
标题: 外耳炎和中耳炎的药物治疗(2004)--(1) [打印本页]

作者: 王帆    时间: 2021-10-11 11:35
标题: 外耳炎和中耳炎的药物治疗(2004)--(1)
本帖最后由 王帆 于 2021-11-5 11:40 编辑

Medical therapy of otitis externa and otitis media
Daniel O. Morris, DVM

The medical approach to therapy of otitis externa and media may currently be best described as an art rather than a science. Although the veterinary literature evaluating diagnostic techniques for otitis has grown considerably in the past few years, veterinary studies documenting medical therapies (beyond ototoxicity research) are quite scarce. Review articles and discussions of medical approaches within the published proceedings of continuing education meetings are not uncommon, because medical therapy of otitis is a popular topic among veterinary practitioners. Information based on prospective studies that adhere to the principles of evidence-based medicine is definitely rare, however. This is not the case in human medicine.

The potential predisposing factors and direct/indirect causes of otic inflammation or otic immunosuppression are discussed elsewhere in this issue. Bacterial and fungal (yeast) infections of the ear canals are thought to be secondary problems in most cases. Although veterinarians universally agree that it is of utmost importance to resolve the primary otic disease, this article focuses solely on medical therapy for the infectious component of otitis externa and media.

Because dermatologists deal with otic infections on a daily basis, this group of specialists has contributed much to the anecdotal knowledge base on the subject. Multiple approaches are routinely discussed, which often vary in the empiric choices of topical drugs and cleansers employed, the frequency and technique of ear canal lavage (both in-office and as administered by the pet owner at home), and the types and frequencies of prophylactic therapies recommended after resolution of chronic infections. One point of agreement (and much concern) is the growing evidence for multidrug-resistant strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and methicillinresistant Staphylococcus spp.

Active ingredients available for otic therapy in the acute and chronic/ recurrent case of bacterial or yeast otitis are discussed here, along with the potential topical cutaneous reactions and ototoxicities that may be associated with them. Special considerations for treatment of attendant otitis media/interna and resistant bacterial strains are also presented.

Ingredients of topical antibacterials
Most commercially produced topical products contain one or more active ingredients (antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory) in various combinations as well as a vehicle and various solubilizers, stabilizers, and surfactants . The formulation of the topical product with regard to the vehicle may be as important as the active ingredient to the success of therapy.

Vehicles are chosen to maximize drug solubility, to maintain drug activity locally for the maximum period, and to minimize systemic absorption. The most commonly used vehicles are water (which may be buffered and pH-adjusted to maximize drug activity), demulcents, and emollients. Demulcents are compounds of high molecular weight capable of forming stable emulsions or suspensions of drugs that are not water soluble. They coat and protect underlying tissue. Polyhydroxy demulcents, which are the most hydrophilic yet potentially irritating compounds within this class, are also the most commonly used carriers used in otic products. They include polyethylene glycol, propylene glycol, and glycerin. The former two are commonly implicated in contact/irritant reactions in the author’s practice. Emollients are occlusive agents used as carriers for water-insoluble drugs and are protective and hydrating to the stratum corneum. Examples include vegetable oils, animal fats (eg, lanolin), and hydrocarbons (eg, petrolatum, mineral oil, paraffin). For a more complete discussion of vehicles and excipients than can be presented here, the reader is referred to the excellent article on otopharmacology by Wilcke.

Active ingredients are generally classified as antibacterials, antifungals, and anti-inflammatories. Each is discussed in more detail.

A ‘‘first-line’’ topical antibacterial with low potency yet broad-spectrum activity, chloramphenicol is no longer available as a commercially produced topical product. Chloramphenicol is considered to be a bacteristatic agent (except at high concentrations) against susceptible bacterial strains. Known to be associated with aplastic anemia in human beings, concern over potential drug exposure to the pet owner limited its topical use by many veterinarians when a topical product was available.

Fusidic acid
This is a narrow-spectrum bacteristatic antimicrobial that inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by a unique mechanism. Its spectrum is limited to gram-positive cocci; gram-negative bacilli are inherently resistant because of their impermeable cell membranes. The usual clinical indication is otitis caused by staphylococcal species. Fusidic acid preparations are unavailable in the United States, but otic preparations are used in Europe and Canada.

The aminoglycoside antibiotics are the most commonly used class of topical otic products. They act on susceptible bacteria by binding to the 30s ribosomal subunit in the bacterial nucleus, thereby inhibiting protein synthesis, and are considered to be bactericidal. Their antibacterial spectra vary by individual drug potency but include some aerobic gram-positive bacteria and many aerobic gram-negative species. They are ineffective for anaerobes and fungi. Their antimicrobial activity is enhanced in an alkaline environment, which is germane to topical therapy of the ear canal. If acidifying cleansers are used in conjunction with aminoglycosides, the products should be applied at least 1 hour apart. Also of noted importance is the ototoxic potential of aminoglycosides, especially when administered parenterally. Auditory symptoms are more common with neomycin and amikacin, whereas vestibular symptoms are most typical of gentamicin, especially in the cat. The ototoxic potential of this class of drugs when topically applied may be overestimated.

Often considered to be a first-line topical antibacteria, neomycin has the lowest potency of the class, showing significantly less efficacy against several gram-negative organisms; most notably Escherichia coli and P aeruginosa. Its activity against gram-positive cocci remains quite good. Manufactured topical products containing neomycin are plentiful and are recommended for acute bacterial otitis in which cocci predominate cytologically. Neomycin is one of the most commonly implicated topical agents for contact/irritant reactions in dogs, however (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. A contact/irritant reaction caused by topical neomycin administration in a dog. Note inflammation and erythema of the concave surface of the ear pinna and entrance to the vertical canal.

Considered to be a ‘‘second-line’’ antibacterial, gentamicin has intermediate potency within the class. Its activity against gram-positive cocci is excellent; however, resistant strains of E coli and P aeruginosa are not uncommon. Manufactured topical products containing gentamicin are plentiful and are recommended for chronic/recurrent otitis when clinical evidence of neomycin-resistant rods is available. In general practice, these products are often used as first-line antibacterials. Despite continuing anecdotal concern over the ototoxic potential of topical gentamicin, a study in dogs designed to simulate clinical exposure via a ruptured tympanum failed to document any toxicity. In human medicine, however, the risk of topical gentamicin ototoxicity in clinical practice is now thought to have been underestimated in the past.

Considered by the author to be a third-line antibacterial, amikacin is most commonly indicated for chronic/recurrent otitis caused by gentamicin-resistant gram-negative bacilli (especially P aeruginosa). Amikacin is not available as a commercially produced topical product, but the injectable product (Amiglyde) is often diluted to a concentration of 30 to 50 mg/mL (in sterile saline or a tromethamine–ethylenediamine-tetraacetate [TrisEDTA] product) by veterinarians for topical use.
作者认为阿米卡星是一种三线抗菌药物,最常用于对庆大霉素耐药的革兰氏阴性杆菌(尤其是铜绿假单胞菌)引起的慢性/复发性中耳炎。没有商品化的阿米卡星外用产品,但兽医常将阿米卡星注射液(Amiglyde)稀释为30至50 mg/mL(混入无菌生理盐水或三乙醇胺-乙二酸四乙酸盐[TrisEDTA]产品中)用于外用。

Also a third-line antibacterial, indications for use of tobramycin are similar to those for amikacin. Although an otic topical product is not available, ophthalmic formulations are. Dilution of injectable tobramycin (Nebcin) with sterile saline to a concentration of 8 mg/mL has been used by the author, but the long-term stability (>1 week) of the solution is unknown and remains a concern.
妥布霉素也是一种三线抗菌药物,其适应症与阿米卡星类似。虽然没有耳部外用药,但有眼药制剂。作者使用无菌生理盐水稀释妥布霉素注射液(Nebcin)至8 mg/mL浓度,但该溶液的长期稳定性(>1周)尚不清楚,仍是一个问题。

This class of antibiotics acts by inhibiting bacterial DNA-gyrase, which prevents DNA supercoiling and synthesis and is thus bactericidal. Bactericidal activity is dependent on concentration, and bacterial resistance is known to occur by rapid mutation, especially in the presence of subtherapeutic concentrations. Fluoroquinolones have good activity against a wide range of gram-negative bacilli and gram-positive cocci (including staphylococci, although activity is variable for streptococci). Their use as second- or third-line antibiotics for chronic/recurrent bacterial otitis, especially cases associated with P aeruginosa, has become common. Studies comparing two human-labeled topical fluoroquinolone products (ciprofloxacin [Cipro HC otic solution] and ofloxacin [Floxin otic solution]) with polymyxin B (Cortisporin otic) have shown the fluoroquinolones to be safe, with less ototoxic potential.

This drug has long been used for resistant Pseudomonas otitis. Although a commercially produced veterinary-labeled topical product is now available (Baytril otic), veterinarians have used enrofloxacin topically for many years by diluting the injectable product for otic use. Reports of resistant strains of P aeruginosa have become common, with up to 87.5% of strains being nonsusceptible in vitro.

With a spectrum of activity similar to that of enrofloxacin (ciprofloxacin is an active metabolite of enrofloxacin), there may be little indication for choosing this drug over the former now that a veterinary-labeled topical formulation of enrofloxacin is available. Although resistance of P aeruginosa to ciprofloxacin has been reported to be less common than to enrofloxacin, there are also several laboratory-dependent explanations for the discrepancy that may prove it technical rather than clinical. Regardless, a human-labeled ciprofloxacin otic product (Cipro HC) is available and has been used successfully in dogs by many veterinary dermatologists.

This fluoroquinolone may exhibit a better MIC for Pseudomonas spp than enro/cipro. Although unavailable in the United States as a topical product, it is now available in Europe in an otic formulation (Aurizon). Because an injectable product is also unavailable in the United States, topical use has been limited; however, its systemic (oral) use in otitis media/ interna is increasing.

This class includes the expanded-spectrum penicillins, which exhibit activity against gram-negative organisms (including Pseudomonas spp) because of their ability to penetrate the gram-negative cell membrane. Ticarcillin is the carboxycillin for which topical use has been most commonly reported in the treatment of canine Pseudomonas otitis. One pair of authors recommends dilution of the 6-g bottle with 12 mL of sterile water and the addition of reconstituted ticarcillin, 2 mL, to 40 mL of an acidifying ear cleanser (with the remainder frozen for future use). The stability of this solution is unknown but may not exceed 3 days.

Polymyxin B and colistin sulfate (polymyxin E) are polypeptide antibiotics that exert bactericidal effect by increasing permeability of the bacterial cell membrane via chelation of membrane phospholipid components, leading to osmotic damage. The ototoxic potential of polymyxin B has been well described experimentally in several species of animals, both in vivo and in vitro. There is speculation that the ototoxicity of these products could be more specifically attributable to the propylene glycol vehicle, however. One positive aspect of topical polymyxin B is its reduction of the inflammation induced by endotoxin components of gramnegative bacterial cell walls. The relevance of these findings to dogs and cats is unknown. Currently, there is no polymyxin B product marketed specifically for otic use. Ophthalmic products are available (Polytrim ophthalmic solution), but the author prefers to use a more cost-effective formulation intended for dilution and use as an irrigating solution (Neosporin GU). This product comes in 1-mL ampules containing 200,000 U of polymyxin B sulfate and 40 mg of neomycin base, and it may be diluted with sterile water to 10,000 U/mL for otic use. Colistin sulfate is still available under a proprietary human label (Cortisporin-TC otic suspension).
多粘菌素B和硫酸粘菌素(多粘菌素E)是多肽类抗生素,它们通过螯合细胞膜磷脂成分,增加细菌细胞膜的通透性,从而破坏通透性,发挥杀菌作用。多粘菌素B的耳毒性已经在几种动物的体内实验和体外实验中被详细描述。然而,有人猜测,这些产品的耳毒性可能更具体地归因于丙二醇载体。外用多粘菌素B的一个优势是它能减少由革兰氏阴性细菌细胞壁内毒素成分引起的炎症。这些发现与犬和猫的相关性尚不清楚。目前,还没有多粘菌素B耳药产品。有可使用的眼药(Polytrim滴眼液),但作者更喜欢使用性价比更高的配方,稀释和作为灌洗液使用(一种多粘菌素软膏)。本品为1ml安瓿,含20万U硫酸多粘菌素B和40 mg新霉素,可用无菌注射用水稀释至1万U/mL作为耳药使用。硫酸粘菌素仍有可用的人医用药(Cortisporin-TC otic suspension)。

Silver sulfadiazine
Used for more than three decades in human medicine as a burn wound protectant, silver sulfadiazine (SSD) has broad-spectrum antibacterial activity (most notably against P aeruginosa) and does not interfere with re-epithelialization and neovascularization of wounds. In fact, it may enhance wound healing. The spectrum of activity includes most pathogens associated with otitis (including methicillin-resistant staphylococci), with the exception of Malassezia pachydermatis, against which activity is low. Resistant strains of P aeruginosa have been reported but are extremely rare in the author’s practice. Silver exerts its antibacterial effect via impairment of DNA replication and bacterial cell wall damage, leading to osmotic changes. Supplied as a 1% cream (Silvadene) and as a micronized powder (Spectrum pharmacy products; available at: www.spectrumRx.com), concentrations as low as 0.02% have shown 100% efficacy against P aeruginosa and Staphylococcus spp. Although the cream is not readily miscible in water, a homogeneous emulsion can be achieved with gentle mixing. The author prefers to use the powder as a suspension in sterile water at 0.5% to 1.0%. A proprietary product that combines 1% SSD with 0.5% enrofloxacin (Baytril otic) is now available. SSD has become the favored topical therapy for Pseudomonas otitis in the author’s group practice, especially when the external ear canals are ulcerated. Our clinical impression is that re-epithelialization is hastened.
磺胺嘧啶银(SSD)在人医作为烧伤创面保护剂使用了30多年,具有广谱抗菌活性(特别是对铜绿假单胞菌),且不干扰伤口的上皮形成和新生血管形成。事实上,它可以促进伤口愈合。活性谱包括大多数与耳炎相关的病原体(包括耐甲氧西林葡萄球菌),但厚皮马拉色菌除外,对其活性较低。铜绿假单胞菌的耐药菌株已有报道,但在作者的诊疗中极为罕见。银通过破坏DNA复制和破坏细菌细胞壁,导致渗透改变来发挥抗菌作用。有1%乳霜(Silvadene)和微粉产品(Spectrum制药产品;可在www.spectrumRx.com网站上找到),0.02%的低浓度就能对铜绿假单胞菌和葡萄球菌有100%的疗效。虽然这种乳膏不容易溶于水,但轻微混合可得到均匀的乳剂。作者更倾向于将该粉末作为悬浮液在无菌注射用水中稀释成0.5%-1.0%的浓度。一种混合1% SSD和0.5%恩诺沙星(baytrl otic)的专利产品现已上市。在作者的临床团队中,SSD已经成为最受欢迎的假单胞菌性耳炎外部治疗,特别是当外耳道有溃疡时。我们的临床印象是,加速了上皮形成。

The ototoxic potential of SSD is unknown, although the collective experience of a large group of veterinary dermatologists suggests that it is safe for use even in the context of a ruptured tympanum. Because it is known that significant amounts of silver can be absorbed from burn wounds of human beings and silver has the potential to produce systemic toxicity, caution may be warranted in veterinary patients with extensive ulceration. Evidence implicating SSD in systemic toxicity of dogs or cats has not been reported to the knowledge of the author, and a 1% suspension has been used in scores of dogs and several cats for more than 3 months without incident at the University of Pennsylvania.

This is commonly used as either a presoak or a carrier vehicle (for aminoglycoside antibiotics) in the treatment of gram-negative infections. EDTA promotes increased permeability to extracellular solutes and increased sensitization to antibiotics, whereas Tris serves as a buffer. Two proprietary products are now available in the United States: TRIZEDTA and a similar chemical combination of Tris and tetrasodium edetate (T8 solution).

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