
标题: 3只德文卷毛猫的皮肤癣菌病和丘疹性嗜酸性细胞/肥大细胞性皮炎(色素样荨麻疹性皮炎) [打印本页]

作者: 王帆    时间: 2021-6-24 18:55
标题: 3只德文卷毛猫的皮肤癣菌病和丘疹性嗜酸性细胞/肥大细胞性皮炎(色素样荨麻疹性皮炎)
Dermatophytosis and papular eosinophilic/mastocytic dermatitis (urticaria pigmentosa-like dermatitis) in three Devon Rex cats
作者:Silvia ColomboFabia ScarampellaLaura Ordeix Paola Roccabianca
Presenting signs: Three Devon Rex cats were presented with multiple erythematous papules, occasionally associated with crusting and hyperpigmentation, with a linear distribution on the head, neck, chest and abdomen. One cat also had multifocal alopecia with hyperpigmentation on the dorsum.
Diagnosis and treatment: Clinical and histopathological features were suggestive of papular eosinophilic/mastocytic dermatitis (urticaria pigmentosa-like dermatitis). In all cases, dermatophytosis was diagnosed: in cases 1 and 2 there was histopathological evidence of dermatophytosis, while fungal culture was positive for Microsporum canis in cases 2 and 3. In all cats, lesions disappeared following antifungal treatment.
Clinical significance: Papular eosinophilic/mastocytic dermatitis in Devon Rex cats may represent either an atypical presentation of dermatophytosis or a clinical and histological reaction pattern to various diseases, including dermatophytosis and allergic diseases. Clinical differentiation is crucial as there are important implications regarding treatment and, in particular, the use of glucocorticoids, which are contraindicated in cases of dermatophytosis.
Dermatophytosis is a contagious superficial fungal infection of the stratum corneum, hair and nails most often caused, in the cat, by Microsporum canis. Feline dermatophytosis has a plethora of clinical presentations ranging from focal or multifocal alopecia with scaling and minimal inflammation to more inflammatory lesions characterised by erythema, scaling, crusting and follicular papules, miliary dermatitis, exfoliative generalised dermatitis, otitis externa, chin acne, tail seborrhoea, pseudomycetoma and onychomycosis. An unusual presentation of dermatophytosis with hyperpigmented lesions has been described in a young Devon Rex cat.

Papular eosinophilic/mastocytic dermatitis (urticaria pigmentosa-like dermatitis), a condition reported in 2004 in five Devon Rex cats, is clinically characterised by a maculopapular, often hyperpigmented and/or crusted, cutaneous eruption. Histopathological examination reveals a perivascular to diffuse mastocytic and eosinophilic infiltrate in the dermis. These features are similar, although not identical, to a condition called feline urticaria pigmentosa, which was reported in 1996 in three related Sphynx cats and histopathologically characterised by a perivascular to diffuse dermal and subcutaneous infiltrate of well-differentiated mast cells. The Devon Rex and Sphynx breeds are genetically related and have recently been shown to share a mutation of the KRT71 (Keratin 71) gene. Both diseases have been compared with human cutaneous indolent mastocytosis, also known as urticaria pigmentosa, which occurs mainly in children. However, the two feline conditions are not identical and it is not clear whether they both represent analogues of human urticaria pigmentosa. In Devon Rex cats, it has been suggested that papular eosinophilic/mastocytic dermatitis could represent a reaction pattern, similar to miliary dermatitis or eosinophilic granuloma, specific to the breed.

This report describes three cases of dermatophytosis with clinical and histopathological features suggestive of papular eosinophilic/ mastocytic dermatitis in Devon Rex cats.

Clinical reports
Case 1
A 7-month-old female Devon Rex cat was presented with a 2-week history of non-pruritic skin disease. The cutaneous lesions were noticed approximately 3 weeks after discontinuation of a 4-week course of itraconazole (Sporanox; JanssenCilag) administered by the referring veterinarian for suspected dermatophytosis in a housemate cat. The cat lived indoors with four other cats and three dogs, was fed a commercial dry food and homecooked fish or turkey, was regularly vaccinated and on ectoparasite prevention with selamectin spot-on once monthly(Stronghold; Pfizer).

On general physical examination, the cat was healthy with abnormalities restricted to the skin.Dermatological examination revealed multiple erythematous papules, some of which had a crusted and hyperpigmented surface, located on the head, neck, chest and abdomen (Figure 1). Differential diagnoses included papular eosinophilic/mastocytic dermatitis (urticaria pigmentosa like-dermatitis), feline atopic dermatitis, adverse food reaction, flea bite hypersensitivity, dermatophytosis and viral plaques.
Figure 1 Erythematous crusted lesions on the ventral chest of case 1
1 病例1胸部腹侧的红斑性结痂病变

Woods lamp examination and microscopic examination of plucked hair were negative and cytological examination of material obtained from the papules showed a neutrophilic inflammatory infiltrate with moderate numbers of macrophages and eosinophils. Due to the clinical presentation being strongly suggestive of papular eosinophilic/mastocytic dermatitis, multiple 6 mm punch biopsies were taken. Specimens were fixed in 10% buffered formalin and stained with haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and periodic acid Schiff (PAS). Histopathological examination revealed epidermal and infundibular hyperplasia with epidermal hypermelanosis and interstitial to diffuse dermatitis characterised by a prevalence of mast cells and eosinophils. Microscopic examination showed a few fungal spores in just a single follicular infundibulum (Figure 2). Spores were only detected after performing several microscopic sections.
Figure 2 Fungal arthrospores within a follicular infundibulum (arrow) in case 1. Surrounding the infundibulum, with a perivascular to interstitial distribution, a mixed population of inflammatory cells is evident. Nondegenerate neutrophils and small mature lymphocytes are prevalent, with fewer numbers of macrophages and occasional plasma cells. The follicular infundibulum is characterised by minimal mural infiltration by small mature lymphocytes (arrowheads). Haematoxylin and eosin (H&E), bar = 27 μm

Other features seen in case 1 included follicular keratosis, neutrophilic exocytosis, lymphocytic mural folliculitis and deep perivascular lymphoplasmacytic dermatitis. The final diagnosis was dermatophytosis.

The cat showed a complete clinical response to itraconazole given at 5 mg/kg orally q24h for 4 weeks, and was negative on fungal culture at the end of the treatment. All the in-contact animals received the same systemic treatment. Topical therapy and environmental decontamination, as well as a second fungal culture to be performed a few weeks after stopping the treatment, although strongly advised, were all declined by the owner.
患猫使用5 mg/kg口服伊曲康唑24小时一次,连续4治疗后有明显临床治疗效果,治疗结束时真菌培养呈阴性。所有接触的动物都接受同样的全身治疗。尽管强烈建议进行部治疗和环境净化,并建议停止治疗几周后,再次进行真菌培养,但都遭到了主人的拒绝。

Case 2
A10-month-old male Devon Rex cat was presented with a 2-week history of non-pruritic skin disease. The cat had been treated by the referring veterinarian for suspected superficial pyoderma with amoxicillin and clavulanic acid (Synulox; Pfizer) for 11 days, but this produced no improvement. The cat lived indoors with seven other cats, was fed commercial dry and canned food, was regularly vaccinated and on ectoparasite prevention with selamectin spot-on once monthly.

General physical examination was unrewarding, with abnormalities restricted to the skin. Dermatological examination revealed multiple erythematous papules, some of which had a crusted and hyperpigmented surface, located on the chest and in the groin. The papules on the chest had a linear distribution (Figure 3) and erythema involving the medial aspect of both front legs was also observed. Differential diagnoses included papular eosinophilic/mastocytic dermatitis (urticaria pigmentosa-like dermatitis), feline atopic dermatitis, adverse food reaction, flea bite hypersensitivity, dermatophytosis and viral plaques.
Figure 3 Multiple erythematous papules with a linear distribution on the lateral chest of case 2

Woods lamp examination and microscopic examination of plucked hair were negative, while fungal culture performed by toothbrush technique was positive for M canis. Due to the clinical presentation, which was strongly suggestive of papular eosinophilic/ mastocytic dermatitis, the significance of a positive fungal culture was considered questionable, and a possible consequence of environmental contamination. Multiple 6 mm punch biopsies were taken and specimens were fixed in 10% buffered formalin and stained with H&E and PAS.Histopathological examination revealed epidermal and infundibular hyperplasia with epidermal hypermelanosis and interstitial to diffuse dermatitis characterised by an abundance of mast cells and eosinophils. Microscopic examination also showed a few fungal spores in only one follicular infundibulum.The final diagnosis was dermatophytosis.

The cat showed a complete clinical response to itraconazole, which was given at 5 mg/kg orally q24h for 4 weeks, and was negative on fungal culture at the end of the treatment. A second fungal culture, to be performed a few weeks after stopping the treatment, was declined by the owner. Topical therapy and environmental decontamination, although strongly advised, were also declined by the owner. The cat relapsed after participating in a cat show and showed a favourable clinical response when treated again with the same therapeutic protocol.
患猫使用5 mg/kg口服伊曲康唑24小时一次,连4周治疗,有明显临床效果,治疗结束时真菌培养结果为阴性。在停止治疗几周后,主人拒绝了第二次真菌培养。尽管强烈建议进行部治疗和环境净化,但主人也拒绝了。猫在参加猫展后复发,当再次使相同治疗方案治疗时,表现出良好的临床治疗效果

Case 3
A 1-year-old male neutered Devon Rex cat was presented with a 5-month history of moderately pruritic skin disease. The cat had been previously treated with a topical product containing thiabendazole, neomycin and dexamethasone (Tresaderm; Merial) with no improvement. The cat was housed indoors with no other pets, regularly vaccinated, fed a commercial dry food and on ectoparasite prevention with selamectin spot-on once monthly.

On physical examination, the cat was healthy with abnormalities restricted to the skin. Dermatological examination revealed multiple coalescing, hyperpigmented areas of alopecia involving the whole dorsum and the tail (Figure 4), and multiple erythematous papules with a linear distribution on the ventral chest (Figure 5). Differential diagnoses included dermatophytosis, demodicosis, papular eosinophilic/mastocytic dermatitis (urticaria pigmentosa-like dermatitis), feline atopic dermatitis, adverse food reaction and flea bite hypersensitivity.
Figure 4 Multiple coalescing, hyperpigmented areas of alopecia involving the dorsum of case 3

Figure 5 Multiple erythematous papules with a linear distribution on the ventral chest of case 3

Multiple deep skin scrapings were negative for Demodex mites, and cytological tape strip examination revealed only a few corneocytes. Woods lamp examination and microscopic examination of plucked hair were also negative, and hair samples for fungal culture were collected by toothbrush technique from the whole body. Multiple 6 mm punch biopsies were taken from the papular lesions on the ventral chest and from one alopecic area on the dorsum, fixed in 10% buffered formalin and stained with H&E and PAS.

Histopathological examination revealed moderate epidermal hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis with focal parakeratosis and diffuse interstitial eosinophilic and mastocytic dermatitis (Figure 6).These features were consistent with a diagnosis of papular eosinophilic/mastocytic dermatitis. Fungal culture was positive for M canis and, following this result, the pathologist was asked to re-examine the slides and cut additional sections in order to demonstrate or exclude the presence of dermatophytes. Multiple PAS stained sections were examined, but no fungal elements could be observed.The final diagnosis in case 3 was dermatophytosis and papular eosinophilic/mastocytic dermatitis.
Figure 6 Moderate epidermal hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis with focal parakeratosis and interstitial moderate eosinophilic and mastocytic dermatitis (case 3). H&E, bar = 50 μm

The cat was treated for dermatophytosis with itraconazole at 5 mg/kg orally q24h and enilconazole (Imaverol; Janssen Cilag) rinses every fourth day. For papular eosinophilic/ mastocytic dermatitis cetirizine (Zirtec; UCB Pharma) 1 mg/kg orally q24h and fatty acid supplementation (Ribes Pet 80; NBF Lanes) orally q24h were administered. Three weeks later,the papular eruption on the ventral chest had disappeared and treatment for papular eosinophilic/mastocytic dermatitis was discontinued by the owner. The lesions recurred within 1 week and therapy with cetirizineand fatty acids was resumed. Treatment for dermatophytosis was continued until two consecutive negative fungal cultures, performed 4 weeks apart, had been obtained (total duration 10 weeks).
患猫使用伊曲康唑5 mg/kg口服24小时一次和恩康唑每四天一次浸泡治疗丘疹性嗜酸性细胞/肥大细胞性皮炎使用西替利嗪1 mg/kg口服每24小时一次,补充脂肪酸口服每24小时一次治疗三周后,胸部腹侧丘疹消失,主人停止了对丘疹嗜酸性细胞/肥大细胞性皮炎的治疗。病变在1周内复发,恢复了西替利嗪和脂肪酸治疗。持续治疗皮肤癣菌病,直到连续两次真菌培养阴性,每4检查一次总疗程持续10周。

After the second negative fungal culture,the lesions consistent with papular eosinophilic/ mastocytic dermatitis were in remission and therapy for this disease could be discontinued without further relapses. At the time of writing, 2.5 years later, no recurrence of papular eosinophilic/mastocytic dermatitis had been observed.

The three cases described here presented with clinical and histopathological features suggestive of papular eosinophilic/mastocytic dermatitis (urticaria pigmentosa-like dermatitis), but were eventually found to be affected by dermatophytosis.

The characteristic cutaneous eruption of papular eosinophilic/mastocytic dermatitis, with hyperpigmented papules and macules, sometimes with a linear distribution and mainly located on the trunk,is very similar in Devon Rex and Sphynx cats and has a juvenile on set in both breeds. Clinical findings in the three cats reported closely resembled the previously described cases of papular eosinophilic/ mastocytic dermatitis, with lesions developing at 7 months to 1 year of age. Dermatophytosis is also very common in young cats,with lesions typically characterised by multifocal alopecia and scaling, and this characteristic presentation along with hyperpigmentation was observed only in case 3. Atypical hyperpigmented circular areas on the trunk have been described also in a young Devon Rex cat with dermatophytosis. Pruritus was reported in all Sphynx cats with urticaria pigmentosa but seemed to be variably present in the Devon Rex cats, as it was for the cats described in this report. The severity of pruritus also varies in cats with dermatophytosis.

Fungal culture was positive for two of the three cats (cases 2 and 3) and was not performed in case 1, because the clinical presentation was not particularly suggestive of dermatophytosis. In case 1, the diagnosis was obtained by histopathological examination. A few fungal spores in a single follicular infundibulum could be observed on histopathology in cases 1 and 2,underlining the low sensitivity of histopathology as a diagnostic test for dermatophytosis. In case 3, despite a careful search with the aid of PAS stain, the presence of dermatophytes was not confirmed, while the fungal culture performed by toothbrush technique on the whole body was positive. As biopsies in this cat were also taken from both the ventral chest and the dorsum, it is not possible to ascertain whether dermatophytosis could have been causing a clinical and histopathological reaction compatible with papular eosinophilic/mastocytic dermatitis or whether dermatophytosis could have been just a concurrent infection in a cat with papular eosinophilic/mastocytic dermatitis.
三只猫中有两只(病例23)的真菌培养呈阳性,而病例1没有进行真菌培养,因为临床表现并不特别提示有皮肤癣菌病。病例1通过组织病理学检查确诊。病例1和病例2的组织病理学观察到一个毛囊漏斗中有少量真菌孢子,这说明组织病理学作为皮肤癣菌病诊断试验的敏感性较低。病例3PAS染色仔细查找,未证实有皮肤癣菌存在,而全身牙刷技术的真菌培养为阳性。在这只猫上的胸部腹侧和背部也进行了皮肤活检,尚不能确定皮肤癣菌病是否是导致丘疹嗜酸性细胞/ 肥大细胞性这种临床和组织病理学表现的病因,皮肤癣菌病只是一只丘疹嗜酸性细胞/ 肥大细胞性炎的患猫的一种并发感染

The other histopathological features were suggestive of papular eosinophilic/ mastocytic dermatitis in all cases. Histopathologically, the conditions described in Devon Rex and Sphynx cats are both characterised by a moderate to severe, perivascular to diffuse infiltrate of well-differentiated mast cells, with variable numbers of eosinophils, which seem to be more numerous in Devon Rex cats with this disease;fungal cultures were negative in those cases. In feline dermatophytosis, eosinophils may be present within a mixed inflammatory infiltrate around hair follicles, within follicular pustules and in furuncles surrounding free hair shafts, although they are usually observed in small numbers.

All cases were treated with antifungals(systemic itraconazole and, in case 3, topical enilconazole), and showed a complete response. Enilconazole is not licensed for cats, as fatal idiosyncratic reactions have been reported; however, studies have since shown that it can be used safely in cats. In case 2, dermatophytosis recurred following participation in a cat show, but this was considered to be a reinfection and notarelapse.In case 3,cetirizine and essential fatty acids were also prescribed, as recommended by Noli et al, because the cat was diagnosed as having papular eosinophilic/mastocytic dermatitis and concurrent dermatophytosis. Cetirizine and essential fatty acids could be permanently discontinued only after complete resolution of dermatophytosis, confirmed by negative fungal culture. No relapses of papular eosinophilic/mastocytic dermatitis were observed over the following 2.5 years.

Cases 1 and 2 represented atypical dermatophytosis mimicking papular eosinophilic/ mastocytic dermatitis (urticaria pigmentosalike dermatitis), as confirmed by positive fungal culture in case 2, by observing fungal spores in follicular infundibula in both cases and by response to antifungal treatment in both cats. Case 3 was different, as histopathological examination did not allow us to observe fungal spores despite a positive fungal culture and the cat seemed to respond to both antifungal and antihistamine and fatty acids treatments.This suggests either that dermatophytosis in Devon Rex cats could present with clinical and histopathological features identical to papular eosinophilic/mastocytic dermatitis or that this latter condition represents a breed-specific reaction pattern triggered by different diseases such as allergies or dermatophytosis, as proposed by Noli et al.
病例12表现与丘疹性嗜酸性细胞/肥大细胞性皮炎(色素样荨麻疹性皮炎)相似的非典型性皮肤癣菌病,病例2经真菌培养阳性确诊,观察到两例猫的毛囊漏斗部中的真菌孢子,以及两例猫对抗真菌治疗的效果,证实了这一点。病例3有所不同,尽管真菌培养呈阳性,但组织病理学检查观察真菌孢子,而且猫似乎对抗真菌、抗组胺和脂肪酸治疗都有效果Noli等人提出,这表明德文卷毛的皮肤癣菌病可能有丘疹性嗜酸性细胞/ 肥大细胞性皮炎临床和组织病理学特征,要么这种特征表现是由其他疾病,像是过敏症或皮肤癣菌病诱发的一种品种特异性的反应模式。

Therefore, at least in the Devon Rex breed, dermatophytosis should always be carefully ruled out in cats presenting with clinical and histopathological features suggestive of papular eosinophilic/mastocytic dermatitis. Woods lamp examination, microscopic examination of hair shafts and fungal culture, as well as a careful search for dermatophytes on biopsies, which are suggestive of this disease, are strongly recommended, as the clinical presentation is atypical for feline dermatophytosis and fungal spores may be extremely difficult to find. The differential diagnosis is crucial and has a strong clinical relevance because most cases of papular eosinophilic/ mastocytic dermatitis may be treated with glucocorticoids, which are contraindicated in cases of dermatophytosis.

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