
标题: 无菌性脓性肉芽肿性皮炎和脂膜炎 [打印本页]

作者: 王帆    时间: 2019-7-2 23:47
标题: 无菌性脓性肉芽肿性皮炎和脂膜炎
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Sterile Pyogranulomatous Dermatitis and Panniculitis

作者:Jennifer Schissler, DVM, MS

翻译:关文棉 校对:王帆
•Pyogranulomatous  •Dermatitis •Ulcerative •Nodular •Sterile •Panniculitis
•The diagnosis involves exclusion of infectious causes of pyogranulomatous dermatitis and panniculitis via histopathology, tissue culture, and ancillary diagnostics.  
•Prodromal and concurrent nonspecific clinical and hematologic signs of inflammation may occur.  
•This syndrome is characterized by pyogranulomatous nodules, plaques, and ulcers of variable extent and severity.
•This syndrome is idiopathic and typically responds well to corticosteroids and corticosteroid-sparing immunomodulatory drugs
Canine nodular and ulcerative dermatitis is a diagnostic challenge. Bacterial infection,fungal infection, oomycosis, foreign bodies, and sterile inflammatory conditions may present similarly as solitary or multifocal cutaneous nodules, plaques, ulcers, and draining tracts with pyogranulomatous inflammation. A thorough physical examination and history aid in prioritization of differentials. The cause of the nodules and ulcers may be efficiently identified via cytology or may remain elusive, requiring histopathology,culture, and ancillary diagnostics.
无菌脓性肉芽肿皮炎和脂膜炎 (SPDP) 是一种成犬不常见,幼犬罕见的综合征。已证实无自身抗原或外源抗原刺激SPDP 的特征是表现为各种大小、范围和严重程度的脓性肉芽肿性结节斑块和溃疡。这种综合症没有正式的命名。用于描述这种综合征的其他术语包括:无菌肉芽肿/脓性肉芽肿综合征,无菌性脂膜,无菌肉芽肿/脓性肉芽肿皮炎和脂膜炎。根据不同的命名, 通过整体表现和组织病理学表现,病例可能表现皮炎、脂膜炎或两者皆有
Sterile pyogranulomatous dermatitis and panniculitis (SPDP) is an uncommon syndrome of adult and, rarely, juvenile dogs. No autoantigen, or exogenous antigen stimulus has been identified. SPDP is characterized by pyogranulomatous nodules,plaques, and ulcers of variable size, extent, and severity. This syndrome does not have a formalized name. Other terms used to describe this syndrome include: sterile granuloma/pyogranuloma syndrome, sterile panniculitis, sterile granulomatous/pyogranulomatous dermatitis and panniculitis. As indicated by the variation in nomenclature, patients may demonstrate gross and histopathologic manifestations of dermatitis, panniculitis, or both.
SPDP需要通过排除来确诊治疗SPDP的方法是进行全身免疫调节。因此, 错误诊断SPDP 以及随后进行免疫抑制治疗最好的情况顶多是无效最坏的情况, 误诊会带来灾难性的后果。要想成功的治疗脓性肉芽肿性和溃疡性皮炎, 重点是要明确全面的、合理的诊断方法
SPDP is a diagnosis of exclusion. Treatment of SPDP requires systemic immunomodulation.Therefore, misdiagnosis of SPDP and subsequent immunosuppressive treatment is ineffective, at best. At worst, misdiagnosis is catastrophically counterproductive.To successfully navigate pyogranulomatous and ulcerative dermatitis, a thorough and rational diagnostic approach is paramount.
Patients may present with an acute history involving singular or multiple cutaneous lesions as well as cutaneous pain, malaise, and hyporexia. Yet others present with a waxing and waning course of lesions that spontaneously resolve and recur with a variable response to antimicrobial or subimmunosuppressive courses of systemic corticosteroids. Those having undergone previous excisional biopsies often have a history of dehiscence and/or recurrence of lesions at the surgical site. Pruritus is not a typical feature. Pain occurs more frequently in panniculitis.
Patients with SPDP can be of any breed or sexual status. Patients are often adults;however, the author has observed this syndrome in several dogs between 6 and 12 months of age. Suggested breed predispositions for dermatitis include the golden retriever, boxer, dachshund, collie, Weimaraner, Doberman pinscher, and English bulldog. Suggested breed predispositions for panniculitis include poodles, dachshunds, Australian shepherds, Brittany spaniels,dalmatians,Pomeranians,and Chihuahuas.
一些感染性病因引发的结节脓性肉芽肿性皮炎具有明显的地理分布差异(表 1)。因此, 有必要了解旅游某些地区的真菌、细菌和卵菌病原的相关知识。此外, 如果病例经常在户外生活,那植物异物和穿刺伤有关的感染(放线菌、 孢子丝菌)与淡水游泳有关的感染(链壶菌、腐霉)风险将升高
Some infectious causes of nodular, pyogranulomatous dermatitis/panniculitis have distinct geographic distributions (Table 1). Therefore, travel history and knowledge of regional fungal, bacterial, and oomycotic agents are necessary. Additionally, patients with an active outdoor lifestyle are at higher risk of plant foreign bodies and opportunistic infections associated with puncture wounds (Actinomyces, Sporothrix) or freshwater activities (Lagenidium, Pythium).
病例接受免疫调节,如泼尼松龙和环孢(尤其是联合使用),更容易有机会感染细菌性和真菌脓性肉芽肿(图1)。 例如,伯克氏菌和双极霉菌(皮肤暗丝孢霉菌在这种环境下可能是条件致病菌
Patients receiving immunomodulatory drugs, such as prednisolone and cyclosporine(particularly in combination), are more susceptible to opportunistic bacterial and fungal pyogranulomatous infections (Fig. 1). Burkholderia and bipolaris (phaeohyphomycosis),for example, may be opportunists in such circumstances.
1。真菌菌丝脓性肉芽肿性炎性反应接受环孢菌素和泼尼松龙治疗 IMHA (免疫介导溶血性贫血) 的患犬上的条件致病菌感染。(罗曼诺夫斯基染色, 100物镜, 1000倍放大).
Fig. 1. Fungal hyphae with pyogranulomatous inflammation. Opportunistic infection in dog treated for IMHA (immune mediated hemolytic anemia) with cyclosporine and prednisolone(Romanowsky stain, 100*objective, 1000*total magnification).

为了保护自己和病, 检查结节性溃疡皮肤病病例时应该戴手套。在感染性鉴别诊断中,孢子丝菌是最可能的潜在人兽共患。然而,在下文提到的任何感染中,如果皮肤出现, 以及与皮肤直接接触,都有可能发生人兽共患条件致病菌感染特别是在免疫功能不全时候手套和适当注意环境卫生可以降低溃疡性病例在医院感染条件致病葡萄球菌的风险
To protect oneself and patients, wear gloves to examine patients with nodular ulcerative dermatoses. Of the infectious differential diagnoses, Sporothrix likely has the greatest zoonotic potential. However, opportunistic zoonotic infections may occur with any of the infections mentioned in this text if the skin is broken and direct contact is made, particularly if the handler is immunocompromised. Gloves and proper environmental hygiene may reduce the risk of opportunistic nosocomial staphylococcal infection of ulcerated patients.
SPDP lesions are variable depending on the presence of dermatitis, panniculitis, or both. Regional lymphadenopathy and pyrexia may also be observed. Concurrent sterile pyogranulomatous panniculitis has also been reported in patients with pancreatitis, polyarthritis, and systemic lupus erythematosus; thus, abdominal pain,joint pain, or effusion may also be appreciated.
与无菌脓性肉芽肿皮炎相关的病变包括真皮结节斑块 (图 2A) 和丘疹, 可能溃疡和瘘道并伴有脓血样渗出结节大小从1厘米到15厘米不等。病变可能发生在体的任何部位, 通常位于耳廓嘴周、眼周和四肢远端
Lesions associated with sterile pyogranulomatous dermatitis include dermal nodules,plaques (Fig. 2A), and papules that may ulcerate and drain serous to hemopurulent discharge. Nodules range from 1 cm to 15 cm in size. The lesions may occur anywhere on the body and are often located on the pinnae, muzzle, periocular regions,and distal extremities.
Lesions associated with sterile pyogranulomatous panniculitis include subcutaneous nodules, ulcers, and draining tracts that may ulcerate and drain oily to hemopurulent discharge (Fig. 3). Ulcers may be pinpoint to very large in size and may extend to the muscular layer (Fig. 3C and 4B). Nodules may be firm or fluctuant and involve the deep dermis as well as the subcutis. Truncal lesions are most common. Scarring may occur following treatment or natural resolution.
虽然没有文献记载, 作者还观察有并发眼睑炎和结膜炎的病例(图 3A4A)。反应组织细胞增多症也会有眼粘膜病变反应性组织细胞增多症的典型表现是鼻黏膜病变
Although not well documented, the author has also noted patients with concurrent blepharitis and conjunctivitis (Fig. 3A and 4A). Involvement of the ocular mucous membranes may also be observed with reactive histiocytosis. Involvement of the nasal mucous membranes is more typical of reactive histiocytosis.
Given the many differential diagnoses associated with nodular and ulcerative pyogranulomatous dermatoses, a thorough physical examination may provide valuable clues to refine differential and diagnostic considerations (eg, aqueous flare and Blastomyces).

2。杂交贵宾犬斑块样的无菌结节性皮炎 (A) 和治疗后照片(B)
Fig. 2. Poodle mix with plaque form of sterile nodular dermatitis (A) and after treatment (B).

3。(A) 无菌结节性皮炎和脂膜炎的杂交牧羊犬患犬,位于胸部真皮层和皮下结节结节(B) 杂交德国牧羊犬的溃疡结节。(C) 杂交德国牧羊犬前臂严重溃疡脂膜炎。
Fig. 3. (A) Dermal and subcutaneous nodule on chest of shepherd cross with sterile nodular dermatitis and panniculitis. (B) Ulcerated nodule in German shepherd cross. (C) Severe ulcerative panniculitis of antebrachium in German shepherd cross.
Fig. 4. (A) Multiple facial nodules and ulcers with concurrent conjunctivitis and blepharitis,before immunomodulatory treatment. (B) Large nodule with ulcer, before immunomodulatory treatment. (C) After immunomodulatory therapy. (D) Nodule and ulcer resolved after immunomodulatory therapy.

Sterile pyogranulomatous dermatitis and panniculitis (SPDP) has been observed with pancreatic neoplasia, polyarthritis, and systemic lupus erythematosis. An association between sterile pyogranulomatous panniculitis and pancreatitis has been noted in dogs, as it has been in humans.
SPDP 的病因尚不明确, 没有已知的微生物剂或特异性抗原刺激。北美的流行率、发病率和地理分布并无代表性
The etiopathogenesis of SPDP is unknown, with no known microbiologic agent or specific antigen stimulus. Prevalence, incidence, and geographic distribution within North America are uncharacterized.

假设通过传统的选择性细菌和真菌培养方法排除性检测SPDP对已经确诊无菌肉芽肿/脓性肉芽肿皮炎的患犬的20福尔马林固定皮肤样本12新鲜皮肤样本,16S rRNA 和ITS-1 区域为目标进行次代序列检查,正常皮肤样本微生物群没有差异,进一步支持了病因是无菌的
It has been hypothesized that traditional selective bacterial and fungal culture methods may exclude detection of the etiologic agent of SPDP. Next-generation sequence targeting of 16S rRNA and the ITS-1 region of 20 formalin-fixed skin samples and 12 fresh skin samples from dogs diagnosed with sterile granulomatous/pyogranulomatous dermatitis demonstrated no difference in microbiota compared with normal skin samples supporting a sterile cause.

此前的一项研究表明,46个病例中21存在利什曼原虫DNA。然而,值得注意的是,项研究中调查的犬都意大利,利什曼普遍流行国家因此, 不能作为因果关系有力证据此外, 这种综合征存在于非利什曼病流行地区 (如美国)。同样的研究也证明了这些病变没有分枝杆菌
A previous study demonstrated the presence of Leishmania DNA in 21 of 46 cases.However, it should be noted that this study investigated dogs in Italy, where Leishmania is prevalent; therefore, a strong argument for causation cannot be made. Furthermore, this syndrome is present in non–Leishmania-endemic regions (such as the United States). This same study also demonstrated a lack of Mycobacteria DNA in these lesions.

在北美引起脓性肉芽肿和肉芽肿性皮炎/脂膜炎见表 1
Causes of canine pyogranulomatous and granulomatous dermatitis/panniculitis in
North America can be seen in Table 1.

The diagnosis of SPDP is established via exclusion of other causes.

Perform multiple cytologic preparations of nodule aspirates, avoiding draining tracts.Review aspirates carefully to assess for the presence of bacterial, fungal, or oomycotic organisms. In infectious cases of pyogranulomatous dermatitis/panniculitis, an etiologic diagnosis may be efficiently made via cytology alone (eg, Blastomyces). Cytology of ulcers and draining tracts may reveal secondary infection with cocci and rods, even in SPDP or other sterile processes.

SPDP cytology demonstrates a pyogranulomatous exudate; eosinophils, plasma cells, and lymphocytes may be concurrently present in smaller numbers. Lipidladen macrophages and free lipid may be observed in panniculitis aspirates. Given severe inflammation, reactive fibrocytes may be seen, leading to misdiagnosis of sarcoma.

Acid-fast stain of aspirates is recommended when Mycobacterium is suspected; in some cases poorly staining rods may be visualized in macrophages, and their presence is confirmed via acid-fast stain.

If an etiologic agent is not confirmed via cytology, histopathology is recommended. Biopsy of new lesions is preferable. Avoid draining tracts and ulcers, as they are of poor diagnostic value. Perform multiple biopsies of at least 6 mm in diameter. An excisional wedge is recommended, as the epidermis, dermis, and deep subcutaneous tissues should be included. Request special stains to facilitate the diagnosis of mycobacterial and fungal organisms.

Expected histopathologic findings for SPDP include nodular to diffuse dermal and/or subcutaneous granulomatous or pyogranulomatous dermatitis. In sterile pyogranulomatous dermatitis, the inflammation is often most severe in the peri-adnexal and perivascular areas. Furunculosis as an extension of severe peri-adnexal inflammation may also be present. Lymphocytes, plasma cells, and eosinophils may be present in smaller numbers. Panniculitis may be lobar or septal. Fibrosis is noted in chronic lesions.

Identical histopathologic changes are expected in infectious pyogranulomatous dermatitis and panniculitis. Therefore, histopathologic special stains (Gomori methenamine silver, periodic acid–Schiff, gram, acid fast) and bacterial and fungal cultures are indicated for a definitive diagnosis.

In deep dermal and panniculitis presentations, when neutrophils are less predominant and foamy macrophages are absent, the pathologist may be challenged to distinguish SPDP (macrophages) from histiocytosis (dendritic cells) and rarely nonepitheliotropic lymphoma (poorly differentiated lymphoblasts). Thus, selective immunohistochemical stains, or flow cytometry of tissue aspirates, may be required for diagnosis.
Collect dermal and subcutaneous tissue samples with an aseptic surgical technique to maximize the yield of the etiologic agent and avoid culture of contaminants. Submit tissue for aerobic and anaerobic bacterial, mycobacterial, and fungal culture. If Mycobacterium is suspected, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) may be performed to expedite a definitive diagnosis, as slow-growing Mycobacterium species may take several weeks to recover from culture. For the safety of laboratory personnel, fungal culture should be withheld until blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, and histoplasmosis have been satisfactorily ruled out via geographic history or a combination of cytology, histopathology, or ancillary diagnostic tests.

Given that opportunistic fungal and bacterial organisms are environmentally ubiquitous(eg, Alternaria, Burkholderia), recovery from culture alone,particularly when surface culture is performed instead of tissue culture, is not sufficient for a definitive diagnosis. Cytologic and/or histopathologic evidence for tissue involvement of opportunistic infections is required for a definitive diagnosis.

Patients with SPDP will have negative cultures or culture will yield organisms reflective of secondary bacterial infection of ulcers, frequently Staphylococcus sp. Thus, tissue cultures of nonulcerated lesions are recommended.
Additional Tests
全身性临床症状, 如精神沉郁、发热、体温、腹痛或关节痛的病例,建议进行血细胞计数血清生检查和尿分析,评估有无胰腺疾病全身性红斑狼疮单纯SPDP的病例可能有轻度、非再生障碍性贫血高球蛋白血症和白细胞增多症。
Consider complete blood count, serum biochemistry, and urinalysis in patients with systemic clinical signs, such as malaise, pyrexia, hyporexia, abdominal pain, or joint involvement, to assess for pancreatic involvement or evidence for systemic lupus erythematosus.Patients with SPDP alone may have mild, nonregenerative anemia, hyperglobulinemia, and leukocytosis.

Patients with geographic or travel history and signs supportive of blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, or histoplasmosis with no organisms found on cytology may be diagnosed via ancillary serologic and urine tests sans fungal culture.

PCR for Mycobacterium may confirm or expedite the diagnosis. PCR can be used to distinguish Pythium from Lagenidium and aid in the diagnosis of these fastidious organisms.
In the experience of the author, otherwise well-controlled patients receiving immunomodulatory therapy with SPDP may relapse following a triggering immunostimulatory or traumatic event. The author has anecdotally noted generalized relapses associated with vaccination and focal relapses of pyogranulomatous nodular dermatitis in areas of laceration/puncture. These phenomena are not otherwise documented to the author’s knowledge.

Treatment of SPDP involves immunomodulation. A response to systemic corticosteroids is typically rapid when immunosuppressive doses are used. General wound care and ancillary pain management may be required for severe, deep ulcers.

全身治疗初期阶段临床症状得以缓解(图2B4C, D)和尝试用非甾体类免疫调节剂维持治疗。免疫调节剂的选择取决于临床严重程度
The general treatment strategy involves initiation of clinical remission (Figs. 2B and 4C, D) and attempted maintenance with a nonsteroidal immunomodulatory protocol. The choice of immunomodulator is based on the degree of clinical severity.

For moderate to severe presentations, prednisolone is recommended and a secondary immunomodulator is often added early in therapy as a corticosteroid-sparing or eliminating drug given the delayed time of efficacy for these therapies. Less commonly a secondary immunomodulator is required in conjunction with corticosteroid therapy to induce remission.

伴有精神沉郁、疼痛或病情持续发展,细胞学检查体格检查病史调查又不支持感染性病的病例,作者会使用泼尼松,0.5至1.0 mg/kg剂量24小时口服一次进行治疗,直到通过阴性培养结果组织病理学结果支持确诊SPDP。这种剂量往往使SPDP快速达到临床舒适进而等待检查结果,但对大多数病例来说,是不足以缓解症状的。当然,如果确实存在感染原因,则要权衡临床舒适度潜在的感染恶化风险
In patients with fever, malaise, pain, or advancing disease with no compelling cytologic, physical, or historical evidence of infectious cause, the author will treat patients with prednisone at 0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg by mouth every 24 hours pending confirmation of SPDP via negative culture and supportive histopathology results. Such dosages often provide rapid clinical comfort in SPDP as results await but are insufficient to induce remission in most patients. This relief, of course, must be weighed with the potential risk of worsening infection if an infectious cause is indeed present.

对于中度至重度临床表现,首次剂量以总量为2 mg/kg,24小时口服一次。病变通常在2至6周内明显消退。此后,可以在4到8周内逐渐减少剂量,至每隔一天将所需剂量控制在48小时0.25 mg/kg,或用非激素类免疫调节剂维持。
A total of 2 mg/kg is administered by mouth every 24 hours for initial control for moderate to severe presentations. Lesions typically resolve in 2 to 6 weeks. After this time the dosage can be tapered over a period of 4 to 8 weeks to the lowest every-other-day dosage needed for control with a goal dosage of 0.25 mg/kg every 48 hours, discontinuation, or maintenance with a nonsteroid immunomodulatory.

Doxycycline and Niacinamide                                                   
Doxycycline and niacinamide provide well-tolerated immunomodulation for mild cases as a sole therapy or for mild to moderate presentations as a steroid-sparing therapy. This combination may take up to 8 weeks for full effect. Of note, the use of chronic antimicrobial therapy (doxycycline) is considered less favorable in the current era of multidrug-resistant staphylococcal infections.

Niacinamide is administered by mouth every 8 to 12 hours. For dogs less than 10 kg,250 mg is administered at each dose. For dogs greater than 10 kg, 500 mg is administered at each dose.

强力霉素每天口服两次,每次5.0 - 7.5 mg/kg。
Doxycycline is administered at 5.0 to 7.5 mg/kg by mouth twice a day.

Once lesions are resolved, the dosage may be tapered to once daily over a period of a month and, if effective, every-other-day treatment may be attempted.
环孢菌素 (礼来公司的阿托皮卡)
Cyclosporine (Atopica, Elanco)                                                
24小时口服总量为5-10mg/kg对于中度至重度SPDP病例,环孢可降低类固醇用量,对于轻度至中度病例,单独使用环孢菌素治疗有效值得注意的是, 可能需要长达8周的时间才能见效。一旦有效, 剂量可会减少到每48至72小时一次, 以维持症状
A total of 5 to 10 mg/kg is administered by mouth every 24 hours. Cyclosporine provides reliable steroid-sparing control for moderate to severe cases of SPDP and is a reliable sole therapy for mild to moderate presentations. It is important to note that it can take up to 8 weeks for full clinical effect. Once resolution is achieved, the dosage may be reduced to every 48 to 72 hours to maintain resolution.

根据作者的经验, 环孢菌素是治疗SPDP确实有效的非类固醇类免疫调节
In the author’s experience, cyclosporine is the most reliably effective nonsteroidal immunomodulatory drug for SPDP.
Mycophenolate Mofetil                                                         
A total of 20 to 40 mg/kg is administered by mouth divided into 2 or 3 daily dosages. Remission may take up to 8 weeks. This medication has not been well documented as a treatment of SPDP. This medication is better tolerated than azathioprine and is used in moderate to severe cases as a steroid-sparing drug, particularly if cyclosporine is not tolerated.
24小时口服总量为1-2 mg/kg,可用于治疗顽固性病例或降低类固醇用量临床完全见效可能需要8周。一旦症状缓解,剂量可减少到48小时1-2 mg/kg,并逐渐至能维持症状的最低剂量。
A total of 1 to 2 mg/kg by mouth every 24 hours is used for refractory cases or as a steroid-sparing drug. Full clinical effect may take up to 8 weeks. Once remission is achieved, the dosage is reduced to 1 to 2 mg/kg every 48 hours and slowly tapered to the lowest dosage required to maintain remission.

Given the myelotoxic, pancreatic, and hepatotoxic side effects, azathioprine is best reserved for steroid, cyclosporine, and mycophenolate refractory cases. A complete blood count is recommended every 2 weeks as well as serum chemistries for the first 8 weeks of therapy.

Vitamin E                                                                       
A total of 400 IU every 12 hours is a helpful adjunct antioxidative treatment that has shown to be successful in cases of sterile pyogranulomatous panniculitis.

For solitary lesions, surgical removal may be curative; however, it is possible that new lesions may form. The author has treated cases that have dehisced after surgical removal of the granuloma. The surgery site was infiltrated with pyogranulomatous inflammation.


免疫调节治疗对 SPDP 的生存和缓解有较好的预测作用。面部可能会出现瘢痕,可能会导致瘢痕性眼睑外翻需要手术矫正(图5)大多数病例需要持续免疫调节治疗, 以防止复发。
Prognosis for survival and remission of SPDP is good with immunomodulatory therapy. Scarring may occur and, in the facial area, may result in cicatricial ectropion requiring surgical correction (Fig. 5). Most cases require maintenance immunomodulatory therapy to prevent relapse.

Fig. 5. Cicatricial ectropion in a mixed-breed dog following untreated SPDP.

作者: 王帆    时间: 2019-7-2 23:49
作者: 追赶时间    时间: 2019-7-3 07:15
巴哥控 发表于 2019-7-2 23:49
每次看这篇文章都是夜深人静的时候。。。每次都不敢看最后一张图。。。感觉跟看恐怖片一样。。。{ ...

作者: 刘欣    时间: 2019-7-3 11:15
巴哥控 发表于 2019-7-2 23:49
每次看这篇文章都是夜深人静的时候。。。每次都不敢看最后一张图。。。感觉跟看恐怖片一样。。。{ ...

作者: 王帆    时间: 2019-7-3 11:34
刘欣 发表于 2019-7-3 11:15

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作者: 王帆    时间: 2022-8-6 17:59
xiaocao 发表于 2022-8-6 16:30
王老师,那单个病灶手术切除后,还需要用激素不?害怕手术后再烂(较大的深层病变术后) ...

作者: 王帆    时间: 2022-8-6 18:00
xiaocao 发表于 2022-8-6 16:30
王老师,那单个病灶手术切除后,还需要用激素不?害怕手术后再烂(较大的深层病变术后) ...

作者: xiaocao    时间: 2022-8-7 08:48
王帆 发表于 2022-8-6 18:00
活检采样后,正常治疗不影响伤口愈合;所谓的手术只是采样,并不是为了大面积切除 ...

作者: xiaocao    时间: 2022-8-7 09:53
王帆 发表于 2022-8-6 17:59

作者: 海绵饱饱    时间: 2022-8-9 08:42

作者: understanding    时间: 2022-8-9 13:25

作者: 王帆    时间: 2022-8-9 13:32
xiaocao 发表于 2022-8-7 09:53

作者: 南海    时间: 2022-9-9 10:26

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