
标题: 犬皮肤红斑狼疮:一项综合性评估(4)-慢性皮肤红斑狼疮 [打印本页]

作者: 王帆    时间: 2020-5-27 10:16
标题: 犬皮肤红斑狼疮:一项综合性评估(4)-慢性皮肤红斑狼疮
Cutaneous lupus erythematosus in dogs: a comprehensive review
作者:Thierry Olivry , Keith E. Linder and Frane Banovic

翻译:辛蕾 校对:王帆

Chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus
Exfoliative cutaneous lupus erythematosus
Historical perspective
In 1992, Ihrke, Gross and Walder described a scaly dermatosis in young German shorthaired pointers (GSHP).Because microscopic lesions resembled those seen in subjects with lupus, the disease was named hereditary lupoid dermatosis.One brief case report , one series of five cases and a book chapter constituted the early descriptions of this rare disease.
In 1999, we reviewed the histopathological and immunological characteristics of eight dogs with this disease, and proposed the name exfoliative cutaneous lupus erythematosus (ECLE). Clinical, histopathological and immunological data from 25 dogs with ECLE were
later and described in more detail .

Incidence and prevalence
At this time, there is insufficient information on canine ECLE to appropriately assess the incidence and prevalence of this disease in dogs. It appears to have a worldwide distribution.

This variant of CCLE is predominantly seen in GSHPs.A large pedigree analysis of 235 purebred GSHPs and experimental mating studies established that this disease was transmitted on an autosomal recessive manner.A single nucleotide polymorphism on the CFA 18 chromosome was found to perfectly segregate with the trait in 267 dogs. Interestingly, ECLE has been diagnosed also in several Magyar viszlas living in western Europe;this observation is noteworthy, as viszlas share a common ancestry with GSHPs.

Adding the cases from the largest case series to those of the genome-wide association study yielded 45 GSHPs already reported with ECLE: there were 26 females and 19 males with a female-to-male ratio of 1.4. The first clinical signs usually occurred in juveniles or young adult dogs with a median age of onset of 8 months (range:7 weeks to 3.5 years).

Clinical signs
In the largest clinical case series of ECLE in GSHPs,the most prominent skin lesions were scaling and alopecia, which affected 25 (100%) and 19 (76%) of the reported dogs, respectively (Fig. 4a,b). Follicular casts were noted in one third of patients (Fig. 4a,b). Recently seen GSHPs with ECLE were found to also exhibit irregular and polycyclic patches and plaques with dyspigmentation and some scarring (personal observations; Fig. 4c,f). In this form of canine CCLE, skin lesions typically affect the muzzle, pinnae and dorsal trunk and then progress to involve the limbs,sternum and ventral abdomen. Generalized skin lesions are found in most dogs, while crusting, with or without an underlying ulceration, was recorded in one fourth of patients in the largest series of GSHPs. In one dog of that report, ulcers were so extensive that they resulted in bacterial septicemia. Mild pruritus was recorded in one third of GSHPs with ECLE.
Overall, skin lesions of ECLE in viszla dogs are nearly identical to those seen in GSHPs with the same disease (Fig.5a-d). Furthermore, in some viszlas, the alopecic lesions are circumscribed and resemble those of the so-called sebaceous adenitis of viszlas(Fig, 5a,d). This observation, as well as the presence of typical histological changes of CLE in these dogs, raises the suspicion that some of the viszlas reported with sebaceous adenitis might have had, in fact, ECLE. In fact, in both GSHPs and Magyar viszlas, (granulomatous) sebaceous adenitis is the perfect mimic for ECLE.
A generalized peripheral lymphadenomegaly was reported in one-third of GSHPs with ECLE; lymph node enlargement was also described in other reports. Many GSHPs with ECLE eventually develop signs suggestive of arthralgia, which manifests as a stiff gait, lameness or an arched back.In one report, all six dogs were infertile, with azoospermia and irregular or arrested cycles in females.

Laboratory evaluation
While rare GSHPs with ECLE have mild anemia, fluctuating thrombocytopenia is seen more commonly in these dogs; serum biochemistry and urinalysis usually do not exhibit consistent changes, except for hyperglobulinemia seen occasionally.

Fine needle aspirate material from enlarged peripheral lymph nodes was submitted for cytological evaluation in one GSHP with lymphadenomegaly, and it revealed lymphoid hyperplasia. Spinal radiographs, myelogram and cerebrospinal fluid analysis and stifle and hock joint aspirates were performed in dogs suffering from intermittent arthralgia, but they failed to identify any underlying abnormality.

The largest compilation of dogs with ECLE confirms previous information regarding the histopathology of this disease. In this study, microscopic examination revealed a cellrich interface dermatitis (Fig. 6a,b) characterized by moderate to marked dermal lymphocyte infiltrate that tended to be multifocal, rather than always organized into a subepidermal band. Typical of cell-rich interface lesions, the apoptosis of basal keratinocytes was accompanied by moderate to marked lymphocytic exocytosis in the lower epidermis (Fig. 6b). In addition, biopsies of most dogs had mild lymphocytic exocytosis and keratinocyte apoptosis in the upper epidermis. Diffuse orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis was a notable feature of most biopsies and was usually moderate (Fig. 6b).
In the study by Bryden and colleagues, a lymphocytic interface mural folliculitis was also present in the infundibulum in all dogs, for which biopsy sections captured the infundibula of follicles, and it extended to inferior follicular segments in 92% of dogs (Fig. 6c,d). Sebaceous glands were also affected. A periglandular lymphocytic infiltrate was present in 63% of dogs, sebaceous glands were absent in 50% of all biopsy sections evaluated, and 16% of dogs lacked sebaceous glands in all biopsies (Fig. 6c).These latter features can lead to confusion with (primary)sebaceous adenitis. Additionally, a lymphocytic apocrine gland infiltrate was observed in 46% of dogs .

Direct immunofluorescence In one study , direct immunofluorescence testing performed on paraffin-embedded sections revealed the presence of in situ deposition of IgG, IgM, IgA and C3 in the epidermal basement membrane of 100%, 47%, 11% and 5% of GSHPs, respectively. The multifocal or continuous fine deposition of IgG was recorded in 61%, 35% and 77% of skin biopsy sections, respectively. Interestingly, the follicular basement membrane deposition of IgG was found in 41% of tested biopsies.
直接免疫荧光法 在一项研究中,对石蜡包埋切片进行了直接免疫荧光检测显示分别有100%47%11%5%的德国短毛指示犬表皮基底膜中存在lgGlgMlgAC3的原位沉积。分别有61%35%77%的皮肤活检切片中显示了lgG的多灶性或连续性的细砂沉淀。有趣的是,在41%的活检中发现了lgG的毛囊基底膜沉淀。

Indirect immunofluorescence Indirect immunofluorescence testing on sections of normal canine haired and salt-split-skin revealed the existence of circulating antifollicular IgG antibodies in the serum of 57% of tested GSHPs with ECLE. In addition, anti-sebaceous gland IgG antibodies were also detected in these dogs. Circulating anti-epidermal basement membrane antibodies were not observed, however. In three studies, antinuclear antibody serology usually remained below positive thresholds in GSHPs with ECLE .
间接免疫荧光法 对正常犬的毛发和盐裂皮肤进行间接免疫荧光显示57%的患有表皮剥脱型皮肤红斑狼疮的德国短毛指示犬的血清中存在循环抗毛囊lgG抗体。此外,在这些犬中也检测到抗皮脂腺lgG抗体。然而没有发现循环抗表皮基底膜抗体。在这三项研究中,患有表皮剥脱型皮肤红斑狼疮的德国短毛指示犬的抗核抗体血清通常保持在阳性阈值以下。

Immunohistochemistry Immunohistochemical staining confirmed the predominance of CD3-bearing T lymphocytes in the lower epidermis, superficial dermis, in the infundibulum of hair follicles and around sweat glands. These CD3-positive T lymphocytes infiltrated sebaceous glands and their associated ducts in samples collected from two dogs.
免疫组化 免疫组化染色证实了在下表皮、真皮浅表、毛囊漏斗部和汗腺周围携带CD3T淋巴细胞占主导。从两只犬中采集的样本中,这些CD3阳性的T淋巴细胞浸润皮脂腺及其相关的导管。

Treatment and outcome The review of published reports has yielded inconsistent information on the treatment and outcome of this disease. The early descriptions of ECLE suggested some benefit of dietary changes, supplementation with fatty acids, anti-seborrheic shampoos, antibiotics and/or oral retinoids.The most recent case series reported the limited efficacy of immune-modulating drugs prescribed either as single or combination therapy (e.g.tetracycline-niacinamide combinations, doxycycline, oral glucocorticoids, azathioprine, ciclosporin, leflunomide, or hydroxychloroquine).
治疗和预后 对于已发表报告的审查得出了关于这种疾病的治疗和预后不一致的信息。早期对表皮剥脱型皮肤红斑狼疮的描述表明了饮食的改变、脂肪酸的补充、抗脂溢性香波、抗生素和/或口服维A酸的一些好处。最近的病例报告报道了使用免疫调节药物进行单一或联合治疗(四环素-烟酰胺联合制剂、多西环素、口服糖皮质激素、硫唑嘌呤、环孢菌素、米氟米特或羟氯喹)的有限疗效。
Hydroxychloroquine, an first-line antimalarial drug used in human CCLE, appeared to slow down the clinical progression in some dogs with ECLE; in contrast, high-dose ciclosporin reportedly was not able to halt lesion worsening. As the response to immunomodulators is heterogeneous in human CCLE variants , the use of high-dose oral glucocorticoids and adjunctive immunosuppressive regimens need to be investigated on an individual patient basis.
Taking into account all GSHPs with ECLE for which a long-term outcome has been reported,over half of dogs are eventually euthanized for their lack of disease response to therapy. This makes this CLE variaiant the most challenging to treat among all those of canine CCLE.

Fig. 4 Clinical characteristics of canine exfoliative cutaneous lupus erythematosus in German shorthaired pointers.
a, b: poor hair coat, scaling and follicular casts are visible from a distance.
c, d, e, f: irregular plaques with hyperpigmentation and scaling can be seen on closer examination- (d-f) courtesy of Petra Bizikova, NC State University

-(d-f)北卡罗莱纳州立大学的Petra Bizikova提供

Fig. 5 Clinical characteristics of canine exfoliative cutaneous lupus erythematosus in Magyar viszlas.
a, b: multifocal, often coalescing, patches of alopecia are noted from afar.
c, d: atrophic scars and follicular casts and large scales develop in alopecic areas
-courtesy of Émilie Vidémont,University of Lyon, France

-法国里昂大学Émilie Vidémont提供

Fig. 6 Histopathology of canine exfoliative cutaneous lupus erythematosus.
a: cell-rich, lymphocytic interface dermatitis is present with a distinct band-like(lichenoid) dermal infiltrate of lymphocytes, plasma cells and a few histiocytes. 100X
(b): in an area of well-developed interface dermatitis,laminated,orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis (exfoliation) is present, which is typical of the disease. 200X.
c: lymphocytic interface folliculitis and mural folliculitis involve the infundibulum (upper-right) as well as the isthmus and inferior segments (lower-left) of hair follicles. Sebaceous glands are absent in this biopsy, as is reported in some cases. 200X
(d): lymphocytic interface folliculitis and mural folliculitis are present in the external root sheath of anagen hair follicles.Telogen hair follicles can also be affected (not shown). 200X


作者: 王帆    时间: 2020-5-27 10:16

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