剂量为0.5 mg/kg,每日两次(平均0.49± 0.06 mg/kg),中位治疗时间为113天(范围21-1277天)。

At the start of the twice-daily administration of oclacitinib, pyoderma (n = 15), Malassezia dermatitis (n = 2),interdigital nodules (n = 4), demodicosis due to Demodex canis (n = 1), and otitis externa (OE)/otitis media(OM) (n = 10) were observed. After topical and/or systemic treatments, these conditions resolved in all cases, except for the interdigital nodules, for which only mild improvement was observed (see Table S1 in Supporting information). Nineteen cases showed concomitant pre-existing diseases. Some of these conditions were chronic and managed accordingly, while others resolved during oclacitinib administration after appropriate treatment (Table S2). None of the preexisting diseases worsened during the twice-daily administration of oclacitinib.

Table 1. Possible adverse events during the prolonged twice-daily administration of oclacitinib in 53 atopic dogs.

Adverse event
Oclacitinib-treated dogs [n=53; n (%)]
Otitis externa/otitis media
Interdigital nodules
Malassezia dermatitis
Soft stool
External parasite
Sebaceous adenoma
Demodicosis (Demodex injai)
Urinary tract infection
Anal sac abscess
Oronasal fistula
Oedema due to protein-losing enteropathy
Back pain
Mammary adenoma
Thyroid carcinoma
Eyelid mass
Cavernous hemangioma
Keratin inclusion cyst

During the treatment period, systemic antibiotics were required in 15 dogs (28%) to treat pyoderma (n = 13), urinary tract infection (n = 1), OM (n = 1), oronasal fistula(n = 1) and anal sac abscess (n = 1), and systemic antifungal agents were used in six dogs with Malassezia dermatitis (11.3%).

Short (less than one week) (n = 2) or prolonged (one to three weeks) (n = 8) courses of systemic glucocorticoids were prescribed once to 10 dogs (18.9%) to control flareups of cAD. Topical glucocorticoids were administered in 22 cases (41.5%), which included prophylactic application to the ear canals in 13 dogs.

The clinical data of treated dogs, oclacitinib dose and length of administration, the possible adverse events, and concurrent medications are reported in Table S3.

Response to treatment
Excellent, good and poor responses were observed in 16(30%), 22 (42%) and 15 cases (28%), respectively.Twenty-four of the 33 (73%) dogs that failed to respond to the once-daily regimen showed excellent or good responses to the prolonged twice-daily administration(Table S3). No statistically significant correlations between the response to treatment and the administered dose, length of treatment, body weight and age of the treated dogs were observed.

Possible adverse events
One self-limiting episode of the following gastrointestinal signs was observed in nine dogs: anorexia (n = 1), nausea(n = 1), vomiting (n = 4), soft stool (n = 4) and diarrhoea(n = 3). No correlation was identified between gastrointestinal signs and treatment dose and duration. During the treatment period, pyoderma (n = 14), OE/OM(n = 10), interdigital nodules (n = 9), Malassezia dermatitis (n = 6), oronasal fistula (n = 1), urinary tract infection(n = 1) and anal sac abscess (n = 1) were reported. A proportion of the pyoderma (n = 6), OE (n = 3) and Malassezia dermatitis (n = 1) cases were relapses. Some dogs developed more than one condition.

The occurrence of pyoderma (P = 0.02), urinary tract infection, anal sac abscess and oronasal fistula (P = 0.01)was significantly correlated with treatment duration.

Demodex injai was detected in the perioral area of a West Highland white terrier (Case 27) in conjunction with erythema, scales and partial alopecia. Parasitological cure was obtained after a two month weekly administration of a 10% imidacloprid and 2.5% moxidectin spot-on (Advocate, Bayer HealthCare; Leverkusen, Germany).During the following three years, D. injai was detected occasionally in the perioral area of the same dog even after oclacitinib discontinuation.

A keratin inclusion cyst [Day (D)38 of treatment],cutaneous histiocytoma (D45 of treatment) and sebaceous adenomas (D81 and D180 of treatment) were diagnosed in one dog each (cases 53, 12, 1, 14), while one dog (Case 48) developed a lipoma and a cavernous haemangioma (D48 of treatment). The histiocytoma regressed spontaneously within one month while the haemangioma was surgically removed with no relapses observed in the following two and a half years. In another case (Case 37), a nodule was observed on the right inferior eyelid after 31 days of treatment. Cytological findings were inconclusive and follow-up of the lesion was not available. In one case, a mammary adenoma was surgically removed after 28 days of treatment (Case 23), with no recurrence noted in the following year. All cases showing possible adverse events were managed without changing the twice-daily administration of oclacitinib. All possible adverse events are summarised in Table 1.

Possible severe adverse events
In Case 24, a thyroid carcinoma was diagnosed 15 months after the initiation of oclacitinib administration.The oclacitinib treatment was stopped and radiotherapy was performed. The dog was still alive four months after diagnosis.

Laboratory parameters
The results of the blood tests before and during treatment (median 81 days after starting the twice-daily regimen, range 21570 days) were available in 35 cases(Table S4). Analysis of selected parameters revealed a significant (P < 0.001) reduction in the numbers of leucocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils and monocytes during treatment (Figure 1). These results did not change after excluding from the statistical analysis three dogs with significantly higher neutrophil (Case 27), eosinophil (Case 10and monocyte (Case 33) counts compared to those in the rest of the study population before starting treatment.Some dogs showed eosinophil (n = 6), neutrophil (n = 3),monocyte (n = 2) and total leucocyte (n = 2) counts slightly below the reference ranges during treatment.Neutrophil and monocyte counts above the upper limits were reported in one case each.

Serum cholesterol levels increased significantly during treatment (P = 0.004) and were slightly above the referencerange in five dogs, two of which were already hypercholesterolaemic before starting treatment.

Changes in the studied parameters were not signifi-cantly correlated with the treatment dose and duration,and did not lead the clinician to modify the treatment.

Figure 1. Boxplots of the relative differences of erythrocyte, leucocyte, neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte, and eosinophil counts and cholesterol and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) serum activity levels during treatment with oclacitinib administered twice daily for more than two weeks.
The black lines within the boxes indicate the median of the relative difference, while the upper and lower boundaries of the boxes represent the 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively. Values above and below 0 (red star) indicate increased or decreased median value of the parameter.

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first description of the efficacy and safety of a prolonged twice-daily administration of oclacitinib in a large series of clientowned atopic dogs. Based on the subjective evaluation,excellent-to-good disease control was obtained in 72% of the treated dogs, including 73% (24 of 33) of cases that failed to respond to the once-daily regimen. However,this success rate cannot be compared with the results of previous studies that evaluated the standard protocol as validated scales and clinical scores were not used here.Nevertheless, the fact that most of the dogs that did not improve with the standard protocol showed an excellentto-good response to the prolonged twice-daily regimen suggests that the latter might be more effective, at least in some cases. Several well-conducted studies have reported the reduced efficacy of oclacitinib administered for pruritus control in allergic dogs after D14 when the drug is tapered from twice to once daily.Cosgrove et al. reported a mean owner pruritus Visual Analog Scale (pVAS) score of 2.6 (very mild itching) in oclacitinibtreated dogs by D14, which increased to 4.1 (mild itching) at D28.Another study observed a 67.5% reduction in pruritus from baseline at D14, which decreased to 52.5% by D28. Moreover, a 50% reduction in pruritus was achieved in 74% of dogs at D14 compared to 51% of dogs at D28.A small randomised placebo-controlled study evaluating the combination of oclacitinib and 0.0584% hydrocortisone aceponate spray in atopic dogs,showed that in the placebo-controlled group, both pruritus (pVAS) and severity of dermatitis scores [Canine Atopic Dermatitis Extent and Severity Index, 4th iteration(CADESI-04)] increased significantly after changing the regimen from twice to once daily.The reduced ability of oclacitinib to control pruritus and lesions associated with cAD when administered once daily might be explained by the decreased 24 h oclacitinib maleate plasma concentration.Although in many cases, this slight reduction in efficacy does not affect the efficacy of treatment, other cases may experience a significant worsening of the clinical picture.While combination therapy with topical glucocorticoids has been proposed for these cases,resuming the twice-daily administration of oclacitinib may help regain control of the disease, especially when pruritus and lesions are diffuse.

Before starting oclacitinib administration, four of the 15 cases with poor responses showed interdigital nodular pododermatitis that did not improve after treatment.Notably, interdigital nodules might have a multifactorial nature (e.g. recurrent trauma, orthopaedic diseases,infections), including and not limited to AD in the dog.

Despite the prolonged twice-daily administration of oclacitinib, 10 dogs (18.9%) required a short or prolonged course of systemic glucocorticoids to control flare-ups of AD. Interestingly, eight of these cases showed persistent pruritus or recurrences of skin infections and were considered poor responders. Safety data on the combination therapy of oclacitinib and systemic glucocorticoids are lacking. In an open-label long-term (630 days) compassionate study, systemic steroids were administered to 31 of 24 oclacitinib-treated atopic dogs to control flare-ups or to treat concomitant diseases. Six of the 31 dogs in this compassionate study showed abnormal health events,including vomiting, diarrhoea, haematochezia, haematemesis and diabetic ketoacidosis. The latest guidelines from the International Committee on Allergic Diseases of Animals (ICADA) do not recommend the prolonged concomitant administration of oclacitinib and other immunomodulatory drugs, as a result of the potential for dose-dependent drug induced immunosuppression predisposing to potentially severe opportunistic infections of the skin or other organs.

In our study, the prolonged twice-daily administration of oclacitinib was generally well-tolerated. Mild and selflimiting gastrointestinal adverse effects were described in 17% of dogs, and no cases required treatment interruption. The frequencies of vomiting (7.5%) and diarrhoea(5.7%) were not higher than those reported previously for the licensed protocol (vomiting 2.314%; diarrhoea 1.66.1%).This finding is consistent with those of a double-blinded, placebo-controlled study including 179dogs administered with oclacitinib twice daily for30 days as a continuation of a seven day efficacy and safety study, in which diarrhoea (2.8%) and vomiting(3.3%) were observed.

In our case series, pyoderma (26%) and OE (19%)occurred more frequently than reported previously in dogs treated with oclacitinib according to the standard protocol (≤12%).Although pyoderma and OE are very common in atopic dogs, there are some concerns regarding the possible immunosuppressive effect of the prolonged twice-daily administration of oclacitinib.Early safety studies showed a dose-dependent association between a long-term twice-daily administration of oclacitinib and viral skin papillomas, interdigital furunculosis, demodicosis and bacterial pneumonia in young adult beagle dogs, suggesting an immunosuppressive activity.However, an in vitro study reported that only a very high dose of oclacitinib, corresponding to an oral administration of 3–4 mg/kg twice daily, reduced T-cell activity and cytokine production.In our study, the dogs appeared to remain immunocompetent during treatment, based on their ability to overcome skin, ear and non-cutaneous infections after the administration of appropriate systemic or topical antimicrobials, without changing the oclacitinib treatment regimen. Moreover, we observed a frequency of non-cutaneous infections(5.7%) lower or similar to those reported previously for the recommended protocol (≤12%).Furthermore,extra-label use of oclacitinib twice-daily for 48 days in a 10-month-old French bulldog (Case 26) with concurrent pyoderma and septic osteomyelitis successfully controlled atopic dermatitis and did not hinder the resolution of both the pyoderma and osteomyelitis. However, the observed correlation between the duration of treatment and the development of pyoderma and noncutaneous infections suggests the need for careful monitoring when administering prolonged twice-daily oclacitinib treatment.
在我们的病例系列中,根据标准方案,脓皮病(26%)和OE19%)在接受奥拉替尼治疗的中发生的频率比以前报道的更高(虽然脓皮病和OE特应性皮炎患犬中非常常见,但仍有一些关于长期每日两次给予奥拉替尼可能产生免疫抑制作用的担忧。早期的安全性研究显示,在年轻成年比格犬中,长期每日两次给予奥拉替尼与病毒性皮肤乳头状瘤、趾间疖病蠕形螨病和细菌性肺炎之间存在剂量依赖关系,提示其具有免疫抑制活性。然而,一项体外研究报道,只有非常高剂量的奥拉替尼(相当于每日两次口服3–4 mg/kg)才能降低T细胞活性和细胞因子的产生。在我们的研究中,似乎在治疗期间保持免疫活性,这是基于在给予适当的全身或外部抗微生物药物后,它们皮肤、耳和非皮肤感染的能力。而不改变奥拉替尼治疗方案。此外,我们观察到非皮肤感染的频率(5.7%)低于或类似于先前推荐方案的报告(≤12%)。此外,在10个月大的法国斗牛犬中额外使用奥拉替尼每日两次,持续48天(病例26)并发脓皮病和败血性骨髓炎,成功地控制了特应性皮炎,并且没有阻碍脓皮病和骨髓炎的缓解。然而,观察到的治疗持续时间与脓皮病和非皮肤感染的发展之间的相关性表明,在长期每日两次的奥拉替尼治疗时,需要仔细监测。

None of our cases was diagnosed with demodicosis due to D. canis, despite its occasional reports in dogs administered the standard dose of oclacitinib.In our study, the West Highland white terrier (Case 41) diagnosed with demodicosis due to D. canis at the beginning of oclacitinib treatment was cured after isoxazoline administration and did not relapse during the twice-daily administration of oclacitinib despite isoxazoline withdrawal. During treatment, D. injai was detected in another West Highland white terrier (Case 27), showing localised erythema and scaling in the perioral skin. However, in this dog, D. injai occasionally was detected in the same area even after oclacitinib withdrawal, suggesting underlying factors other than oclacitinib, including a breed predisposition and AD.

During treatment, there was no significant reduction in red blood cell count, and only three dogs developed mild neutropenia (Veterinary Cooperative Oncology Group classification) (8.6%).An in vitro study showed a much less potent effect of oclacitinib on erythropoietin and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GMCSF) than that on pruritogenic and proinflammatory cytokines.
在治疗期间,红细胞计数没有明显减少,仅有3只犬出现轻度中性粒细胞减少症(兽医肿瘤协作组分类)。(8.6%)。一项体外研究显示,奥拉替尼对促红细胞生成素和粒细胞-巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(GM CSF)的影响远小于对致痒性和促炎性细胞因子的影响。

Consistent with previous studies,total serum cholesterol levels increased significantly during treatment and slightly exceeded the reference ranges in five dogs,two of which were hypercholesterolaemic before starting oclacitinib. Increased low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels were reported in humans with inflammatory chronic arthritis treated with JAK inhibitors. Inhibition of interleukin-6 signalling has been suggested as a mechanism responsible for hypercholesterolaemia in humans treated with JAK inhibitors.

During treatment, benign tumors were detected in seven cases. Thyroid carcinoma was diagnosed in an 11-year-old dog. Conclusions cannot be drawn as to causation because of the study design. Recently, the incidence of benign and malignant masses in allergic dogs treated with either the standard or higher than the recommended doses of oclacitinib has been investigated, with no statistically significant differences compared to a control population.

As a result of the study limitations, including the small number of cases, retrospective collection of clinical data,lack of complete records on topical treatments, subjective evaluation of the treatment efficacy and absence of a control group, definite recommendations cannot be provided. However, these preliminary data suggest that for selected cases there are benefits of the prolonged twicedaily administration of oclacitinib beyond the recommended two weeks. Further blinded prospective studies with validated scales and a control population are needed to evaluate treatment efficacy.

In conclusion, the prolonged twice-daily administration of oclacitinib was generally well-tolerated and effective in most cases in our study. Regular rechecks, including thorough clinical examinations and blood tests to monitor changes in white blood cell count and serum cholesterol levels are recommended.

作者: Ryohei    时间: 2022-2-12 22:59

作者: 南海    时间: 2022-2-13 07:38

作者: viviA    时间: 2022-3-17 09:51

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