
标题: 癣菌的毛干和细胞学资料 [打印本页]

作者: 刘欣    时间: 2015-12-14 10:49
标题: 癣菌的毛干和细胞学资料
本帖最后由 刘欣 于 2015-12-14 11:03 编辑

This is a common infectious and often contagious disease to humans that frequently involves the superficial layers of the skin, hairs, and nails. Microsporum and Trichophyton sp. are the most common genera of dermatophytes associated with dogs and cats. The lesions typically present with focal alopecia, broken hair shafts, crusts, scales, and erythema on the head, feet, and tail of
dogs and cats (Caruso et al., 2002). Less commonly seen are raised or dermal nodules called kerions (Logan et al.,2006). A kerion forms when the infected hair follicle ruptures and both the fungus and keratin spill into the dermis, eliciting an intense infl ammatory response. Cytologic specimens reveal a pyogranulomatous inflammation with degenerate neutrophils and large epithelioid
macrophages. Arthrospores that measure 2 to 4 μm possess a thin, clear capsule (Fig. 3-20A). The arthrospores and nonstaining hyphae are associated with hair shafts, which are best visualized using clearing agents with plucked hairs (Fig. 3-20B&C) or methenamine silver staining (Fig. 3-20D) or PAS (Fig. 3-20E). Fungal culture is necessary for identifi cation. An uncommon presentation is a dermatophytic pseudomycetoma, usually seen in Persian cats, that is most often caused by Microsporum canis (Zimmerman et al.,2003). It presents as a nodular granuloma with fistulous tracts deep into subcutaneous tissues. Cytologically, this involves macrophages with abundant foamy cytoplasm and numerous multinucleated giant cells (Fig. 3-20F). Arthrospores may be present along with fungal hyphae that have an irregular shape and size and may stain variably with Romanowsky-type stains (Fig. 3-20G). Positive staining occurs with PAS and methenamine silver (Fig. 3-20H). Treatment of the nodules involves surgical excision and antifungal drugs.

FIGURE 3-20. A-E, Dermatophytosis. A, Tissue imprint. Dog. Squamous epithelium, remnant hair shaft, and mostly neutrophilic infl ammation are present along with moderate numbers of arthrospores. These basophilic, oval to elongate structures with a thin, clear capsule measure 2-3 μm in width and 2-5 μm in length. (Modifi ed Wright; HP oil.) B, Hair pluck. Low-magnifi cation view of keratincleared hair shaft with attached arthrospores. (Unstained; HP oil.) C, Hair pluck. High-magnifi cation view of keratin-cleared hair shaft demonstrating arthrospores outside and fungal hyphae within the hair. (Unstained; HP oil.) D, Tissue section. Dog. Note the black stained hyphae within the hair shaft from this tissue section of skin. Diagnosis confi rmed as M. canis by culture. (Gomori’s methenamine silver; HP oil.) E, Tissue aspirate. Dog. Dermal nodule (kerion) with multiple pink oval arthroconidia within neutrophils and extracellular. Culture results indicated Microsporum canis infection. (Periodic acid-Schiff; HP oil.) Same case F-H, Dermatophytic pseudomycetoma. Tissue aspirate. Cat. F, Several multinucleated giant cells are present in this 3-cm superfi cial mass on the lateral abdomen of a Persian cat. (Wright-Giemsa; HP oil.)

作者: 陈新    时间: 2015-12-14 15:11

作者: 杨迎迎    时间: 2015-12-14 16:12

作者: 常州红梅大徐    时间: 2015-12-14 20:52
本帖最后由 刘欣 于 2015-12-14 11:03 编辑

This is a common infectious and often contagious disease to humans that frequently involves the superficial layers of the skin, hairs, and nails. Microsporum and Trichophyton sp. are the most common genera of dermatophytes associated with dogs and cats. The lesions typically present with focal alopecia, broken hair shafts, crusts, scales, and erythema on the head, feet, and tail of
dogs and cats (Caruso et al., 2002). Less commonly seen are raised or dermal nodules called kerions (Logan et al.,2006). A kerion forms when the infected hair follicle ruptures and both the fungus and keratin spill into the dermis, eliciting an intense infl ammatory response. Cytologic specimens reveal a pyogranulomatous inflammation with degenerate neutrophils and large epithelioid
macrophages. Arthrospores that measure 2 to 4 μm possess a thin, clear capsule (Fig. 3-20A). The arthrospores and nonstaining hyphae are associated with hair shafts, which are best visualized using clearing agents with plucked hairs (Fig. 3-20B&C) or methenamine silver staining (Fig. 3-20D) or PAS (Fig. 3-20E). Fungal culture is necessary for identifi cation. An uncommon presentation is a dermatophytic pseudomycetoma, usually seen in Persian cats, that is most often caused by Microsporum canis (Zimmerman et al.,2003). It presents as a nodular granuloma with fistulous tracts deep into subcutaneous tissues. Cytologically, this involves macrophages with abundant foamy cytoplasm and numerous multinucleated giant cells (Fig. 3-20F). Arthrospores may be present along with fungal hyphae that have an irregular shape and size and may stain variably with Romanowsky-type stains (Fig. 3-20G). Positive staining occurs with PAS and methenamine silver (Fig. 3-20H). Treatment of the nodules involves surgical excision and antifungal drugs.

FIGURE 3-20. A-E, Dermatophytosis. A, Tissue imprint. Dog. Squamous epithelium, remnant hair shaft, and mostly neutrophilic infl ammation are present along with moderate numbers of arthrospores. These basophilic, oval to elongate structures with a thin, clear capsule measure 2-3 μm in width and 2-5 μm in length. (Modifi ed Wright; HP oil.) B, Hair pluck. Low-magnifi cation view of keratincleared hair shaft with attached arthrospores. (Unstained; HP oil.) C, Hair pluck. High-magnifi cation view of keratin-cleared hair shaft demonstrating arthrospores outside and fungal hyphae within the hair. (Unstained; HP oil.) D, Tissue section. Dog. Note the black stained hyphae within the hair shaft from this tissue section of skin. Diagnosis confi rmed as M. canis by culture. (Gomori’s methenamine silver; HP oil.) E, Tissue aspirate. Dog. Dermal nodule (kerion) with multiple pink oval arthroconidia within neutrophils and extracellular. Culture results indicated Microsporum canis infection. (Periodic acid-Schiff; HP oil.) Same case F-H, Dermatophytic pseudomycetoma. Tissue aspirate. Cat. F, Several multinucleated giant cells are present in this 3-cm superfi cial mass on the lateral abdomen of a Persian cat. (Wright-Giemsa; HP oil.)      本帖最后由刘欣上半年投产 2015年-12-14 11:03 编辑以下内容摘自犬猫细胞学,该书封面见下面照片。不知为什么很多人放着简单的细胞学不用、 乐此不疲地使用DTM培养基、 也不知培养了多少杂菌、 还要津津乐道。谁受累帮大家翻译一下?
这是一个常见传染病和经常传染疾病给人类,频繁地涉及到皮肤,头发,表面层和指甲。小孢子菌和红色毛癣菌某地是最常见的关联与狗和猫的皮肤癣菌属。病变通常表现为局灶性秃发,碎头发轴、 壳、 鳞片,头、 脚和尾巴的红斑
狗和猫 (卡鲁索等人,2002年)。较少看到凸起或皮肤结节称为 kerions (Logan et al,2006年)。一滴血,灰心丧气形式时感染的毛囊破裂以及真菌和角蛋白渗入真皮层,从而引起激烈 infl 炎症性反应。细胞学标本揭示 pyogranulomatous 炎症与退化的中性粒细胞和大上皮样
巨噬细胞。测量 2 至 4 μ m 的 Arthrospores 具有薄、 清晰的胶囊 (图 3-20A)。Arthrospores 和 nonstaining 菌丝与头发轴,最好可视化清关代理商用拔的毛 (图 3-20B & C) 或六胺银染色 (图 3-托德) 或 PAS (图 3-20E) 相连。真菌培养是保证书阳离子的必要条件。罕见的演示文稿是真菌 pseudomycetoma,通常见于波斯猫,这通常由犬小孢子菌 (齐默尔曼 et al.,2003年) 造成的。它表现为结节性肉芽肿与瘘管型大片深入皮下组织。细胞学,这涉及到丰富的泡沫细胞质和众多多核巨细胞 (图 3-20F) 的巨噬细胞。Arthrospores 可能会出现与真菌的菌丝,有不规则的形状,大小和可染色易变,Romanowsky 型污渍 (图 3-tog).PAS 和六胺银 (图 3-toh) 出现阳性染色。结核的治疗包括手术切除和抗真菌药物。

图 3-20。A-E,皮肤癣菌病。一、 组织的印记。狗。鳞状上皮、 残头发轴,主要是中性粒细胞 infl 发炎目前和及其适度页码的 arthrospores。这些嗜碱性,椭圆形拉长薄、 清晰的胶囊结构测量 2-3 微米的宽度和长度在 2-5 μ m。(修饰埃德赖特;HP 的油)。B、 头发摘下。低 magnifi 阳离子的附加 arthrospores keratincleared 头发轴视图。(污泥而不染;HP 的油)。C、 头发摘下。角蛋白清除头发轴展示 arthrospores 高 magnifi 阳离子视图在头发内的外部和真菌菌丝。(污泥而不染;HP 的油)。D、 组织切片。狗。请注意黑色染色的菌丝在毛干从皮肤本组织部分内。M.犬由文化作为诊断保兑。(去污的六胺银;HP 的油)。E、 组织抽吸。狗。与多个粉红色的椭圆形 arthroconidia 中性粒细胞内和细胞外的皮肤结节 (癣)。培养结果表明犬小孢子菌感染。(过碘酸-希夫;HP 的油)。同一案件 F-H,真菌 pseudomycetoma。组织抽吸。猫。F,几个多核巨细胞是存在于这 3 厘米 superfi 社会大众侧腹部的一只波斯猫。(瑞氏;HP 的油)。

作者: 常州红梅大徐    时间: 2015-12-14 20:53

作者: 刘欣    时间: 2015-12-14 22:17
常州红梅大徐 发表于 2015-12-14 20:52
本帖最后由 刘欣 于 2015-12-14 11:03 编辑

以下内容摘自犬猫细胞学,该书封面见下面照片。不知为什么 ...


作者: 刘欣    时间: 2015-12-15 10:30
陈新 发表于 2015-12-14 15:11

作者: 刘欣    时间: 2015-12-15 10:31
杨迎迎 发表于 2015-12-14 16:12

作者: 刘欣    时间: 2015-12-15 10:31
杨迎迎 发表于 2015-12-14 16:12

作者: 王帆    时间: 2015-12-15 14:51
刘欣 发表于 2015-12-15 10:31


作者: 王帆    时间: 2015-12-15 15:18
刘欣 发表于 2015-12-15 10:31


作者: 杨迎迎    时间: 2015-12-15 16:05
刘欣 发表于 2015-12-15 10:31


作者: 朱杰    时间: 2016-1-29 11:05

作者: 温永庆    时间: 2016-2-2 08:08

作者: 翟羽佳    时间: 2016-2-4 20:34
分生孢子一般2-4μm大,有薄的透明的囊(Fig. 3-20A)。分生孢子和非着色的菌丝与毛干相关联,最好对拔出的毛发使用透明剂(Fig. 3-20B&C)然后用胺银染色(Fig. 3-20D)或PAS染色(Fig. 3-20E)使其可视化。真菌培养是必要的鉴定方法。
有一种不常见的表现是皮肤癣假足分支菌病,发现于波斯猫身上,有犬小孢子菌引起。它表现为结节性的肉芽组织,同时会出现深入到皮下组织深层的瘘道。细胞学可见有大量的胞浆呈泡沫状的巨噬细胞和很多多核的巨噬细胞(Fig. 3-20F)。分生孢子可能因为与菌丝共同存在而表现出不规则的形状和大小,也可能会被罗曼诺夫斯基型染色污染 (Fig. 3-20G)。PAS和胺银染色(Fig. 3-20H)。结节的治疗手段包括手术切除和应用抗真菌的药物。
图3-20.A-E,皮肤癣菌。A.组织压片,犬,鳞状上皮,毛干断裂,大量中性粒细胞和中等数量的分生孢子同时存在。这些椭圆形细长的结构有一个薄而透明的囊包裹,大概有2-3微米宽,2-5μm长(Modifi ed Wright; HP oil.)。B.拔毛,低倍镜下,毛干角蛋白断面上可见分生孢子。C.拔毛,高倍镜下,毛干角蛋白断面上可见分生孢子和真菌菌丝。D.组织切片,注意皮肤组织内的毛干中染成黑色的菌丝。通过培养确诊为犬小孢子(Gomori’s methenamine silver; HP oil.)。E.组织抽吸,犬,皮肤结节(脓癣),有多个粉红色椭圆形的分生孢子和中性粒细胞及细胞外基质。培养结果显示为犬小孢子菌感染(Periodic acid-Schiff; HP oil.)。F-H是同样的情况,皮肤癣假足分支菌病,组织抽吸,来自猫。F.有几个多核巨噬细胞出现在一个3cm的浅表肿块中,这个肿块源于一只波斯猫的腹部。
作者: 新疆天宝张    时间: 2016-2-8 21:11

作者: vet付    时间: 2016-3-20 14:29
作者: 苏明亮    时间: 2016-8-21 18:21
学习了      谢谢各位老师分享
作者: 猫的床    时间: 2016-8-24 18:17
翟羽佳 发表于 2016-2-4 20:34
这是一种人类常见的具有感染性和传染性的疾病,通常涉及皮肤,毛发和指甲的表层。孢子菌属和毛癣 ...

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作者: 邱杰    时间: 2016-11-12 15:27

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作者: fex8973737wj    时间: 2017-7-1 17:53
刘欣 发表于 2015-12-14 22:17

作者: 唐宛如    时间: 2017-7-24 10:07

作者: sophiegreen    时间: 2018-1-29 14:03

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