
标题: 犬伴水肿的急性嗜酸性皮炎(威尔斯样综合征) [打印本页]

作者: 王帆    时间: 2019-6-10 19:33
标题: 犬伴水肿的急性嗜酸性皮炎(威尔斯样综合征)
本帖最后由 巴哥控 于 2019-6-10 19:42 编辑

Canine Acute Eosinophilic Dermatitis with Edema (Wells-Like Syndrome)
作者:Elizabeth A. Mauldin, DVM


•Canine  •Eosinophilic dermatitis  •Canine Wells-like syndrome  •Sterile neutrophilic dermatitis  •Canine Sweets syndrome
•Canine acute eosinophilic dermatitis with edema (CAEDE) is an uncommon syndromic disorder in dogs with a unique clinical presentation. 
•Most dogs with CAEDE have a history of gastrointestinal upset preceding or concurrent with onset of skin lesions. 
•Dogs with CAEDE present with macular or generalized erythema that is most evident on the glabrous skin of the abdomen. 
•Diagnosis of CAEDE is based on clinical and histologic features, but some cases can be difficult to distinguish from canine sterile neutrophilic dermatosis (canine Sweets syndrome). 
•The etiology of CAEDE is not known but an adverse drug reaction or a systemic type I reaction may play a role in the pathogenesis.
Canine acute eosinophilic dermatitis with edema (CAEDE) is an uncommon syndromic disorder in dogs with a unique clinical presentation. Most but not all dogs have a history of moderate to severe gastrointestinal (GI) upset. The skin lesions arise during or after treatment of the GI disease. The affected dogs develop bright red macules or generalized erythema that is most evident on the glabrous skin of the abdomen (Fig. 1). The diagnosis is based on both clinical features and histologic features. Although the etiology is not known, adverse drug reaction or unknown systemic hypersensitivity may play a role. Some cases can be difficult to distinguish from canine sterile neutrophilic dermatosis (also known as canine Sweets syndrome [CSS]) due to overlapping clinical criteria and to eosinophil degranulation in tissue section.
1. CAEDE患犬标志性的腹部红皮病。
Fig. 1. Marked abdominal erythroderma in a dog with CAEDE.
In 1999, Holm and colleagues published a case series of 9 dogs that presented with an acute onset of erythematous arciform to serpiginous macules and plaques with edema. Skin biopsies revealed a robust eosinophilic inflammatory infiltrate with edema. The syndrome was likened to eosinophilic cellulitis (Wells syndrome) in people. The first dog described in the case series was a Labrador retriever that developed skin lesions while being treated for giardiasis. Holm and colleagues proposed that the skin lesions were triggered by hypersensitivity reaction (eg, drugs or arthropod bites) but definitive causation could not be established.
It is important to differentiate this syndrome from canine atopic dermatitis (CAD). Although dogs with CAD can have acute exacerbations (flares), which may be manifest by generalized erythema, the abrupt onset of the maculopapular lesions along with the histologic features made Holm and colleaguescases unique. The affected dogs did not have flexural fold or distal extremity lesions (eg, erythema, hyperpigmentation, and lichenification) that define CAD, and pruritus was generally not a feature. And, although CAD is an IgE-mediated disease, histologically, eosinophils are only a minor component of the inflammatory infiltrate. The acute dermatitis reported by Holm and colleagues was markedly eosinophilic and some cases had collagen flame figures. Collagen flame figures (ie, foci of densely eosinophilic protein deposits on dermal collagen) are found in intense eosinophilic dermatosis, such as the feline eosinophilic granuloma complex.
A 2006 retrospective study documented an association of the CAEDE syndrome, as described by Holm and colleagues, with GI illness. In that study, 22 of 29 dogs were treated for vomiting and/or diarrhea. Of those, 17 developed skin lesions prior to the GI upset and 5 dogs developed skin lesions concomitantly. Marked diarrhea and vomiting were often accompanied by hematemesis and/or hematochezia and necessitated hospitalization. A majority of dogs were hypoalbuminemic. Like Holm and colleaguescases, the clinical lesions were consistent: bright red, sometimes targetoid (ie, central clearing) macules, and papules or plaques with or without generalized erythema and edema. The ventral abdominal skin was consistently and most severely affected. A cutaneous drug scoring method was applied to determine the likelihood of an adverse reaction as the etiologic mechanism. Although most dogs received multiple medications (eg, antiemetics, antihistamines, H2 receptor antagonists, and antibiotics) for the treatment of the GI illness, only 6 dogs with GI disease had a positive drug score. Metronidazole was given to most dogs, but a cause and effect were not proved. In fact, 1 Basset hound whose lesions were believed triggered by metronidazole was unintentionally challenged (given repeated doses) 6 weeks later with no recurrence of skin lesions. Of the 7 dogs without GI illness, 1 dog (a basenji) had a positive drug score. Lesions typical of CAEDE-developed lesions arose while receiving paroxetine for a behavioral problem.
A follow-up study in 2017 by Cain and colleagues investigated those cases of CAEDE with GI illness. As in the prior study, most dogs developed skin lesions after or during treatment of GI distress, but a couple dogs developed the skin lesions 1 day to 2 days prior to the GI upset. Of the 18 dogs, the cause of the GI disorder was identified as pancreatitis in 3 dogs and adverse food reactions in 3 dogs, and 5 dogs were diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease. A cause for the GI disease was not found in the remaining 8 dogs. Eight dogs had a drug score that was consistent with the possible adverse drug reaction.
Histologically, Cain and colleagues’ study showed that the cutaneous inflammation ranged in severity from very mild to severe (Fig. 2). The histologic lesion fells into 3 patterns: pattern 1 had very mild eosinophilic with or without neutrophilic inflammation in the superficial dermis with vascular ectasia; pattern 2 had more extensive inflammation that extended into the deeper dermis with few collagen flame figures; and pattern 3 had the most severe and diffuse inflammation. It is important for pathologists to recognize the wide range of inflammation that can occur with CAEDE. The histologic lesions likely represent progression of skin lesions, they but do not predict patient outcome or trigger.
2. 皮肤中度嗜酸性炎性浸润伴有水肿和血管扩张(箭头)HE染色,原图方大10倍)
Fig. 2. Moderate dermal eosinophilic inflammatory infiltrate with edema and ectatic blood vessels (arrows) (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification*10).
Although the pathogenesis of CAEDE remains elusive, the studies by Mauldin and Cain generally refute a similarity of CAEDE with Wells syndrome in people, which tends to be more focal lesion on an extremity. The factors common to most canine cases include the following: significant vomiting and diarrhea, which may require hospitalization; hypoproteinemia; treatment with multiple medications; and acute-onset erythroderma and edema in a ventrally oriented distribution. A trigger such as adverse drug reaction may play a role but it is not a definitive cause for all cases. The syndrome is likely a manifestation of systemic type I hypersensitivity reaction.
Clinically, CAEDE patients develop discrete targetoid (bulls eye) lesions that mimic erythema multiforme and vasculitis. Some dogs may develop pitting edema or facial edema that resembles urticaria. Although vascular damage is histologically evident in many cases (eg, erythrocyte diapediesis and perivascular fibrin accumulation), overt vasculitis (eg, fibrinoid necrosis or leukocytoclasia) is generally not a feature. Furthermore, the skin does not show signs of vascular compromise (cutaneous necrosis or ischemia). Generally, good-quality skin biopsies can distinguish these conditions.
In each of the 3 studies on CAEDE, drugs administered prior to the onset of skin lesions were withdrawn. Commonly administered medications included antiemetics, H1 and H2 receptor antagonists, gastroprotectants, anthelmintics, and various antibiotics, including metronidazole. For the skin, medications included corticosteroids (eg, mainly prednisone) and antihistamines (eg, diphenhydramine, cetirizine, and hydroxyzine). The GI disease generally resolved before the skin lesions. In Cain and colleaguesstudy, GI signs resolved within a weeks time whereas the skin lesions took approximately 3 weeks to resolve. The skin lesions typically do not recur. Cain and colleagues reported 1 case of recurrent skin lesions but these occurred without GI signs.
Sterile neutrophilic dermatosis (CSS) is a rare disorder with features that overlap CAEDE. This condition has been equated to acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis (also known as Sweets syndrome) in people. Dogs and humans with Sweets syndrome may show signs of systemic illness (eg, fever, neutrophilia, arthritis, or pneumonia). In dogs, skin lesions are similar but perhaps more pustular than CAEDE and also may be most apparent on glabrous skin. Histologically, the dermis contains a marked neutrophilic infiltrate with or without eosinophils. Some cases have been putatively associated with adverse drug reactions.
CAEDECSS的临床病变和组织学特征可能相似。难以确诊的主要原因有三:(1)组织切片中的嗜酸性粒细胞可能发生脱颗粒,因此很难与中性粒细胞区分;(2)有报道称嗜酸性粒细胞是CSS炎症浸润的组成部分;(3)早期确诊CSS的文献中,有些病例现在可能被归类为CAEDE。事实上,小型雪纳瑞无菌脓疱性红皮病是一种组织学特征既能被诊断为CAEDE又能诊断为CSS的病,这取决于在皮肤炎症浸润中是否由中性粒细胞或嗜酸性粒细胞占主导地位。小型雪纳瑞出现在MauldinCain及其同事的CAEDE 研究中。这些疾病有可能相互关联,并表现为广义上有皮肤临床表现全身过敏反应。对于病理学家而言,在组织切片上很难鉴别粒细胞,可以使用Luna组织化学染色法对嗜酸性粒细胞中的颗粒进行评估。
Clinical lesions and histologic features may overlap in cases of CAEDE and CSS. There are 3 main reasons why the diagnosis can be challenging: (1) eosinophils in tissue section may undergo degranulation, thus making it difficult to distinguish them from neutrophils; (2) eosinophils have been reported as a component of the inflammatory infiltrate in CSS; and (3) some cases in the older literature of diagnosis as CSS might now be classified as CAEDE. Indeed, sterile pustular erythroderma of miniature schnauzers is a condition whose histologic features can be identical to either CAEDE or CSS depending on whether neutrophils or eosinophils predominate in the dermal inflammatory infiltrate. Miniature schnauzers were represented in the CAEDE Mauldin and Cain and colleaguesstudies. It is possible that these disorders are interrelated and represent of broad spectrum of systemic hypersensitivity with skin manifestations. For pathologists who have difficulty in distinguishing the granulocytes in tissue section, a Luna histochemical stain can be applied to assess for the granules in eosinophils.

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