
标题: 犬全身型盘状红斑狼疮(10例病例)的临床及显微特征-(2) [打印本页]

作者: 王帆    时间: 2021-1-27 12:33
标题: 犬全身型盘状红斑狼疮(10例病例)的临床及显微特征-(2)
Clinical and microscopic features of generalized discoid lupus erythematosus in dogs (10 cases)
作者:Frane Banovic, Keith E. Linder, Maarja Uri, Michael A. Rossi and Thierry Olivry
翻译:辛蕾 校对:王帆

Materials and methods
Case selection
Electronic medical records of canine CCLE cases prospectively collected at North Carolina State University’s Veterinary Hospital Dermatology Service between 2009 and 2015 were reviewed. One other case was added after an ad hoc questionnaire was sent to the VetDerm list (vetderm@lists.ncsu.edu). Dogs were included if they fulfilled all of the following three criteria:
1. a >3 month history of generalized skin lesions indicating their chronic or recurrent nature;
2. the presence of skin lesions resembling those of human GDLE; that is the presence of annular (discoid) to polycyclic plaques with dyspigmentation, adherent scaling, follicular plugging and central alopecia below the neck);
3. the presence of microscopic lesions typical of CLE (i.e. a lymphocyte-rich interface dermatitis with basal cell damage).
回顾了2009-2015年在北卡罗莱纳州立大学的兽医院皮肤专科前瞻性收集的犬CCLE的电子病历。另一个病例是在一份特别的问卷发送到VetDerm list (vetderm@lists.ncsu.edu)之后添加的。如果犬符合以下三个标准就包括在内:
1. 有>3个月的全身皮肤病变病史,提示了慢性或复发性性质;
2. 类似于人GDLE的皮肤病变;即颈部以下存在环形(盘状)到多环形斑块,伴色素沉着异常、粘附性皮屑、毛囊栓塞和中央脱毛;
3. 存在典型的CLE的显微病变(即富含淋巴细胞的界面性皮炎,伴随基底细胞损伤)。
Dogs with macular, vesiculobullous, typical and atypical target skin lesions, and histopathological findings of cytotoxic lymphocytic interface dermatitis with keratinocyte apoptosis occurring throughout multiple epidermal layers suggestive of erythema multiforme variants[minor (EMm) and major (EMM)] were excluded. We also did not include German shorthaired pointers with lesions typical of ECLE or dogs with skin lesions characteristic of MCLE.
Histopathological changes were identified and scored for severity in haematoxylin and eosin-stained skin biopsy sections. Changes were scored subjectively as absent, mild, moderate or marked and the results provided normally reflected the most developed lesional area identified in a set of biopsies. Because a cell-rich lymphocytic interface dermatitis was an inclusion criterion, histological sections were evaluated for morphological variation, distribution and severity thereof. The severity of keratinocyte apoptosis and lymphocytic satellitosis of apoptotic cells in the basal layer of the epidermis were scored separately from that in suprabasal layers. Dispersal of epidermal pigment to dermal macrophages (pigmentary incontinence), epidermal hyperpigmentation, epidermal ulcers, atrophy,hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis were also scored, and the presence of orthokeratosis and parakeratosis was noted. Basement membrane zone (BMZ) thickening, dermal fibrosis and the severity of lichenoid inflammatory infiltrates (subepidermal band-like infiltrate of inflammatory cells) were graded and the predominant inflammatory cell types were recorded. Hair follicles were evaluated for inflammatory infiltrates at all levels (folliculitis patterns), keratinocyte apoptosis, follicular atrophy,infundibular hyperkeratosis and perifollicular fibrosis. Sebaceous gland inflammation and atrophy were recorded.
Direct immunofluorescence (IF)
In order to detect the presence of immunoglobulin (IgG, IgA, IgM)and activated complement C3 deposits along the BMZ, direct IF was performed as described previously. The frequency, distribution (including extension along the basement membrane of hair follicles)and characteristics of deposits were described subjectively. The detection of a thin-to-thick linear deposit at the BMZ, either continuous or interrupted (i.e. patchy), was considered a positive “lupus band test”(LBT).
Evaluation for systemic lupus erythematosus
In order to rule out concurrent systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE),further investigations included combinations of serum antinuclear antibodies (ANA) titre, serum chemistry profile, complete blood count and urinalysis. The detection of serum ANA was performed using a variety of techniques depending upon the laboratory used for such testing.
Clinical management and prognosis
Data on signalment, history, clinical signs and treatment outcome for each case were collected and analysed. Details on previous, initial and maintenance immunosuppressive therapy (dose, frequency and length of treatment for each drug or combination of drugs) were reviewed for each case. Additionally, any adverse effects related to drug therapy, concurrent diseases and frequencies of initial disease relapses were reported.
Clinical summary
Ten dogs met the inclusion criteria. Three of the cases included herein have been previously published as single case reports.
Selected dogs included seven pure bred and two cross bred dogs: two were Chinese crested dogs and Labrador retrievers; there was one each of the following pure breeds: miniature pinscher, Leonberger, shih tzu and toy poodle. The age of onset of GDLE skin lesions varied between five and 12 years of age (median 9 years),whereas the female-to-male ratio was one; all dogs were castrated. Three dogs had a previous history of a skin disease: one dog each suffered from either cutaneous melanocytoma, atopic dermatitis or liver associated necrolytic migratory erythema (NME).
Before the initial visit, skin lesions had been present between 3 and 24 months (median: 9 months). The initial lesions most commonly reported by the owners were erythematous macules, papules and plaques with erosions and scaling; these were first noticed usually on the neck and trunk. Upon presentation all dogs had lesions on the neck, dorsum and lateral thorax. Lesions were also present on the head in seven of 10 cases (70%), whereas abdomen and medial and lateral aspects of proximal limbs were affected in eight dogs (80%). According to the inclusion criteria, skin lesions included generalized multifocal, annular (discoid) to polycyclic plaques with dyspigmentation, an erythematous margin, adherent scaling, follicular plugging and central alopecia (Figure 1). In nine dogs(90%), the plaques evolved with mild to moderate ulcerations, central atrophic or hypertrophic scarring and pigmentation changes (depigmentation and hyperpigmentation; Figure 1). Generalized hyperpigmented to depigmented macules/patches with occasional thick adherent scaling, central alopecia and erythematous margin were seen in nine dogs (90%; Figure 2). In one apricot miniature poodle, reddish brown patches and plaques with large scales were present throughout the body, and there was extensive spontaneous alopecia that occurred even outside of the more focal inflammatory lesions (Figure 3).
Four dogs (40%) had mucocutaneous regions involved with plaques appearing most commonly on or around the genitalia (Figure 4). One Chinese crested dog concurrently had depigmentation, deep erosions and loss of architecture of the nasal planum (Figure 4). Hyperpigmented macules/plaques with adherent scaling and follicular plugging were observed on the concave pinnae and caudal (lateral) ear margins of three dogs (Figure 5a,b).An unusual pattern of reticulated (net-like) hyperpigmentation was visible on the ventral abdomen and lateral thorax in two cases (Figure 5c,d).
There were no systemic signs observed in any dog, apart from the pruritus and pain at the site of lesions in four (40%) and three dogs (30%), respectively. A complete blood count revealed mild regenerative anaemia, serum chemistry results included mild hypoalbuminemia and moderate elevations of liver enzymes in two of 10 dogs (20%), whereas urinalysis results were unremarkable in all dogs.

Figure 1. Typical skin lesions of generalized discoid lupus erythematosus (GDLE) in dogs at initial presentation
(a) Two annular hyperpigmented plaques with focal central depigmentation and scarring (Case 2).
(b) An annular to polycyclic plaque consisting of central alopecia, erythema, depigmentation and atrophic scarring with peripheral hyperpigmented rim and scaling (Case 3).
(c, d) Annular “coin-shaped” plaques with characteristic depigmentation, atrophic (c) and hypertrophic (d) scarring at inactive centre and hyperpigmentation with erosions and adherent scaling at peripheral active border (Case 5).
1 犬全身型盘状红斑狼疮(GDLE)首诊时的经典皮肤病变。
A total of 25 biopsy specimens were evaluated (2-4 per dog). The cell rich lymphocytic interface dermatitis was present in all cases (this was an inclusion criterion,however). Moderate to marked basal cell degeneration, also an inclusion criterion, consisted of keratinocyte vacuolation, apoptosis and/or disappearance (Figure 6). The distribution of these lesions varied from diffuse to focal or peri-ulcerative; in two cases the severity of basal cell injury led to microscopic intrabasal cleft formation. Apoptosis in suprabasal epidermal layers (Figure 7) was frequently observed (eight of 10; 80%): it was mild (1-10 cells per biopsy section) in five cases (50%) and moderate (10-25 cells per section) in three others (30%). Overall, the suprabasal apoptosis was less severe than the interface change observed for each case. Lymphocytic satellitosis of apoptotic basal cells (Figure 6) was robust and present in all cases, whereas the lymphocyte targeting of apoptotic cells occurred in fewer dogs(four of eight; 50%). Similarly, lymphocytic exocytosis was prominent in the deep epidermis and was absent or mild in superficial epidermal layers. Foci of epidermal atrophy were uncommon (three of 10; 30%), and most cases(seven of 10; 70%) exhibited mild to moderate, diffuse, epidermal hyperplasia. Interface dermatitis was associated with foci of partial epidermal collapse, with flattening and elongation of keratinocytes occurring in an otherwise hyperplastic epidermis (Figure 6). A mild and occasionally marked orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis occurred in most cases with occasional interruption by foci of parakeratosis. Moderate to marked pigmentary incontinence colocalized with foci of epidermal depigmentation and/or areas of epidermal hyperpigmentation in all cases. Moderate to marked BMZ thickening was detected in focal areas in several cases (six of 10; 60%).
A focal to diffuse and mild to marked lichenoid, dermal inflammatory infiltrate composed of lymphocytes mixed with a similar amount or fewer plasma cells was seen in eight cases (80%; Figure 6). In two dogs that lacked the lichenoid infiltrate, as well as in cases where lichenoid infiltrates showed limited distribution in comparison to the interface dermatitis, the lymphocytes were still numerous in the basal epidermal layer. A mild perivascular inflammatory pattern was observed in the superficial dermis, whereas the middle and deep dermis usually contained minimal or no inflammation (Figure 6). A mild to marked superficial, laminar dermal fibrosis (five of 10; 50%) extended from the BMZ, and was sometimes paucicellular. Occasional ulcers (four of 10; 40%) were associated with mild neutrophilic dermatitis and crusts. Lesions indicative of vasculitis or panniculitis were not observed in any section.
Histological changes in adnexa were evaluated for eight of 10 dogs (80%), excluding the two hairless Chinese crested dogs. Mild to moderate perifollicular lymphoplasmacytic inflammation was observed in all eight cases; the inflammation surrounded the infundibulum and tapered inwards through the level of the isthmus (Figure 8). A moderate to marked lymphocytic interface folliculitis involved the hair follicle infundibula of these eight cases, and the changes were similar to the basal cell degeneration, suprabasal apoptosis and lymphocytic exocytosis with satellitosis observed in the epidermis (Figure 8). The interface folliculitis that extended to the isthmus was usually mild and occasionally moderate; however, this distinction was difficult to make in cases of advanced follicular atrophy. Lymphocytic mural folliculitis (Figure 8) was mild to moderate in the infundibulum of seven cases(88%) and usually milder in the lower follicular segments of all cases. Scattered individual and loose clusters of lymphocytes infiltrated the external root sheath of anagen stage, telogen stage and atrophic follicles. Very rarely, occasional individual lymphocytes infiltrated an anagen hair bulb. Hair follicle atrophy was observed in all cases and (Figure 8) ranged from diffuse and advanced to focal and mild, with atrophic follicles sometimes bordering anagen follicles. Sebaceous gland atrophy was also seen in all dogs and was more commonly associated with atrophic hair follicles; the severity ranged from mild and partial in at least one biopsy. The inflammation within the glands was limited to the walls of sebaceous ducts that sometimes contained a few lymphocytes; infiltration of sebaceous gland lobules was not observed. Follicular hyperkeratosis and infundibular dilation were mild or absent in most cases. Perifollicular fibrosis was uncommon (one of eight cases; 13%), mild and restricted to the infundibulum.
Figure 2. Close up of the macular/patch type skin lesions present on the thorax of dogs with GDLE
(a) Well demarcated annular to polycyclic hyperpigmented patches with severe adherent scaling, partial alopecia and mild scarring in the centre (Case 10).
(b) Well demarcated annular hyperpigmented macules to patches with prominent follicular plugging, scaling, peripheral erythematous rim and central ulceration (Case 3).
(c, d)Hyperpigmented annular macules and patches with central loss of tissue architecture and prominent silver adherent scales surrounded by a mild peripheral erythematous margin (d) (Case 7).
2 近距离观察犬GDLE胸部的斑点/斑片类型的皮肤病变。
Figure 3. Skin lesions of generalized discoid lupus erythematosus in an apricot poodle. Generalized brown coloured patches and plaques with large scales and extensive spontaneous alopecia throughout the body (a, b, d) and involving the dorsum of head and ears (c) (Case 9).
3 一只GDLE杏黄色贵宾的皮肤病变。全身棕色斑片和斑块,伴随着大块皮屑和广泛性的自发性脱毛(a、b、d),并涉及了头顶和耳部(c)(病例9)。
Figure 4. Skin lesions affecting mucocutaneous junctions in dogs with GDLE
(a) Well-demarcated bilaterally symmetrical diffuse hyperpigmentation with adherent scaling and partial alopecia on the muzzle, including periocular areas. Central depigmentation, scarring and ulcerations involve the nasal planum and bilaterally the medial canthus of the eyes (Case 5).
(b) Multifocal hyperpigmented macules with mild erythematous rim on prepuce (Case 5).
(c) Anal/perianal diffuse hyperpigmentation with multifocal depigmentation, scarring and adherent scaling. Note the linear ulcerations in friction areas; this case suffered from liver associated necrolytic migratory erythema. The development of GDLE type skin lesions in this area is suggestive of the Koebner phenomenon (Case 5).
(d) Diffuse hyperpigmented alopecic patch/plaque with multifocal depigmentation, scarring and ulceration at the external vulva and perivulvar skin (case 7x).
4 犬GDLE皮肤黏膜交界处的皮肤病变。
Antinuclear antibody serology was determined for eight of 10 dogs (80%) and low ANA serum titres (1:20-1:40) were detected in seven of these eight cases (88%). Although ANA serology was positive at low dilutions in most dogs, the lack of systemic signs and laboratory results to suggest renal or haematological involvement excluded a diagnosis of coexisting SLE. Direct IF revealed fine to thick, patchy deposition of IgG and IgM along the dermo-epidermal junction of lesional paraffin-embedded skin sections in nine of 10 dogs (90%) (Figure 9). An additional positive LBT for IgA and C3 was found in three (30%) and two (20%) cases, respectively. Positive LBTs were detected for four and two immunoreagents in three (30%) and seven (70%) of 10 dogs, respectively.
Clinical management and prognosis
Information on treatment outcome was available for all dogs. Prior to the initial visit, the skin lesions were present between three and 24 months, with a median of approximately 9 months. Drugs prescribed prior to the diagnosis of GDLE was made included short courses of antimicrobial drugs (e.g. cefalexin, clindamycin, enrofloxacin; eight of 10 cases, 80%) and a single glucocorticoid course (four of 10 cases, 40%); these regimens resulted in only transient improvement of skin lesions in two dogs(20%). A spontaneous resolution of cutaneous lesions was not seen in any case. In one dog, an initial four month combination of doxycycline and niacinamide,thrice daily at appropriate dosages (250-500 mg per dog three times daily), did not result in clinical improvement.
Once the co existing SLE was ruled out and the diagnosis of GDLE diagnosis had been made, a recommendation to avoid excessive sun exposure was given to the owners for all dogs, and three different therapeutic modalities were initiated: Group 1 (six of 10 dogs; 60%) was commenced with oral glucocorticoids (1-2 mg/kg/day, progressively tapered over a month) given with oral ciclosporin (range 3.3-6 mg/kg, mean 4.8 mg/kg once daily, Atopica; Elanco Animal Health; Greenfield, IN,USA), in conjunction with ketoconazole in three dogs (range 1-3.3 mg/kg, mean 2.3 mg/kg once daily; Teva Pharmaceuticals; Sellersville, PA, USA), Group 2 (three of 10 dogs; 30%) received topical tacrolimus 0.1% ointment(twice daily, Protopic; Astellas Pharma; Deerfield, IL, USA) and oral hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) (5 mg/kg once daily, Gallipot; St Paul, MN, USA); and a single dog (10%) was started solely on the tetracycline/niacinamide combination (45 mg/kg of each drug three times a day). A complete remission of clinical signs (scarring alopecia remained in some lesions) following treatment occurred after 3-6 months (median 4.5 months) in five dogs (50%; two dogs each from Group 1 and 2; the dog from Group 3), whereas an approximately 75% partial remission was seen after 1-6 months (median 5.5 months) in the other five dogs (50%). An attempt to discontinue or taper the treatment resulted in the rapid recurrence of typical skin lesions in six dogs (60%); re-introducing the treatment modality at lower frequency of administration (e.g. ciclosporin every other day; topical tacrolimus twice weekly without HCQ) maintained remission of clinical signs in five dogs. In one dog that had several disease flares while receiving HCQ, oral ciclosporin (5 mg/kg once daily) was introduced and induced complete clinical remission over the following four months.

Figure 5. Canine GDLE
(a) Hyperpigmented macules and plaques with erythema, adherent scaling, crusting and follicular plugging of the concave pinnae and caudal (lateral) pinna margin. Note that this this pattern of clinical involvement is highly specific for human discoid lupus erythematosus.(Case 3).
(b) Diffuse hyperpigmentation with adherent scaling on the pinna (Case 5).
(c) An unusual pattern of reticulated (net-like) hyperpigmentation with alopecia on the ventral abdomen. Inset: Higher magnification shows classic“coin-shaped” plaques with central depigmentation, scarring and peripheral hyperpigmentation (Case 3).
(d) Reticulated hyperpigmentation pattern developing from coalescing GDLE skin lesions (Case 2).

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